The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 116: occupied

   "Yes." Numerous Nords suddenly agreed. Speed ​​up the rhythm of the offense.

   The many knights who were struggling to deal with were quickly divided and surrounded and killed under the siege of the Nords who were several times their own. Only the knight commander with the full plate armor was standing alone leaning on the sword.

   Several Nords tried to take it down, but they were forced away by the knight's sword. At this time, the Captain of the Nord Squadron who was standing by frowned, "Come on together, get rid of him quickly, and there will be no breakfast if he goes back after a delay."

  Nords are not self-reliant and brave races who pay attention to fighting alone. In their eyes, it is a normal thing to fight more and less. This can be seen from the fact that the Nords’ hunting team is composed of three or five people.

   It can be said that apart from the challenge of the first warrior of the tribe, the Nords never care if they bully the less. There is so much fairness when they come out, and the people who survive have the right to speak.

After hearing the captain’s order, many Nords rushed forward, and various long axes and spears attacked the heavy armored knight commander. The knight commander resisted a few times before being taken by a Nord who had great talents with a moonblade axe. The back was split in half. Red blood spilled all over the streets.

"Praise the **** of life, the weapon designed by the king is so easy to use. I cut this tin man open at once. It would be troublesome to deal with this kind of person before. It takes a lot of people to work together." The Nord, who split the knight commander, said happily after seeing his victory.

   The squadron leader nodded in satisfaction after seeing that all the knights blocking the road had been resolved, and then urged, "Well, everyone should act immediately. You must control the City Lord's Mansion before dawn. Everyone should leave immediately."

   "Yes." Numerous Nords quickly arranged in a marching formation and marched towards the city lord's mansion.

  The scope of the trick mist gradually filled the center of the city, and soon most of Spink city was shrouded in the trick mist. Kenan’s Nord army was divided into three groups, following Kenan directly into Spink City to grab this strategic location, while the other two troops bypassed the city wall from both sides to encircle Spink City. . Kenan's purpose is to block the news as much as possible, and take a few more cities as soon as possible before the enemy can figure out a solution. In this way, the losses caused by internal wars can be reduced as much as possible.

   The long night finally passed, and the sky was white. The noisy midnight shouts of killing gradually disappeared, and a large number of Nords drove into the city and began to clean the battlefield and clean up the corpses.

   The civilians who were supposed to get up to work are now hiding in their homes. The shouting and killing last night had already indicated that Spink City had been broken. As for who broke it, how it was broken, they didn't care, they just wanted to know how the new owner would treat them. Everyone is quietly waiting for the verdict of fate.

   Kenan was sitting in the lobby of the City Lord’s Mansion at this time, listening to the reports of the battles and results of the team leaders. Other Nords who had learned arithmetic began to count the materials in the city and classify the materials stored in the city. What is useful is left, and what is useless is left to reward civilians. As for the weapons and armors of ordinary humans that are not suitable for the Nords, they melted into iron ingots and rebuilt them into weapons suitable for the Nords.

   Some of the noble children and family soldiers left in the original city were all taken over, waiting to be dealt with.

There were originally some noble children hiding among ordinary soldiers in an attempt to get through. However, when those civilian soldiers were promised by the Nords to surrender their noble children to exempt from punishment and labor, the civilian soldiers who had been squeezed by these noble children directly took These precious children confessed.

   Kenan’s handling of these people is very simple. All nobles and family soldiers are sent to the mines to work as laborers. These people are the rulers and defenders of the old power. Only after they are removed can a new power be established. Therefore, there must be no tolerance at all.

   However, Kenan, a commoner in the city, showed a very tolerant attitude. After all, Kenan was not a killer, and the Nords were not capable of production. Especially in the production of food, the Nords, who depended on hunting for their livelihoods during the time when the people were all soldiers, really lacked enough stable food supply channels. It is better to let these civilians participate in production to provide logistical support for the Nords.

Kenan distributed some property that the Nords could not use to the civilians in the city, and publicly executed some noble children and gangsters who committed crimes on ordinary days, and distributed a large number of the land left by the nobles to the farmers, and stipulated that except for every year After paying the fixed grain, the surplus belongs to the farmers themselves. Under such an action, he immediately won the support of many civilians, and at least it has weakened a lot of the contradictions of alien occupation.

  Of course, it is not enough to be gentle. Kenan knows the importance of having a great stick and a carrot.

  In the occupied stipulates strict laws. Any offender is either directly executed or sent to the mines for life-long labor. There will never be a third way. At the same time, Kenan also moved out the Baojia even sitting system. As long as one person breaks the law, if no one reports it, then the neighbors will be implicated. Although it is cruel to do so, but in troubled times, we should use heavy codes. During the war, we can't take care of that much. After the victory of the war, there is time for them to discuss humanistic care.

   After all the basic policies were arranged, Kenan disbanded all the human civilian soldiers and enriched them in the production team to provide the Nords with needed materials. After all, many of the habits of these soldiers and Nords are inconsistent, and if they are forced together, they will cause mutiny. Moreover, most of these people were forcibly recruited by the lord. They were originally dissatisfied, and it was a hidden danger to stay in the army. Fortunately, they were disbanded directly and gained some good reputation.

   In addition, as a traverser, Kenan knows the importance of propaganda.

Soon, Kenan transferred some preachers of the sect of life from the capital, began to popularize the doctrine of the sect of life to the common people, gradually transformed the thinking of the common people, and infiltrated the concept of racial equality little by little, and lowered all of them. The sense of resistance of ethnic civilians hating each other. As long as everyone gradually accepts the phenomenon of peaceful coexistence and performance of their duties by various races, the contradictions between races can be controlled within a certain range.

   Kenan is not a human rights fighter, and his purpose is not to come to another world to promote racial equality. All of Kenan's actions have only one purpose, which is to build a harmonious and unified alliance against aliens as much as possible, and to reduce unnecessary internal friction in the process of building this alliance as much as possible. As long as the future of the Alliance of Planar Wars is completed, it is not what Kenan needs to care about.

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