The blood of slaughter is constantly being smelted.

At the moment in front of me, with the raging fire of the fire of life, that drop of golden blood began to change, its external form was constantly being stripped away, and the power of the rules built into the barrier layer by layer was gradually stripped away by the fire of life. , leaving only the pure essence, which completely appeared in front of Adil at this moment.

A little remnant of golden light flickered in it.

At this moment, in Adier's induction, a huge majesty rose from the front and swept the four directions directly. In the same place, Adier couldn't help but feel a strong throbbing feeling in his heart, like an instinctive feeling. to a threat.

It seems that he feels a higher level of power. At this moment, Adil's body is subconsciously tense, and there is some reaction.

And being able to make Adil, who has gradually transformed into a demigod at this moment, react like this, the essence of the thing in front of him can be imagined.


The golden brilliance in front of him is nothing but the divine essence contained in the blood of slaughter.

In other words, it is Godhead.

The blood of slaughter is the divine blood left over before the god of slaughter fell into silence in the ancient times. It contains the original power of the god of slaughter, with a bit of the divine essence of the god of slaughter.

It is precisely because of the existence of this divine essence that the blood of slaughter can influence other creatures, turn other creatures into children of slaughter, twist them into another existence, and make them a tool of the god of slaughter, in the god of slaughter. under manipulation to its effect.

The ability to complete the above operations relies on the divine essence contained in the blood of slaughter.

At this moment, along with Adier's promotion to a demigod, the divine fire generated during the promotion process will continue to burn the blood of slaughter, and the essence of the god is finally revealed, no longer hidden in Adier's blood. in the body.

"bring it on……"

Looking at the little golden godhead in front of him, Adil's face was calm, and there was no sadness or joy in his heart, so he silently stretched out his hand.

He stretched out his arm, and a white arm stretched out so calmly, grabbing the golden light.

Then everything started to change.

A hazy vision enveloped the front, and at this moment, a hazy darkness began to emerge gradually in the area in front of him.

That hazy darkness obscured everything, and at this moment, it affected Adil's consciousness, pulling a little of his consciousness into a space that existed in the dark.

Deep, calm, dark.

In the mighty space of the day, a great will is sleeping in it.

It was a boundless and stalwart figure. Its body was huge, and it was impossible to see how huge it was. Just a hint of breath made the surrounding space tremble and felt a great terror.

A faint majesty slowly emerged from this figure's body and continued to spread outward.

At this moment, along with the changes in the outside world, in this huge world, the stalwart figure began to gradually recover, and a pair of blood-colored eyes slowly opened.

A huge slaughtering field slowly spread out from this figure, shrouding this world, like a demon god of destruction from ancient times, who would destroy the entire world in a single thought, causing the world to overturn.

He opened his eyes just like that, and at this moment, the astonishingly huge killing field unfolded, and he looked forward like this.

Under the icy gaze of this existence, in front of him, a new will began to emerge.

It was a pure and powerful will, even though it was much smaller than the figure in front of him, it seemed extremely insignificant, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

The two stood side by side, as if the gap between the firefly and the sun was incomparable.

But compared to the terrifying aura of the stalwart figure in front of him, the aura of this figure is especially special.

A faint calm aura slowly spread from this newly emerged figure, and that pure aura spread to the surrounding space,

It seems to dispel the filth of the world and make the whole world calm and clear.

The area that was originally in chaos was gradually appeased, and the disordered area began to regain order. At the moment when this figure appeared, the world fell into peace.

Compared with the stalwart figure in front of him, the power of this figure is not so powerful, but the unique breath makes people feel shaken, and has a unique sense of surprise.

In front of me, I felt that pure aura, and the existence of that stalwart was a bit surprising. At this moment, there seemed to be something more in the pair of blood-colored eyes. a figure.

"You are special..."

He said lightly, the sound echoed in this place, causing turmoil in the surrounding space, just a little sound shook the whole world, and he couldn't bear the majesty of that existence.

Like the words of the gods, even if a little word comes out, the whole world will be affected, and it will be affected by the will of the existence in front of you.

"It's been a long time..."

Coming to this space, and feeling the invisible figure in front of him, but an extremely sturdy figure, Adil's face was calm, he raised his head, and said lightly.

The area in front of you is obviously not real, but a unique area between fantasy and reality.

All matter in it cannot exist, only its own strong will can exist.

All external forces cannot be brought in in front of this place.

If you want to enter this space, all that is left is your own will and true spiritual power.

And different wills will manifest in different appearances in this space.

For example, Adil in front of him, after coming to this space, changed his appearance at this moment.

His appearance has not changed, and his appearance is still the same as before. Compared with before, there is no change, but some details of his body have changed a lot.

The original black hair has turned into silver hair, and a pair of eyes have also turned into silver, and the ears look a little sharp, with some elf qualities.

This represents the inclination in Adil's heart.

After coming to this space, Adiel will become like this, which shows that deep in his heart, he is still subconsciously inclined to this appearance.

And the huge figure in front of him is the same.

In the place in front of him, that huge figure with boundless stalwart, just a body stretched out, it seems to be a world, every cell, every bit of flesh and blood on the whole body escapes, it seems that it is enough to drown a sea, Turn it into a whole new continent.


To a certain extent, this means that the opponent's power is extremely powerful, even if it does not bring any external power, just the manifestation of a little will and the power of the true spirit is enough to cause such a terrifying scene.

If Adil's power in this place is a small stream, then the existence in front of him is a bottomless sea.

There is no comparison at all between the two.

In the face of this great existence, Adil's face was calm. Although he felt a heavy pressure, his face seemed very calm.

His attitude obviously made the opposite Wei An exist a little surprised.

"Your soul is very pure..."

That existence opened his mouth softly, and his voice continued to vibrate in the space in front of him. At this moment, a pair of blood-colored eyes stared at Adil, and the scene of boundless killing continued to emerge.

At this moment, he looked at Adier in front of him, feeling the breath emerging from Adier's soul, and sighed involuntarily: "Such a powerful will, such a pure soul, even if it is the so-called Holy Spirit , I'm afraid I can't compare with you..."

"you flatter me……"

Adil's face was calm, and he calmly looked at the stalwart existence in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, in the outside world, Adil is by no means an opponent that exists in front of him. A glance from the opponent is enough to directly injure him, or even fall.

But the space in front of him was different.

The opponent's body has obviously already fallen, and most of the power on his body has disappeared. At this moment, what is left here is just a little residual will, which can only appear in this space, and through the connection of the blood of killing, will A Di Er's soul was pulled into the area in front of him.

And in this area, to the point where it is today, the so-called power balance is not that important.

The only thing that can truly decide the outcome between the two is only one factor.

each other's will.

The strength that exists in front of him is indeed much stronger than that of Adier. If both parties are in the outside world and can fully display all their strengths, Adil must turn around and leave without saying a word.

But at this place in front of him, all external factors have disappeared, and all that can compete is only one's own will.

As long as one's own will is firm enough, no matter how strong the opponent's strength is, it cannot affect its own existence.

But on the other hand, if one's own will is not firm enough, then even the powerful party may be attacked by the weaker party.

This means that all kinds of factors have been excluded, and they are truly standing on the same level and are in a fair competition.

After realizing this, Adiel naturally won't be afraid.

"Your soul is too clean to be soaked by the power of killing..."

In front of him, the existence of the stalwart opened his mouth softly, and the force of will was shaking: "Is it not good to indulge in the slaughter and inherit my path?"

"Other people's path is someone else's path after all. If you walk too much, maybe even people will become someone else's..."

Adil's face was calm, looking at the figure in front of him at this moment, he said slowly: "You spread the blood of slaughter, and bury it in different people, is it a kindness, just for others to inherit your way?"


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