"Compared to the powerhouses of the ancient wizards, so many..."

Looking at the scene displayed in Adil's hands, McDorm took a deep breath, and felt a shock in his heart at this moment.

There was a shocking clarity that rose in my heart.

A powerhouse comparable to a seventh-order ancient wizard......

This kind of existence is undoubtedly extremely terrifying. Even if you look at the entire wizarding world, it is an extremely astonishing existence.

Even in the ancient times, when the ancient wizards were the most brilliant, the ancient wizards whose strength level reached the seventh rank added up, and I don't know if there were more than double ten.

And in the picture that Adil just revealed, the supreme being with the brilliance of the world that has appeared in it is no less than double ten.

Even to a certain extent, it is beyond.

In terms of the number of powerhouses at the seventh level alone, it even surpassed the wizarding world.

This can't help but shock McDoo, and at this moment can't help but doubt life.

Sitting silently on the side, looking at the scene displayed in Adil's hands, Qimudan couldn't help but be shocked.

"This unique atmosphere of the world, could it be..."

He looked at Adil in front of him, feeling the unique aura of that world, as well as the kind of pulsation that was vaguely similar to the wizarding world.

"This aura similar to the wizarding world, this world..."

Sitting there, he took a deep breath, looked at Adil in front of him, and an old face became excited before: "Could it be..."


Looking at the expressions on the faces of McDowell and Chimudan, Adil showed a faint smile, nodded in front of Chimudan, and confirmed his thoughts: "Like the wizarding world, this world It is also the center of a boundary sea, and the core essence of a boundary sea."

"It really is!"

As soon as the words fell, Qimudan and Mike Duo's faces instantly became solemn, and even their breathing became a little short at this moment.

A world that is located in the center of the boundary sea and can be called the son of the boundary sea.

The importance and uniqueness of this world is far from the ordinary world.

Being in the center of the realm, this kind of world is far superior to other worlds in the innate, and it can be called the son of the realm.

The value of this world is unparalleled.

Excluding the value of this top-level world itself, just being the son of Jihai is enough to make anyone crazy.

Because to a certain extent, if you can master a top-level world that is the son of the world, you can use this big world to further control the entire world and become the ruler of a world.

Why does the world of natural disasters fight to the death with the wizarding world and fight each other.

The reason is none other than the fact that they both see each other's personality and origin as the son of Jihai.

The wizarding world and the world of natural disasters are both the top worlds, and they are also the sons of the world of the world, and they inherently occupy most of the power of the world.

If you can defeat the opponent and smelt the source of the opponent into your own world, to a certain extent, it means that you can master another huge sea of ​​​​through another world.

The temptation in this can be imagined.

It is precisely because of this huge temptation that in ancient times, the wizarding world and the world of natural disasters would fight each other.

And at this moment, what Adier is showing at the moment is another huge world leading to the son of the sea.

If this news is true, then there is no doubt that this world is the third top world that wizards have discovered so far.

Thinking of this, Qimudan and McDowell couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"No wonder..."

Looking at Adil in front of him,

Chimudan sighed deeply: "Could it be that you could have come this far in just tens of thousands of years."

"Having mastered the coordinates of another top world, in tens of thousands of years, you must have obtained a lot of things from it."

He sighed, and then continued: "So this time you came, and the cooperation you mentioned is about this world?"

"If you want to attack the world, it will not be easy for us alone."

On the side, McDowell also spoke.

At this moment, looking at Adil on the opposite side, although his heart was equally excited, he calmed down: "If you want to attack another world, you will inevitably disturb the powerhouses in other worlds."

"It's fine if it's an ordinary world, but if it's this world, with our strength, I'm afraid it's still lacking..."

He said that, letting out a deep sigh.

Attacking the world is easy to say, but difficult to do.

It would be better if it were an ordinary world.

None of the people present were ordinary people.

Even the weakest Mike Duo, his current strength has reached the level of the sixth-order peak.

The sixth-order peak level, although it is the weakest in the field, it is not because he is weak, but because Adil and Qimudan are too strong.

In fact, with McDowell's current strength, even if he looks at countless worlds, he is by no means weak.

Even the world consciousness of some big worlds, in terms of power level alone, will never be stronger than Mike Duo.

With such strength, attacking some ordinary worlds naturally does not have many problems.

But if it is the top world that can be called the son of Jihai, the situation is different.

For example, in this top-level world, which can be called the son of the sea, there are bound to be top-level powerhouses, and there are even quite a few.

In fact the same is true.

Judging from what Adil showed just now, in this world, the gods named gods are undoubtedly extremely powerful, and each of them has reached a level above the seventh rank, comparable to the ancient wizards.

In addition to their strength, there are still quite a few of them, far more than the seventh-order wizards remaining in the wizarding world today.

Such strength, where can the three of them eat.

"Although in the process of the world, there will inevitably be a world consciousness that alarms that world..."

Qimudan's eyes flickered, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head again: "In the past, in the face of the ordinary world, we could use the witch formation we built, or even the world we control to fight against it, suppress it, and thus Exclude the influence of world consciousness."

"But in the face of such a large world, this approach cannot succeed."

If you want to attack another world, the first thing you have to do is to deal with the world consciousness of the other world.

If the influence of the world consciousness cannot be excluded, just the suppression of the world is enough for them to eat a pot.

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