The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0020 Escape

Based on Alice's terrifying attack just now, the range covers a huge space of 50 meters in radius, which is a 360-degree map cannon with no obstacles and no dead angles. Within this range, the space is broken into pieces, and the terrifying space cracks almost sweep every inch of the space.

Under such sharp cutting of space fragments, the so-called elemental resistance in the past has become a joke. All apprentice-level individual protection is useless and cannot stop the wanton sweep of space cracks. If there is no special life-saving ability, even if ten quasi-witches are put into Alice's attack range, I am afraid that only a few can escape.

At this moment, Grimm really sympathizes with the evil insect. Just now, he was completely in the battle circle, and it was uncertain whether he could survive. And once the evil insect is about to die, Grimm will run away immediately!

Just as Grimm was hiding in the distance and scanning the battlefield with special elemental vision, his sight suddenly fell on a piece of ground in the distance.

The soil there rolled, and a big hole was broken. A group of black scorpions gushed out from it, and soon condensed into the form of the evil worm Entik.

Fortunately, the evil worm guy is not dead!

Before Grimm's ecstasy came up, he was suppressed by himself.

No, this Entik seemed to have been hit hard!

Really, at this moment, the evil worm Entik no longer had the arrogance and high spirits at the beginning of the opening. The thousands of terrifying scorpion tides that had gathered together and squirmed were now only a few hundred or so, and even their bodies were a little difficult to put together. The standing human figure was half a head shorter than before, and the elemental fluctuations on his body were even more obscure and difficult to detect. At first glance, it was a posture of great loss of combat power.

However, Alice, who had just launched a terrifying attack, also lost her previous calmness and composure. Although the insect swarm attacked her body for only a few seconds, she was covered with thousands of scorpions, squirming and biting every inch of her skin. This... This kind of horrifying thing actually happened to her, how could she not be furious.

When she fell to the ground and stood up, Grimm saw how miserable she was now.

The original petite and cute little loli image no longer existed. Alice's right eye turned into a huge blood hole, and a line of blood slowly flowed down along her tender and smooth face. The terrifying scorpion venom made her body black and purple, and coupled with her almost crazy and sinister sneer, she looked like she was about to go berserk.

Get out of here!

Grimm was not stupid. When he saw Alice's terrifying single eye staring at him, he turned around and ran without saying a word.

With his own strength, there was no possibility of competing with Alice. The evil insect was obviously half-crippled, and it was impossible for him to involve this runaway loli. Therefore, Grimm didn't even say hello, and turned his head and dived into the swamp behind him.

Entik was still looking around, hoping that the scorpion venom could kill this terrifying little girl, but when he saw that the other party gradually transferred the one-eye to himself, he could only disintegrate his insect body again, turning into a group of black scorpion insects and burrowing into the ground, disappearing.

In a blink of an eye, only Alice, who was full of anger, was left in the field.

The little little girl, who was burning with violent anger, completely ran away, her body floated in the air, and she flew in the air like a big bird, chasing Grimm and disappeared in the thick fog.

When the field returned to peace again, the soil rolled under a skinny ghost tree in the distance, and Entik's insect body condensed again.

He stared at the direction where Alice disappeared, hesitated for a long time, and didn't muster the courage to chase after her. Although the little little girl was also scarred, she looked like she still had some strength left. He really didn't have the confidence to face such a terrifying guy head-on again.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth, turned his head and rushed to the position where Hawkeye was. As for the little loli Alice, let others deal with it!


At this time, Grimm had already been complaining bitterly.

He never expected that the runaway loli did not chase the evil insect Entik, but instead targeted a harmless little character like him and abused him crazily.

He was running away in front of him, and the little loli was flying in the air 20 to 30 meters high, holding the extremely weird golden birdcage in her hand and shaking it lightly at Grimm.

But what surprised Alice inexplicably was that the bastard boy who ran around the swamp like a mouse seemed to have eyes in the back. Whenever his spatial force extended to his body, he would know the opportunity to accelerate and turn, so that his mental lock would fall into the empty space.

Once or twice, it might be luck, but after four or five consecutive failures, Alice could conclude that this junior apprentice must be able to sense the existence of the power of space, so she wanted to kill him even more.

It seems that he was able to shout out the flaws in his space defense just now, not because he was hitting around randomly, but because he really saw through the overall structure of the space barrier, and found the only defense gap based on the strength distribution of the space force.

This is actually a flaw in Alice's innate space witchcraft.

Although the space barrier she built is said to be indestructible, it also has huge shortcomings. Once she completely wraps herself up with the power of space, it is equivalent to trapping herself in a completely independent small space. Although this avoids the enemy's harm to her, it is also difficult for her to attack the enemy.

So in order to attack the enemy, she had to leave a "flaw" and "hole" on the space barrier so that her mental power could always be anchored in this space. In order to avoid being noticed by others, she also used transparent wind elements to make a disguise.

The full-cover transparent space barrier is equipped with a fist-sized air barrier. It is difficult for the enemy to imagine that there is such a gap on this protective shield that is difficult to shake by any witchcraft without knowing the truth.

It is impossible for ordinary opponents to withstand Alice's weird and terrible long-range attack to test the authenticity of the protective shield inch by inch, so she kept this biggest secret and established her nearly invincible title.

But today, she unexpectedly encountered two outliers among the wizard apprentices while surviving.

A senior apprentice actually completely transformed himself into a worm body, which can be transformed into countless incarnations, and his attack methods are even more weird and difficult. He can be called an indestructible cockroach. The other one was even more bizarre. He was only a junior apprentice, but he could reveal his secrets in one breath, and... he seemed to be able to truly perceive the space power he had activated.

In order to capture him, Alice almost used her greatest power and instantly set up an invisible and intangible space prison in front of his escape route, waiting for him to break into it and then forcefully close it to capture him. But this bastard suddenly changed direction just before crashing into the transparent space prison and escaped the ambush.

At this moment, Alice was sure of her inference.

So the pursuit became even more crazy!


At this moment, Grimm was exhausted.

Due to lack of exercise and training, his agility and physique were at a very low level. If it weren't for the wind element summoned to lighten his body and reduce weight, I'm afraid he would have been captured alive by the terrifying little loli floating in the air. He had a feeling that once he was captured by that guy, something very scary would definitely happen.

So even though he was running out of breath, he still gritted his teeth and supported himself.

The light wind element wrapped around his body, reducing his weight by more than half, and he ran quickly in the rotten swamp with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Feeling the rapid decline of his physical strength, Grimm's face twitched constantly. He simply identified the direction, and finally gritted his teeth and turned his head to rush into the deep swamp on the right.

It would be difficult to escape the pursuit of the little loli by running away alone, so Grimm deliberately led Alice to the area where the old ghost women lived.

This is a different swamp area.

The stale and smelly silt and the slowly flowing muddy water were mixed together, with a bunch of wormwood like ghost hair and some debris whose color could no longer be seen floating on it. The turbid and filthy water swamp was not static, but was flowing and converging at an extremely slow speed, and from time to time some bubbles or branches that were not completely rotten were stirred up from the bottom of the water.

Waves of faint wailing floated over the misty swamp, like the soul-snatching devilish sound in a midnight dream, which made people feel terrified.

This swamp is not without roads, but the rotten black mud road and the freely flowing muddy water meet together. If you are not a local native, it is difficult to find the barely passable path in the deep and shallow mud.

In this muddy swamp covering an area of ​​nearly 20 to 30 miles, there are large and small ghost groups living. Small ghost groups have only seven or eight members, and generally live in the edge of the muddy swamp. Large groups usually have nearly a hundred people, occupying the largest water area in the center.

As undead creatures, ghosts only have primary wisdom and are usually transformed from humans who accidentally drowned in the swamp. Although they were humans before, once they were transformed into ghosts under the guidance of magic power, they will hold the greatest hatred and resentment towards humans.

They would lie in wait at the edge of the muddy swamp for years. Once a living person approaches, they would rush out without hesitation, eat the flesh and blood of the other person, and then drag him into the deep mud to drown. Their tribes continue to grow in this way.

From the appearance, the ghost woman looks like a thin and dry human woman. Most of the flesh and blood on the body has been eroded away, and the skin on the surface of the body has been soaked in muddy water and turned pale. It is wrinkled and clings to the bones, looking like a zombie. Those who are better off have a tattered piece of clothing whose color and texture can no longer be distinguished, while most ghost women are naked.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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