The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1653 An unexpected reunion

Facing Sarupo's temptation, Greem could only respond with a wry smile.

Regarding the 'Origin of Evil' and the Moonlight Grove, he was given a gag order and signed the so-called 'Styx Oath'. Any words or actions such as leaking secrets would lead to the terrible Styx backlash.

Although he is not an abyssal creature, he still cannot escape the constraints of the 'Styx Oath'!

Therefore, Grim could only shake his head and smile bitterly, and quickly changed the topic.

"Lord Sarupo came so early! How far have the war preparations advanced?"

When Salubo saw that Greem did not answer his question, he roughly understood what he meant. He no longer dwelled on the past, but took advantage of the situation to talk about preparations for war.

War horn This declaration of war seems unusually hasty.

According to the frequency of wars in the past, it will take at least four to five hundred years before the 'War Horn' launches the next foreign conquest. But now, the war has started ahead of schedule under the strong promotion of the top management, and many preparations undoubtedly seem a bit hasty and messy.

Once the war starts, the consumption of wizard beasts and puppets is very alarming.

Now, various departments are working at full capacity, frantically preparing mutant wizard beasts suitable for fighting natural creatures, and manufacturing various war puppets like a flowing stream.

Salupo has been a member of the War Horn for a long time and is now the director of the Animal Department. Naturally, he is extremely busy every day. I was able to take the time to greet Greem today. After a brief greeting, I sent him to a specially arranged residence and hurried back.

And inside the residence, Greem also saw an unexpected person...


A first-class beauty!

She was wearing a thin and soft blue silk robe, and her silver-white hair was spread behind her, pinned in a special style with a golden hairpin. Her figure is tall and graceful, her appearance is perfect, her beautiful face is as white as jade, her pair of narrow red phoenix eyes look forward to life, her small mouth is tightly pursed, and there seems to be a small bead in her mouth...

She just stood there quietly, her beautiful eyes staring at Greem for a moment, with a hint of joy hanging on the corners of her mouth and eyebrows.

Seeing the other party, Greem's body instantly stiffened, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

He looked at the other person carefully up and down, his face became more and more happy, he stepped in front of her and hugged her tightly into his arms.

"Alice, you finally came out... You have been trapped in that narrow place for all these years, thank you for your hard work!"

For ordinary individuals, plane space is the complete world in which they live throughout their lives. That's their home, that's everything they have...

But for people like Grim and Alice who pursue immortality, the wizarding world is like a cage, a huge cage that tightly confines their lives and freedom.

Therefore, sooner or later, they will have to step out of the prison and pursue a broader space outside...

In order to give Grim a more solid rear, Alice and Mary postponed this day for hundreds of years. It's like those birds, which obviously have mature wings and can soar into the blue sky, but for some reason are suffering in the birdcage... This kind of pain is difficult to understand for those who have not experienced it!

And now the time has clearly come.

Alice and Mary are both taking that step resolutely...

Holding Alice tightly in his arms, Grim lowered his head habitually and tried to find her mouth, but the latter tried his best to lean back and put his white and delicate hands against her mouth to stop him.

"What's wrong? Why don't you let me kiss you? By the way, what is in your mouth... Also, what does the Spiritual Master you promoted to do?" Greem has obviously accumulated too many questions. , taking this opportunity, couldn't help but ask in one breath.

Alice's pretty face turned red and she said, "Let me go first, let's have a good conversation first..."

Greem was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "You mean it's enough to finish speaking?"

Looking at his happy face, he looked impatient.

Alice blushed and gave him a hard squeeze. Unfortunately, with Greem's current demigod-level physique, she might not be able to cause much pain to him even if she stabbed him with a magic dagger. What's more, Alice was originally weak and her physique was always weak, and subsequent career advancements did not improve her physique much.

Therefore, even after struggling for a long time, she could not get rid of Grim's groping wolf claws and restless mouth. So, Alice had no choice but to take out the orb from her mouth and shouted at Grim: "Be obedient, be honest, go and sit down over there..."

Greem laughed when he heard this, let go of Alice, turned around and sat down in front of a large and comfortable sofa, crossed his legs and looked at her with a smile on his face.

But after a moment, Greem seemed to sense something was wrong. He lowered his raised right leg and sat up straight, looking at Alice with a look of confusion on his face.

No, something seemed wrong just now...

How could I let Alice go so honestly...

According to his own personality, even if he doesn't want to disobey Alice's request, he will hug her and sit down together. He shouldn't be so obedient and let the little lamb slip out of his mouth...

After all, Greem possesses a sixth-level soul, and his spiritual will has even been strong enough to be materialized. Naturally, he will be able to discern every tiny change that happens to him. Therefore, as soon as he showed any abnormal behavior that was off track, he couldn't help but become suspicious...

Was it because I was paranoid, or was there really something wrong just now...

Grim cast his eyes doubtfully on Alice, who was smiling coquettishly. The latter was covering her mouth and laughing softly, looking like a little fox who had just stolen an old hen.

Sure enough, it's Alice's problem...

Greem was so convinced now that he had no choice but to spread his hands and ask with a wry smile: "Baby, we haven't seen each other for so long, why are you hiding so far from me? Come to my arms quickly..."

After knowing each other for so many years, Greem naturally knew how to manipulate Alice and immediately launched a counterattack, as if he was going to defeat you.

Alice rolled her eyes at him angrily, put the orb into her mouth again, and then used her mental power to communicate with Greem: "Weren't you just curious, why did you listen to me so much?"

Greem looked slightly startled, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said slowly: "Thinking about it carefully, at that moment, I really didn't feel anything unusual about being forced or invaded. Everything was as natural as it should be. this your ability? The professional characteristics of a spiritual master?"

Returning to her own job, Alice immediately transformed into a professional and happily started popularizing science about Grim.

The spiritual master in the wizarding world corresponds to the law mage in the world of gods. Although the two professions are different, their professional characteristics are very similar. It's just that when Yan Lingshi was weak, the person he prayed for was 'fate', but when he became stronger, the person he prayed for became himself...

As for the Law Mage, it is always the same, and the object of prayer for power is the source of magic that is ignorant and ignorant.

However, since the emergence of a goddess of magic in the world of gods, the objects of prayer for the Law Mage have also changed. Some law mages still follow tradition and believe in the most primitive and authentic source of magic, while others have given up their pursuit and belief and become loyal believers of the goddess of magic...

Now that Alice has advanced to the fifth level of demigod, she has the ability to answer her own prayers!

Her spirit, her god, and her sexuality can draw power from the long river of destiny, store it bit by bit, and then release it instantly in the form of a 'word spirit'. Therefore, in order to avoid accidentally triggering the 'Speech Spirit', Alice had to take the orb into her mouth to ensure that she would not speak nonsense.

And this is also an extremely unique way of practice for Master Yan Ling!

Except for the form of 'word spirit', other methods will not trigger Alice's strange abilities, so she can safely and boldly communicate with Grim through mental power.

"You can't talk casually anymore..." Greem sat in the chair, rubbing his smooth chin with his hand, and said seriously as if he was thinking: "Then... wouldn't it mean that I can no longer hear your beautiful voice!"

After saying this, he looked extremely regretful.

But coupled with his appearance of "the most humble person is invincible", one can quickly guess that there must be some shady and bad thoughts running through his mind...

Alice, who had just returned to normal, blushed with embarrassment again. She wanted to immediately make a sharp magic knife and stab him hard several times, so that he would have those 'dirty and obscene' thoughts all day long.

Seeing the other party's somewhat annoyed and angry attitude, Greem quickly stopped, glanced around the room, and curiously changed the subject.

"Hey, why don't you see that little goblin who is never far away from you? Are you willing to leave it in the wizarding world?"

Before he finished speaking, a clear and beautiful voice sounded from behind him.

"Elf? You are the elf, your whole family is an elf...I am an elf!"

Greem's body trembled, and he turned around suddenly to see the miniature elf beauty floating slowly from behind the sofa, exuding an enchanting aura.

Looking at the size and shape, it seems that as Alice's level increases, its appearance has also changed slightly. It was originally only the size of a palm, but now it is half a meter tall. The original pink and chubby figure has also become In the form of a little beauty wrapped in gauze...

However, there is no special change in the little magic wand in its hand. It is still so short, with a faint starlight lingering on it.

"It seems to have grown a little bit in size..." Greem teased uncertainly.

"It's not an elf now, but an elfling." Alice waved and put little Helen on her shoulders, introducing it to Grim with a smile.

"Is there any change?" Greem didn't know much about elemental elves, so he could only ask curiously.

"In the past, it could only cast some auxiliary magic, but now it can operate independently and has a complete and complete spell-casting system..."

"What system?" When it came to spells, Greem's interest immediately increased.

"Idiot, of course it's the elemental elf system!" Little Helen said from the side, as if she didn't want to deal with the idiot, and said: "We elemental elves have our own system, and we don't need to imitate other monsters like you humans. There is no need to meditate and study hard for magic long as we need them, they will appear naturally in our minds. These privileges are unique to us elemental elves!"

Little Helen announced extremely proudly.

Grim was surprised.

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