The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 139: Teppanyaki

Kenan saw the petrochemical ray shooting at the two again, and once again took Gregory to avoid the light of the petrochemical ray. E┡ΔFiction Ww%W. *1XIAOSHUO. COM

The giant octopus saw that the petrochemical ray hadn't hit Kenan several times in a row, so he didn't continue to waste energy.

With a loud bang, the giant octopus fell like a hill on the beach of the island, smashing the originally flat and clean beach into a huge hole, and then the giant octopus supported its body towards Kenan with eight tentacles. People fly forward. After all, the tentacles of the giant octopus are too long, a distance of tens of meters in a single step, so it quickly came to the area where Kenan was. However, Kenan deliberately observed the strength of the giant octopus, so he did not dodge, but stayed in place, quietly waiting for the giant octopus to catch up.

After the giant octopus came to the vicinity of Kenan, the tentacles in front suddenly swayed and swept away in the direction of Kenan. The tentacles almost completely sealed off the upper and lower areas, forcing Kenan to withdraw continuously.

"Can't retreat anymore, behind us is the town," Gregory shouted. Although he was caught by Kenan, he did not stop analyzing the situation. Seeing that the giant octopus seemed to be going to The two drove towards the center of the town and immediately reminded them.

Kenan threw Gregory to the rear, "Take care of yourself," after speaking, he raised his hand and released a dragon's breath technique, and a fan-shaped flame more than ten meters wide instantly smeared the face of the giant octopus. It burned countless black marks on the facial skin of the giant octopus, and there seemed to be a faint smell of meat wafting out.

The giant octopus was obviously irritated by Kenan’s dragon breath technique. Several tentacles were shrouded in front of him in a semicircle shape. Then a thick black mist sprayed from the suction cups on the tentacles, and countless mists continued to attack Kenan. .

Although Kenan didn't understand the characteristics of these black mists, he was willing to try it himself, so he immediately hid on a boulder to the left of the giant octopus.

When the giant octopus saw Kenan change its position, it also changed its direction, and the black mist sprayed by the giant octopus also changed its direction, turning around and continuing to float towards Kenan's position.

Upon seeing this, Kenan jumped onto a rock by the sea, and the black fog followed Kenan's footsteps.

"Dragon's breath technique," Kenan performed the dragon's breath technique and sprayed it toward the black mist. The blazing flame blocked the black mist, and the original huge black mist was also reduced by the flame. And the color has faded a lot. However, just as Kenan was using Dragon's Breath, several huge tentacles swept towards Kenan, forcing Kenan to stop using Dragon's Breath.

When Kenan dodged, the giant octopus spit out some black mist again to make up for the amount eliminated by Kenan, and continued to drive Kenan with the black mist.

Kenan was a little impatient with this back and forth attack. Since Kenan made his debut, he has always resolved the battle quickly. Where can he fight such annoying battles? Kenan lost interest in temptation when he saw the giant octopus back and forth with just a few tricks, no longer paid attention to keeping his hands, and began to experiment with his newly developed witchcraft.

"Flame Storm," as Kenan's witchcraft was instigated, a tornado of flames appeared directly from below the giant octopus. Wrap the entire giant octopus directly in it, the storm composed of witchcraft flames directly cut off the giant octopus’s eight thick tentacles, enveloping the entire giant octopus’s head, and countless blades composed of flames arbitrarily in the storm. Cutting the body of the giant octopus, and every wound cut by the blazing blade will cause a small flame to burn on the wound. In this way, under the cutting of countless flame blades, in the flame storm, the head of the giant octopus was cut into countless pieces and then burned into fly ash.

This is Gregory in the distance looking at the giant octopus burnt to ashes and curled his lips with regret. “It’s a pity that such a big octopus is burned. Takoyaki is also okay, it’s a shame not to be able to taste it."

Before Gregory sighed, the tentacles of the eight giant octopuses that had been cut by the flame storm suddenly twisted. These giant tentacles continued to group themselves into a ball, and then the skin grew together and turned into a ball. A soft-skinned dome, the soft shell of the dome shattered in a blink of an eye, and a small purple octopus was drilled out of the dome. Except for a slightly different size, the remaining appearance and shape were the same as the original giant Octopuses are generally no different.

"Is there a rebirth feature? This has some research value," Kenan transformed into several huge hands of flames, and the hands of flames fell quickly to catch several small octopuses, and then turned them into domes. The small octopus was sealed in the dome. Kenan smiled and collected these domes one by one into the void color shells. These small octopuses are very good research materials. If the research is successful, then there will be a lot of receipts for him, so it is not allowed. Lost.

Seeing Kenan completely subdued the giant octopus, Gregory ran over from a distance, "My lord Kenan, you are really amazing. You defeated this ugly monster in an instant. Great, are you a legendary wizard?"

Kenan shook his head It's only Morningstar level, there is still a long way to go from the legend. "Anyway, this is not a secret worth keeping. Anyway, others will be able to judge Kenan's level later from Kenan's shot, so Kenan didn't conceal it, so he told Gregory directly.

"It turned out to be Master Star Wizard. I didn't recognize the adult just now. It was really offensive. I hope I don't get angry." Gregory said in a low voice.

"It's nothing, I also like your character. Everyone is a wizard and you don't need to pay attention to so many red tapes." Kenan waved his hand to signal Gregory not to care.

"My lord, what shall we do next?" Gregory asked. Now Kenan, a celestial wizard, is here, and it is reasonable to ask Kenan's opinion.

"We have guests coming." Kenan didn't answer Gregory's question, but turned to look at the dark blue cavity.

"What guest?" Gregory was a little unsure.

Just as Gregory was puzzled, countless large seafood fell out of the deep blue cavity.

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