One morning, the drizzle slowly spread on the ground, slowly washing away the blood contaminated on the ground and flowing into the depths of the ground.

Standing in front of an ancient building, Adil looked at the distant scenery, as well as the countless ruins and broken corpses, and was speechless for a while.

Beside him, Venus stood beside him blankly, looking at him with inescapable fear and awe in his eyes.

Just yesterday, Adil rushed to the battlefield where the coalition forces fought with the Kingdom of Caladis, and then the entire battlefield was instantly subverted.

With just one blow, all the camps on the opposite side were completely destroyed. The corpses of hundreds of thousands of soldiers fell to the ground, washed away by the elemental particles of the Great Destruction, and died on the spot.

The entire battle situation was rewritten by this blow, the crisis in the Kingdom of Caladis was lifted, and Adil's terrifying power was completely exposed to the eyes of the world.

The shock and deterrent effect of remote live broadcast and live viewing are two different things. In the past, even if they had witnessed some video records of the battle between Adil and the Silent, Venus and others still lacked a clear understanding of Adil's power. To which step, it is still unknown.

But now, they know.

With a single blow, the sky collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with guns and cannons collapsed, unable to even raise a single splash.

And all of this, for Adil in front of him, was just a casual blow.

Thinking of this, Venus couldn't help but bow his head, and the awe in his heart deepened.

Standing beside Venus, Adil didn't care much about the awe and fear of the people around him.

As a wizard, he was used to this attitude, and he was already numb and would not react.

Compared with these attitudes, what he cares about is the battlefield in front of him.

Thinking of this, he looked up to the sky. In the sky, little by little black auras are slowly rising from the earth, gradually rising above the sky, slowly gathering into huge, hideous faces one after another, with a hint of strange aura.

This is a combination of death energy and resentment, as well as blood energy, and even soul power.

Hundreds of thousands of people die at once, and the impact is amazing, especially for this world where death resentment can take shape, this kind of place is most prone to curses.

Countless corpses fell on the ground, and they died because of Adil. The resentment and death energy in their lives rose, and the blood energy and soul in the corpses were supported together, and it was easy to give birth to such things as curses.

With the number of corpses in front of them, it is not impossible to give them a certain amount of time to directly create a small forbidden area.

Quietly raised his head and looked into the distance, Adil silently stretched out his hand and grabbed a huge grimace in the sky without anyone seeing him.

At the moment of spiritual contact, a huge stream of information poured into my mind.

"I don't want to die!!"


"Ludd, my child, I will definitely go home..."

One after another voice sounded from the mind, carrying some people's last thoughts before dying.

Some people are unwilling to die humbly, some have old mothers, some miss their children... All these are constantly scouring Adil's spiritual sea, gradually dyeing his spiritual sea with a layer of light black.

Adil's face was calm, and a huge spiritual force was swept away, all the voices in his mind disappeared, and there was not even a single wave in his heart.

If Adil, who had just become a wizard, felt the sadness and thoughts of these people, he might have been infected by them and felt regretful. But now, having experienced so many worlds and witnessed so many stories of sadness, he no longer has the heart to pay attention to these things.

Nothing about nature, nothing about cruelty, just getting used to it.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, standing in place, he thought for a while, but walked forward.

This place in front of me is a natural breeding ground for curses. If there is no interference from him,

Nine times out of ten, a powerful curse will be born.

Therefore, on the other hand, for Adil, this place is also a good experimental base. By observing the situation in this place, we can learn in detail the entire process of the formation of the curse.

After explaining the situation to Venus, he quickly settled in this place, built a new wooden house near here, and lived here.

He stayed here for more than 20 years after that, and did not leave until the whole experiment was over, changing to another place to continue the experiment.

Thanks to the blessing of the world entering the recovery period, this continent is full of curses and wars.

Taking advantage of the curse of the chaos, many kingdoms quickly perished, and armies from all over the country went to war, creating a breeding ground for curses one after another.

Adil just wandered around the continent like this, and during this period, he also helped Leon solve the incident several times and helped him speed up the pace of unifying the continent.

Finally, sixty years later, this continent was roughly unified by Leon, and the rest of the kingdoms were either forced to surrender or directly controlled by Leon.

The kingdom of Caladis also officially became an empire, becoming the seventh unified empire in the history of this continent.

Of course, compared to other empires, in addition to unifying the territory of the entire continent, the Caddis Empire also has the world's No. 1 Awakened.

After the new empire was established, Leon became more and more afraid and eager for Adil's power. If possible, I believe he will choose to take Adil and send it directly to the laboratory.

Unfortunately, out of fear of Adil's power, this is destined to be only a dream.

On the surface, Lyon canonized Adil as the Duke of Glory, and became an independent small duchy in the wild area of ​​the northern part of the continent. And among the people, Adil's prestige is also overshadowed by a day, of course, this is not a good reputation.

He is known as the World Destruction Demon God, which corresponds to the Slaughter Demon God of the Silent One, and belongs to the notorious category.

This is naturally the result of Leon's private manipulation. Over the years, Adil has seldom taken action to destroy the enemy army for him, and many enemy soldiers have died at his hands. Therefore, the families and countries behind these soldiers will naturally hate Adil as the enemy.

With this foundation, and with the help of the king of Leon, Adil's reputation will naturally not be very good. In the extensive occupation area of ​​Caladis, his reputation is already comparable to that of the Silent One, which is notorious. .

Of course, Adil didn't care much about these, and even sneered in his heart.

He is not an upright gentleman, and he had expected everything Leon was doing now when he helped him.

The reason why he didn't react to these is simply because Leon had already set a means on him.

When he was in the Maisen area, the bottle of Heart Devouring Potion extracted from the Heart Devourer was used by him on Leon long ago.

Maybe Leon doesn't know it himself, he seems to be normal on the surface, and has maintained his sanity and independence very well.

But in fact, as long as Adiel thinks, Leon's mind will be deprived of any thought, and he will be completely controlled by Adair.

With this backhand, he naturally wouldn't care about Leon's actions over the years.

In fact, it's not just Lyon. In these years, through the continuous expansion of the Caladis Empire, he has set countless secret hands. At present, there are not a few high-level people in the Caladis Empire who are controlled by him.

As for the folks, the same is true. Several psychic families who secretly resisted the Caladis Empire have basically turned to him.

The same is true for the descendants left by Coral and Tilly.

These secret hands can be mobilized by him when necessary. As long as they want, it is not a problem to change a king directly.

And the reason for doing so much is to prepare for returning to this world in the future.

The resources of this world are very rich, far surpassing several worlds that Adil has experienced in the past, and within the world, there are curses that can continuously harvest the resources of the world.

If one day in the future, after Adil reaches a higher level, he can build a world gate between the two worlds and truly take this world back into his own.

It is for this purpose that he will do these secret hands and leave it to the future.

Time is still passing. After the war was subsided, more than 20 years passed. In the heart of the Caladis Empire, in the territory of the original Zijinhua Kingdom, an earthquake broke out for no reason, and then the power of the curse spread in the sky. .

After more than 80 years of slumber, the Silent One revived again and appeared in the original Zijinhua Kingdom.

As soon as the news came out, there was an earthquake in the entire Caladis Empire.

Under the attention of all the people, Sim, the world's first awakened person who had been in seclusion for many years, was born again. He encountered the silent person in the original kingdom of Zijinhua, and the battle broke out again.


A faint hazy feeling came from the depths of his heart, and in an inexplicable feeling, Adil opened his eyes.

In front of him was a long-awaited laboratory. In the laboratory, the familiar and unfamiliar feeling was vaguely heard, which made Adier stunned and felt a sense of distortion in time and space.

Feeling this feeling, he closed his eyes silently, and in his mind, the experience of cursed the world for more than 80 years slowly poured into his heart.

From the initial reincarnation, to the two battles with the Silent One, and finally to the return... These scenes were reshaped in my mind, as if they had been re-experiencing for a while.

In the end, when all this was accepted by his body, he opened his eyes again, his eyes no longer had the initial blankness and ignorance, but returned to the calm of the past, with a bit of the vicissitudes of life.

"I am back."

He looked at the scene around him and opened his mouth.

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