The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0072 Food therapy

After taking the concentration potion this time, Greem was reckless after all!

According to the process he knew in advance, there must be at least 34 days between swallowing the medicine twice to avoid the accumulation of damage from the medicine's effect. However, he was young and strong, and his body was in a period of rapid growth, so he couldn't wait for a long time of suffering, so he finally chose to continue swallowing.

And the consequences of this are also very obvious.

The first time he swallowed the potion, his physique only dropped by 085 points, but the second time it dropped by 105 points. It is conceivable that if Greem swallows the third bottle, he may plummet by nearly 2 points in one go.

You must know that the body parameters calculated by the chip are only a digital representation of physical attributes. Each of these four main physical attributes is not isolated, but supports and influences each other. For example, spirit and agility affect long-range hits and attack frequency. Spirit and strength affect reflexes and explosive power, and physique is the foundation of all attributes. The combination with other attributes affects vitality, defense of each attribute, resistance and dodge and other aspects.

When Greem's physique dropped from 498 to 317, this nearly 2-point decline not only brought him a decrease in vitality, but also caused the decline of the entire life system.

Now Greem felt that his entire body was about to be hollowed out.

The feeling of emptiness and hunger brought about by the rapid decline of his body always accompanied him, making his internal organs feel like they were on fire.

Greem was unable to stand up at the moment and could only ring the small copper bell on the wooden table.

As a special silent wave rippled, a wooden face suddenly appeared on the surface of the blank wooden table.

"Sir Greem, I wonder what special services you need?" The wooden face actually spoke.

"Food! I need food now! Now, now, now!"

"What kind of food do you need? We have ordinary aristocratic set meals here. The exquisiteness of the food is guaranteed to be the highest level of enjoyment among human nobles. Each set only requires 1 magic crystal. We also provide magic energy set meals. The ingredients used are They are all mid-to-high-level monsters from the depths of the Kerela Mountains, and each set only requires 5 magic crystals.”

"The magic package, I want it right now!"

"Understood! Your reservation has been accepted. Please put the order fee in my mouth!" Following the words, the face floating on the wooden table suddenly opened its mouth.

Greem took out 5 magic crystals from his waist pouch and put them into the human face's mouth. What was originally a solid wood carving seemed to have turned into a crack leading to a hidden space, swallowing up the magic crystals.

After the wooden face swallowed the magic crystal, it suddenly expanded and turned into a square wooden box. When the box finally exploded into countless wooden strands and retracted into the wooden table, a steaming steak on a silver tray was revealed.

Exquisite silver knives and forks, fragrant fried steak, some red, blue and white side dishes and delicious sauces are sprinkled on top, and a glass of fragrant wine is served next to it.

Although Greem has never paid much attention to food, he is not too picky. But today he had to admit that the carefully prepared food was indeed a huge physical and psychological compensation for the wizard apprentice who had been immersed in boring daily life for a long time.

Without any regard for table manners, Greem quickly destroyed the fried steak with the ferocity of a starving ghost reincarnated. And when all the meat steaks were gone, the burning hunger just now was finally suppressed.

"Chip, can you tell what kind of meat this is?"

"Hey, the armored rhinoceros has a probability of 87, the berserk beast has a probability of 10, and the gray marsupial has a probability of 2..."

The chip simply made a long list, but the possibilities of the last seven or eight were so low that they could be ignored. Only the first few were the most likely.

Greem licked his still hungry lips and drank the glass of wine.

He could clearly sense that the magic energy meal he had just eaten was vastly different from yesterday's Earth Fire Dragon Meat. Moreover, the most likely armored rhinoceros should belong to the earth-type mid-level monster. The elemental aura embedded in its flesh does not match its affinity element at all. Although it can still bring huge life energy to oneself, it does not have any benefit to the fire talent.

It seems that if I want to supplement my life energy and fire talent at the same time, I can only choose the flesh and blood of fire-attributed monsters, and the higher the level, the better.

So, driven by hunger, Greem rang the bell again.

Sure enough, when Grim pointedly pointed out the delicacies that the fire monsters needed to order, the wooden face immediately reported a series of delicacies.

Red Flame Tiger 15 Jin of Magic Crystal

Salamander 20 pounds of magic crystal

Fire Dog 25 Jin of Magic Crystal

Fire swallowing bird 30 pounds of magic crystal

Grim closed his eyes and listened quietly, asking questions from time to time. Soon, he chose a delicacy that was most suitable for him, Fire Dog Stir-fried Heart and Liver.

After paying 25 magic crystals, the wooden face quickly swallowed up the remnants of the previous meal, and then transformed into a new delicacy.

This time it's not a steak, but a living heart that's still beating slightly. There seemed to be a fire source sealed in the fist-sized heart. It was still alive when it first appeared, but with a flash of the fire source, the swirling flames shot straight to the roof, and then disappeared instantly.

When the dense heat gradually dissipated, a fresh and fragrant Fire Dog Stir-fried Heart appeared in front of Greem.

Greem first made a small incision in his heart with a table knife, then leaned forward and drank the warm and satisfying blood inside. When the sultry warm current reached his stomach along his esophagus, a surging and exploding hot feeling made Grim couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it for a moment.

Soon, after a while of devouring it, the heart of the fire dog was cut into uniform pieces of meat and put into his mouth one by one. When each piece of meat released a surging fire energy in his stomach and intestines, Greem had a feeling of pleasure that he couldn't help but close his eyes and mouth.

The raging fire energy continued to surge through his body, making him sweat profusely but also extremely comfortable.

When he ate two portions of the Fire Dog Meal in a row, his severely damaged physique was finally replenished, and his mental strength also increased slightly.

Strength 404, agility 430, constitution 334, mental strength 1007.

After the wooden face cleaned up the residue on the table, Greem held his round belly with both hands and moved himself to the big bed with difficulty to start today's daily meditation.

It has to be said that after taking targeted food supplements, Greem's mental increase brought about by deep meditation reached an unprecedented 0.11 points. This is an increase of 003 points from the usual 008 points. From this point of view, if you consciously increase the fire energy density in yourself or around you before each meditation, you can also improve the efficiency of meditation.

Greem ordered the chip to record this, and used his free time to try to analyze the meditation plan that was most beneficial to him. After finishing all this, Greem sighed and fell into sleep.


Sleep until you wake up naturally!

I don't know how long it took, but when Greem finally woke up from his sleep full of energy, his whole body was filled with inexhaustible power.

Of course, this is just a feeling of expansion after full strength. After all, his physique is only 334 points, and his strength is only 404 points. Such data is not shameful when placed on a junior apprentice, but is obviously too "weak" when placed on an intermediate apprentice.

Even if he is not taking the physical training route, an intermediate apprentice should raise all three items of force sensitivity to above 5 points. Only in this way will physical fitness not drag down mental strength and keep oneself in a state of abnormal development. Of course, extreme examples like Evil Insect and Black Wood are not included here.

Guys like them, the body can no longer be estimated by ordinary common sense, but has transformed into some kind of alternative physique. The insect body of the evil insect Entik obviously has the magical effect of sharing life and damage, making it an unbeatable little beast.

Blackwood's physique is surprisingly low, but it obviously possesses some indescribable special effects. At least the several paralyzing stares issued by Greem's Demon Crocodile Hunter during the battle did not seem to have any effect. Apparently, they were exempted by the opponent's weird physique.

Greem briefly moved his body. Just when he was about to go to the library here to take a look, someone knocked on the wooden door.

The person coming is Mary.

When Mary dressed in red and walked into the room with arrogant steps, her eyes were filled with unconcealable confusion.

"You...your mental power has reached 10 points?"

The strange feeling permeating Greem's body made Red Mary unable to determine whether her perception was biased for a moment, but this kind of mental fluctuation was obviously something that only an intermediate apprentice could possess.

"Well, I just made a breakthrough yesterday. By the way, you're here to ask about the trophies, right? Let me tell you some good news. I successfully sold those trophies and got these treasures!" As he said that, Greem Xian Bao generally took out a bottle of concentration potion from his waist pocket.

Mary took the concentration potion in her hand and looked at it carefully, with a look of sudden realization on her face, and then gave it back to Grim.

"You should keep this thing! Such low-end medicine is no longer useful to me, but it may still be of some use to you. Remember, do not take it continuously, and you must remember to take good care of your body after taking it. Otherwise, your body will become very bad. Oops!"

Greem was slightly stunned.

Although he also thought that Mary might not care too much about these things, the fact that the other party threw back the concentration potion so easily was still beyond Grim's expectation. You know, the concentration potion can be exchanged for 5 contribution points and 5 magic crystals inside the wizard tower. As for the preciousness of contribution points, you can clearly understand the value of contribution points as long as you have been to the underground once.

Therefore, Greem was speechless for a moment. chapter;

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