The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 102: Nord tribe

   As soon as Kenan raised his hand, two small green **** appeared in his palm. Kenan waved two small **** in his palms and fell into the spirit of the two witches.

   Leah glanced at the witchcraft model floating in her own spirit sea strangely, "My lord, what is this?"

"It's just a little trick. As long as you don't want to be passive, this model will disappear on its own in one hundred and fifty years. If you don't, they will give you a little warning. I don't think you will think about it. You have to experience it yourself. Of course, gather all your apprentices now, and they must also be subject to control."

   "My lord, can it be done with our help? Why do you have to control even those apprentices?" Leah glanced at Kenan with a bit of anguish.

"I'm sorry, the contract has been written very clearly, I will not let anyone out of the group. Everyone should contribute to their own world. Therefore, your job is to make them obedient. I don't raise idlers here." Kenan's words revealed a touch of killing intent.

   Hearing Kenan’s words, Witch Leia no longer dared to make terms with Kenan, and quickly went downstairs to gather the apprentice wizards who had just fallen asleep. She knew that her new master would definitely say and do it, and if the apprentices were not obedient, the other party would definitely kill them.

  Lea Witch hurriedly ran down the stairs, awakened all the apprentices who were still asleep, and gathered the staff in the classroom where they usually go to class. When dozens of apprentice wizards in pajamas gathered in the classroom with sleepy eyes, Kenan also walked into the classroom.

   Kenan opened his palm, and instantly dozens of green **** of light appeared above the classroom. Before many apprentices of witchcraft understood what had happened, the light ball didn't enter the apprentices' spiritual sea.

   Kenan said that this kind of work is becoming more and more proficient. A large amount of information rushed into the minds of the apprentices along with the witchcraft model, including the reason for the recruitment, the rules that apprentices need to pay attention to, and the number of years of service.

Kenan looked at the many apprentices who were in deep thought, and nodded with satisfaction, "I thought there would be a few eyes popping out to make me stand up. Since you are all so calm, it's not difficult for me to treat everyone. You just need to remember to be obedient and do your job well. If you don’t understand, just ask your mentor."

Then, Kenan turned to Witch Leia, "I leave the business to you. I hope you can rush to Harrez to start your work as soon as possible. After entering the city, find Earl Kilian and he will arrange for you. "After talking, Kenan's figure turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

  Lea Witch looked at the place where Kenan had disappeared for a long time without a word.

   After seeing Kenan disappear, a group of wizard apprentices gathered around and asked various questions to Witch Leah.

   After Kenan left the quiet woodland, he followed the way he came and returned to the rock where he came. Take out the small sampan from the void color shell, and ride the sampan towards Mermaid Island.

   After returning to Mermaid Island, Kenan waited on the island for half a month before waiting for another ship full of Nords who came to worship the ancient trees of life. Kenan quietly boarded the ship and found a place at the bottom of the cargo warehouse to practice quietly.

   He hadn't figured out how to unify the Nord tribe, so instead of alarming the Nords on the ship, he hid. Anyway, it was easy for him to escape these nerveless Nords with his ability.

   After the ship landed, Kenan got off the ship quietly, found a place where no one was there, and turned into a bearded Nord again, and then quickly disappeared among the crowd.

  Between the mountains, a Nord tribe is holding a grand birthday ceremony. Numerous Nord women collected their eggs this year and put them in the dry pyre in the center of the square. Nords believe that concentrated incubation can obtain the blessings of the gods and enable more little Nords to successfully hatch.

   No one noticed that there was an ugly egg in the corner of the dry pyre.

   The elders of the tribe took torches and lit the dry pyre. After that, a group of Nords sang and danced around the dry pyre. Nords use their unique song and dance to express their blessings for new life.

   The celebration activities lasted until late at night, and the celebrated NORD talents returned to their homes one after another. Except for the necessary personnel who added firewood, the rest of the Nords all went back to carry out a new round of race reproduction.

In the early morning of the second day, when the first ray of sunlight hits the tribal square, an egg in the pyre cracked with fine cracks. The cracks grew longer and bigger, and finally, slapped. With a sound, a piece of eggshell shattered, and a silly little Nord came out of the shell.

   A Tian Chai man cheered happily and hurried to report to the elder of the tribe.

   Maybe it was Tian Chai's shout that awakened the sleeping little Nords, the eggs in the pile burst one after another, and the little Nords broke out of their shells like this. Many Nord people walked out of the house one after another, celebrating the birth of new life.

   At this time, the elder of the tribe also walked out, took a few huge pieces of cooked meat from the waiter next to him, and threw them into the pyre.

  The little Nord in the pyre seemed to be completely unafraid of the temperature of the flame, struggling to compete for the huge meat in the fire, grabbing the corner of the meat and filling it in his mouth.

"It's really a fighting race. The first trial of birth came so quickly." Kenan, who was hiding among the many little Nords, sighed in his heart, while using his rich combat experience to bully him. A little Nord who robbed him of food.

   Although the Nords have great fighting talents and they can inherit some talents of witchcraft and combat experience through blood to their offspring. But these things need to be familiar and practiced. Although the newly born Nords are talented, how can they be compared to Kenan, a wizard who has experienced many battles.

   Of course, in order not to be too conspicuous, Kenan still put the water properly, so that a few poor little guys grabbed some leftovers.

   Kenan, who was full, lay in the fire, enjoying the warmth of the flame. The little Nords around are carefully surrounding Kenan, waiting for the birth of other brothers and sisters.

   Just as not all bird eggs can hatch young birds, the success rate of flame hatching is not 100% successful. When the last egg that failed to hatch was burned to ashes by the fire, the birthday ceremony of the Nords came to an end.

  Nord people have a special family concept. In Nord's concept of family, the composition of the family is only two persons of the spouse. Newborn babies are the wealth of the tribe and need to be handed over to the tribe for unified training. Therefore, in Nord’s family concept, there is no such relationship as father, son, mother and daughter. Everyone is a member of the tribe, and the tribe is a big family, everyone is brothers and sisters.

   It is precisely because of this special family relationship that after the birthday ceremony, everyone in the tribe left, and no one came to claim their children.

   Kenan and other young Nords were led to a huge room by the elders of the tribe. There were two rows of wooden beds in the room, and a middle-aged Nord was standing in the center of the room.

   "Instructor Ruhr, these new bloodlines are left to you to train. I hope you can train them well."

   "Don't worry, Elder Irathia, I will try my best to train them into tribal warriors." Instructor Ruhr replied seriously.

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