The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 167: Torn world

Seeing that the things on the altar were the origin of the world, Kenan reached out and wanted to take it down. After all, it is the origin of the world, one of the top treasures of the Wizard Continent, every world origin will be looted by many forces, and every world origin will cause countless blood and blood.

It is false to say that someone is indifferent to the origin of the world, unless he does not know the value of the origin of the world, which is a treasure that even the world consciousness needs.

But the moment Kenan's hand touched the origin of the world, Kenan retracted his hand again. Over the years, Kenan has developed a cautious character.

It is obvious that there is a problem with such a generous amount of treasure being placed here.

Kenan performed twelve detection witchcraft, but found no signs. This was no surprise to Kenan. How could a person who can use the origin of the world as bait let himself discover it so easily.

Kenan tried to communicate with the surrounding space, and found that an invisible net had sealed the space.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Kenan murmured to himself, "In that case...then goodbye."

After speaking, Kenan read out the mantra of Styx's oath, "Eternal and great Styx, your followers are willing to follow your footsteps into the eternal tranquility, and wash the world's filth with the fire of the abyss..." Following the mantra's thoughts, a Styx that traverses the sky appeared in the void, and instantly appeared next to Kenan.

At this time, everything in this world seemed to be in a static state, and everything seemed to be frozen like an oil painting. Except for the Stygian river that billows and flows by.

Kacha, a huge crack appeared in the void. A dozen thick black and purple tentacles stretched out from the crack, and then divided to the left and right. The originally small crack was torn apart by rawness. Looking across the crack, there are countless pairs of black vertical pupils and boundless darkness on the opposite side of the crack. A strong chaotic breath wafted from the opposite side of the crack.

Seeing the scene across the crack, Kenan was both depressed and happy.

What is depressing is that I will encounter this guy. This indescribable existence is only introduced in the introduction of the book on the Wizarding Continent. There is no clear overview of how terrifying it is, but it is recorded in the book. The existence of horror swallowed an entire world record.

Kenan doesn't know exactly what level of existence the other party is. He only knows that if he didn't feel bad and said the Styx Mantra in advance, then he was already a corpse at this time, and maybe even the corpse would not be left behind. However, under the blessing of Styx, Kenan was able to reluctantly act.

Fortunately, he can now escape this catastrophe with the help of Styx, although the cost is a bit huge.

However, as long as there is fate, no matter how big the price is, what can be considered.

Kenan looked at the waving tentacles and smiled, "Goodbye, stupid fisherman." After speaking, he jumped into the Styx.

After the billowing Styx swallowed Kenan, it gradually disappeared into the endless void.

An angry roar came from the other side of the crack, but facing the existence of Styx that could crush it, it still did not dare to **** prey from the opponent. Can only retreat into the void unwillingly.

The world's cracks gradually disappeared, and time flowed again, as if nothing had happened. Only the dilapidated altar still glows red, waiting for the next prey.

In the poetry of the bard, the bank of the river Styx is full of bright red lost flowers. As long as you pick one, you can forget all the pains of the world, and cross the river Styx in an ark transformed from the lost flowers. Reach the eternal shore.

If someone returning from the shore of the Styx hears this description of the bard, he will first press the bard on the ground and give him a hard meal, and then throw the other party into the stygo and let him See what the real shore of the river Styx looks like—if he can reach the shore of the river Styx alive.

Although wizards often use Styx as a witness to their vows, if they regard Styx as a kind and kind being, then they are wrong. On the contrary, Styx is the harshest existence in the world. It is also the most dangerous existence.

Anyone who wants to use the Styx to escape danger and enter the banks of the Styx will pay for their actions.

All people who enter the Styx must contribute their bodies and can only keep their souls. This is one of the most basic conditions. In addition, after entering the Styx, you have to resist the scouring of the undercurrents of the Styx from all directions, which will greatly consume your mental power, true energy, spiritual energy, and so on. If you can't resist it, then you will be broken down into nothingness by the Styx and disappear completely between the heaven and the earth.

Only those who can withstand the erosion of the undercurrent of the Styx can come to the shore of the Styx.

There are countless people and creatures who want to escape the danger with the Styx, but there are only a few lucky people who can reach the bank of the Styx. In addition to super strength, a little bit of luck is needed to reach the bank of the Styx.

Of course, the danger does not end when it reaches the bank of the Styx, on the contrary, the danger has just begun.

This is a quiet world, but also a noisy world, the origin of all things, and the destination of all things. Here you can find whatever you want, get whatever you want,

The vast river Styx passes through a vast area of ​​bloody sand. The original mighty Styx slowed its flow slightly here, and after a few huge turns, the huge waves of the Styx became calm and soothing, and the passengers who took the Styx "train" came here one after another. get off".

One by one souls floated out of the Styx—most of them were broken souls or broken pieces of consciousness, and complete souls were extremely rare. These souls involuntarily fell onto the **** sandy ground here, and after landing, they turned into huge white cocoons.

Suddenly a silkworm cocoon burst open, and a huge worm emerged from the The worm is snow-white all over, without eyes or ears. It cannot hear or see, but it seems to be able to feel the surroundings. Case.

After the worm left the cocoon, it opened its circular mouth full of sharp teeth and began to swallow the cocoon that had originally wrapped it.

The cocoons were quickly eaten up, and the worms began to wriggle toward other cocoons. When they got close to the cocoons, the worms opened a mouth full of sharp teeth and bit out a gap in the originally dense cocoons, exposing the white worms inside.

The worm outside did not hesitate, and opened a big mouth to bite the body of the worm inside. With a sudden pull, a large piece of meat was torn off, and white blood was splashed everywhere.

The pain awakened the worm inside, and the blood excited the worm outside. The two worms began to bite each other with their sharp teeth. In the end, the worm outside was slightly better and bit off the head of the worm inside.

The worm quickly ate the dead worm carcass, and then quickly moved towards the next target.

The worm controlled by instinct did not find a smaller worm in the distance watching it silently with its non-existent eyes. It was like looking at the abyss.

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