The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0055 Killing Anna

While her body was still charging, Anna had already had two or three strange witchcraft halos fall on Mary's body.



One that can disrupt the target's mind, making it difficult for her to respond in a timely manner. The other one can make the opponent's figure become sluggish and his speed will be reduced by nearly half. With these two simple curse-type witchcrafts, if the opponent cannot save or dispel them, his own strength will be reduced by more than 30%.

And this wasn't over yet, as Anna gave a sharp shout, a strange green rune lit up in the palms of her outstretched hands. Immediately, her hands from the elbow down turned into countless twisted green vines, and with the howling wind, they were drawn towards Mary who was standing there.

The spirit summons.

It's just that Anna's bond spirit summoning is rather strange. It can fuse part of her body with the summoned bond spirit, giving her some incredible combat abilities.

Bang bang...

The powerful green vine whip struck the hard stone floor, immediately drawing out two large spiderweb-like cracks on the ground. In the splash of gravel, the figure of Mary in red turned into a series of afterimages, and instantly appeared next to Anna.

Mary's ghostly speed startled Anna.

This was an afterimage caused by the opponent being hit by a slowing spell and slowing down. If you don't get the slowness spell, wouldn't you even be able to see the afterimage? When she thought that she had to face an opponent with super speed, Anna couldn't help but feel the urge to hate herself.

Damn it, you shouldn't be engaging in melee combat with an opponent like this!

Before she could retract the whip she threw out, Anna let out a squeak, and a dazzling green halo quickly spread along her body, and soon formed an armor of thorns on the outside of her plump body. After completing the body's defense, Anna waved the vine whip vigorously to protect her head, and whipped the afterimages that appeared in front of her into pieces.

Puff puff……

Although Anna's defense was airtight, the thorn armor outside her body continued to ripple, the vine armor on her chest and ribs cracked, and several criss-crossing scratches appeared on her body. And the vine whip formed in her left hand was struck by the opponent's finger blade one after another, and a long section was severed. Although all the grass-green juice flowed out from the breach, Anna still moaned in pain and kept falling back.

Under Anna's frantic urging, a new length of vine whip sprang out again, turning into a whip shadow waving all over the sky, wildly lashing out at every possible enemy that appeared in her sight.

She had no idea where the enemy's true form was. All she could capture was the strange afterimage left by the other party's rapid penetration.

Obviously, this Anna is not proficient in close combat skills, and only relies on the possession of the summoned spirit to give herself a certain degree of close combat ability. But when her three-legged cat's fighting ability meets Mary in red who is completely close to fighting and eating, today is destined to be a tragedy!

Although the vine whip she waved wildly could not catch Mary's body at all, and her personal vine armor could not completely resist Mary's finger blade attack, it still played a big role. At least under her crazy attacks, it was difficult for Mary to unscrupulously carry out continuous attacks on its external protection. Although it would cause her some damage from time to time, it was difficult to achieve a fatal blow.

And behind them, at the other end of the passage that was blocked by countless dirt and gravel, there was a sudden and earth-shattering explosion. Apparently, the quasi-witch in black robe who was lured to the wrong path also discovered something was wrong behind him and was using some means to attack this passage crazily.

The violent witchcraft attack shook the entire passage with a rumbling sound. Large pieces of sand and gravel fell from the top of the cave. Countless rock peaks and stalactites suddenly broke and fell, and the battlefield was submerged in a choking atmosphere. Among the stone dust.

If the quasi-witch in black robe is given enough time, he might really be able to blast away the rock wall and reopen a temporary passage.

It was with this expectation that backup was coming, Anna was even more desperate to defend but not attack. Even though Mary scratched her body with bloody marks everywhere, she still continued to beat him wildly without hesitation.

If none of these senior apprentices have fuel-efficient lamps.

Although the witchcraft they have mastered has not yet reached the point of being used lavishly, it has covered various aspects such as offense, defense, disturbing the enemy, and self-blessing. Make it difficult for outsiders to peek into their weaknesses and defeat them quickly.

Judging from the fighting situation of the two female senior apprentices Anna and Mary, Anna's fighting ability is obviously weaker than the swift and fierce Mary. However, it was not so easy for Mary to end the battle quickly. Don’t even think about it without at least paying a certain price!

Seeing the crumbling rock wall with countless cracks behind her, Mary in red finally gave up on her extravagant dream of killing Anna alone.

"Asshole, don't just hide around and watch the fun, come here and help!"

Mary dodged to avoid the vine whips coming from the left and right, and swung her hands to break two blood marks on Anna's body that were deep enough to see the bones. However, she had no time to continue the attack, so she could only quickly dodge to avoid the vine whips that came back. When she broke through Anna's defense again and approached her body, the two scars had been covered again by the twisted branches of thorns.

This happened two or three times, and Mary finally couldn't bear it and screamed.

Ana's face turned pale.

Mary in red is already so difficult to handle. If there is another helper, I am afraid that I will really be in trouble.

When she thought of this, Anna didn't dare to neglect it. She bit off half of her tongue and spurted out countless blood. Her whole body suddenly rose up.

If just now, Anna's hands were only partially transformed into green vine whips, then at this moment, her whole body began to expand continuously, most of her skin was torn, revealing countless green branches digging randomly underneath.

After forcibly raising the level of the summoning of the contract spirit, Anna's whole body turned into a terrible man-eating plant. There were forked green rhizomes under her feet, green vine whips in her hands, and a thorny flower stem on her body. Her head did not change, and was wrapped in the center by countless huge petals. There was no trace of human on her body.

After being promoted to the carnivorous and violent plant "Flogger", all the vital organs that Anna had as a human disappeared. As long as she could hold on until Gary rushed in here in time, then the second transformation of the contract spirit that consumed so much vitality would be worth it.

Grimm, who had been hiding in the dark and watching the battle, did not dare to neglect it and finally made up his mind to intervene in the battle between the two senior apprentices.

With a slight earthquake tremor, the hard stone slab under the feet of Anna's incarnation, the whipper, suddenly turned into a muddy and slippery swamp trap. Before Anna could scream and escape from this area, a terrifying huge figure floated from her side and bit her thick and tough flower stalk waist.

Anna screamed in pain and swung two thick vine whips, whipping the earth armor on the body of the magic crocodile into fragments and splashing mud. And the head hiding in the protection of the petals also opened its mouth and spewed out a ball of sticky and smelly green acid.

The acid splashed on the native hunter on the back of the magic crocodile, instantly melting and corroding its upper limbs and head. If the control crystal core of the native hunter was not located in the chest cavity, I am afraid that the previous blow would have completely destroyed it.

Grimm hid in the shadows far away and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The battle between senior apprentices was indeed not something that a junior apprentice like him could easily participate in. If he hadn't been careful and just drove the magic crocodile hunter to attack. If he had been on the back of the magic crocodile just now, I'm afraid that attack would have taken him in as well.

He hasn't learned any defensive witchcraft yet. Facing the hateful attack of a senior apprentice, he has no means to escape and survive.

However, the magic crocodile hunter driven by Grimm simply restrained Anna's attack, which was enough to turn the whole battle situation around.

Before Anna struggled to save herself from the big mouth of the magic crocodile, Mary's attack had already arrived.


A series of sounds of stabbing the flesh came out, and Mary's whole body lay near Anna's open petal head, cutting the tough skin of the epidermis with her finger blade, and piercing her long canine nails into the flesh and blood where the head and the stem meet.

The rapid sucking of Gugugu made Anna crazy and violent. Her two arms kept waving and whipping, beating Mary's back into a bloody mess, but she couldn't stop the crazy sucking of a vampire.

As a large amount of blood and essence were lost, Anna's whipping force became weaker and weaker. Finally, her arms fell down weakly, and all the stems and branches on her body began to wither and crack rapidly. And her head hiding in the petals also closed her eyes sadly.

As her life passed quickly, Anna was no longer able to maintain her contract spirit transformation. Her body continued to shrink and deform, and she regained her human form. However, at the moment when her life completely withered, the demon crocodile hunter opened his mouth under the drive of Grimm, swallowed Anna's body and Mary into his stomach, turned around and connected Grimm and began to sink rapidly into the soil.

And when their figures just disappeared, the rock wall at the far end made a loud bang, blasting a huge hole, and a black-robed quasi-witch wrapped in a green hurricane rushed out.

Looking at the mess on the ground after the battle, sensing the stinking green liquid spilled all over the battlefield, the black-robed quasi-witch Gary could not help but roared in anger.

He was not heartbroken by Anna's death, he was just angry that the enemy had used such a simple strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain and attacking by dividing and attacking, and killed his companions under his nose. This... This is simply the greatest contempt for him!

"You bastards, if you have the guts, come out and fight me! Damn it, I have memorized your breath, don't let me meet you next time. I..."

Roaring furiously for a long time, but not sensing any strange breath around him, the black-robed quasi-witch Gary could only turn around and disappear into the road he came from.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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