The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 121: Alien invasion

   The Horn of Moen, the northernmost point of the continent, is also the border of this world.

   A huge crystal wall traverses the sky and the earth, and you can't see the edge at a glance. It shrouded the whole world like a huge crystal cover. This huge crystal wall is the barrier of this world and the last line of defense of the world, the world crystal wall.

   The crystal wall of the world is shining and translucent, and there are dots of blue light flickering inside. It's like a huge crystal glass. However, the World Crystal Wall is much stronger than crystal glass. At least no one has heard of any piece of glass that can resist the blow of the legendary powerhouse.

   The world crystal wall is like an eggshell protecting the soft and fragile world. One thousand years, ten thousand years, until the end of life in the world. However, today, a crack has appeared in the extremely strong crystal wall.

   The first crack was only the thickness of the hair, and then it became thicker and prolonged at a speed visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly to the surroundings, and a series of cobweb-like cracks spread across the crystal wall of the world.

   "click, click, click."

   The sound of fragmentation echoed continuously at the end of the world. Many animals ran out of hiding places and rushed inland like crazy. There are no animal exceptions. No animal glanced to the side, even if it was its own natural enemy or food running alongside. All the animals were rushing towards the inland, and soon they gathered into a rolling torrent.

   If someone can watch it in the sky at this time, it must be a very spectacular scene. Unfortunately, no one appreciates such an amazing scene.

  The torrent of billowing animal migration swept across the plains and hills like a wave, across the mountains and rivers, and rushed inland like a wave. All the animals that passed through the place were also forced to join the migration team, the team grew stronger and stronger, and even many tumbleweeds joined the team. Only a mess of land was left.

   "Crack, click, wow."

   The World Crystal Wall finally couldn't support it. With a crash, it shattered into countless fragments, scattered in the air, fell to the ground, and quickly melted away. In a flash, it turned into free energy and disappeared.

   A huge swamp appeared in the void space behind the world crystal wall. All kinds of ponds and water pools are dotted, all kinds of strange plants are dense and unusual, all kinds of brightly colored flowers and mushrooms grow in them, adding a bright color to the swamp.

   The colorful swamp world and the semi-arid plain are separated by a straight line and do not violate each other. If someone sees such a strange scene, it will be incredible.

   However, Kenan, who was hiding in the distance, knew that the fusion of the world had begun.

   Wars between worlds are often more cruel than wars between creatures.

   After all, most wars between creatures still have the hope of peace, but wars between the worlds rarely end in peace. Most end up with the winner devouring the loser. The winner has everything left by the loser, the world, the creatures, and even the origin of the world. The loser becomes the nourishment for the winner and disappears completely between heaven and earth.

   The crystal wall between the worlds is broken. This is the first step in world fusion. It is also the beginning of the war of planes. What Kenan needs to do is to defeat all the species in the opposite world and destroy all the creatures he sees until the opponent's world consciousness is defeated.

Kenan silently observed that the breaking of the crystal wall of the world would leak a breath of law, and the two worlds were different due to their laws. In the process of world fusion, the collision between the laws would also reveal the breath of some laws. This is an extremely good learning opportunity for Kenan.

   After all, if it weren't for the void storm that caused the two worlds to collide with each other, how could it happen that the two worlds merged like this in normal times.

   Opportunities like this will be enthusiastic even for legendary wizards. If it is on the main plane, I am afraid that this place is already full of legendary wizards that can hardly be seen at ordinary times.

Kenan stood quietly near the edge of the plain, feeling the breath of the law quietly, feeling bit by bit. Although it is still difficult to understand the law at his level, even a little bit of insight is Can make him useful. For example, the fog of tricks that made Kenan's Nord legion invincible is a witchcraft based on the insights in the book of laws obtained from the big fog.

   If Kenan can feel something here, then it will be a huge help for Kenan's own strength improvement. For wizards, knowledge is power.

   Just as Kenan was quietly analyzing the power of the law, a group of strange species appeared in the opposite world.

   These creatures have a big head like a Several tentacles protrude from the canopy, constantly swinging, and each tentacles has an eye the size of an elder's bean. A round cylindrical body supports the entire creature, and there are six tentacles constantly twisting and swinging around the body. At the bottom of the body is a dense layer of short feet like tentacles. The whole creature gradually faded from dark brown from top to bottom, and finally turned white. If you don’t look closely, it’s a huge mushroom.

   These mushroom-like creatures looked curiously at the strange world on the opposite side. It may be that I have never seen such a vast plain. These creatures seem to be a little afraid of the new world. These mushroom-like creatures used their tentacles to communicate with each other. Soon, the first creature set foot on the land of the new world.

Although these large mushroom-like creatures have short feet, they move very fast. It touched the hard ground with a short tentacled foot, and moved its entire body to the ground after confirming that there was no danger. On the land of the new world.

   After a while, it was nothing unusual to see this mushroom creature, and its other companions set foot on the land of the New World one after another.

They are constantly touching each other with their tentacles, and it looks like they are exchanging information, but because of the different communication methods, it is impossible to detect what they are communicating, but without guessing, they know that they are exchanging some knowledge and views on the new world, and The comparison and adaptation of the two worlds and so on.

   Just as the group of mushroom creatures was discussing, a group of treants who looked like huge willows also came to the edge of the swamp. They are also looking towards the new world.

   Then, gray vines, blood-red thorn balls, huge flowers with huge mouths and feet of the elders, and many strange creatures gathered beside the swamp, looking at the new world.

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