The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 175: Magic city

Sin City is a paradise for the strong, a **** for the weak, a paradise for adventurers, and a paradise for the sinners. It is the place of wealth in the eyes of merchants and the source of evil in the eyes of brave men.

There is no brave who does not desire to pull out this sin city that stands at the junction of light and darkness, on the edge of the abyss and the world. However, more than a dozen crusades have been fought. The braves changed from crop to crop, but the City of Sin has always stood there and has never been captured.

The closest the braves were to success was to invade the inner city of Sin City. All the outer defenses of the city were lost. The war entered the stage of street fighting. However, suddenly dozens of portals appeared outside the city, surrounded by countless demon legions. Sin City, all the brave who attacked the Sin City were strangled in the Sin City.

It was also during that battle that the human world truly understood the depth of the abyss, and also the name of another city in the abyss-the city of demons, Isengard.

The demon army of this battle is all from Isengard.

The human kingdom, shocked by the depths of the abyss, gathered most of the remaining brave men on the border to guard against the raid of the demon army.

Of course, this is also a helpless move. The warriors who attacked the City of Sin were the essence of the warriors assembled in all the human kingdoms. Can't stop the overwhelming demon army. Originally, these human kingdoms were ready to fight to the end, but the demon army seemed to have no interest in entering the human world. After solving the predicament of Sin City, they returned to Isengard.

This made the human kingdom breathe a sigh of relief, but also cast a shadow in his heart. When mentioning the Demon Legion in the Abyss, I will recall the scene of the kingdom's collapse that year. Since then, the issue of conquering the abyss has become a taboo in all kingdoms. If anyone dared to raise this issue, without the need for others to do anything, all members of the military would ransack the person and exterminate the family, and then hang the body on the city gate to warn all those who dare to touch the taboo.

Although the Sin City has become a taboo for the military and the court, it is a new source of wealth for merchants.

When the profit reaches 300%, these greedy businessmen dare to sell the ropes that hang themselves. What's more, it is an area that has never been developed. So caravans of all sizes lined up to the Sin City.

Here, they were not blocked by powerful demons, but received by those in power. After several consultations, the two sides signed a trade treaty.

Demons are not interested in most of the commodities of human beings. The only things that can make demons interested in are barbecues, spirits, slaves, and beasts. The merchants value the sulfur mines that can be seen everywhere in the abyss and the self-controlling demons that can be hired.

Sulfur ore is an important alchemy material, and powerful demons can be hired to do things related to force. Such as protecting caravans, eliminating bandits, and killing competitors, and so on.

It was the prosperity of these industries and the exchange of large numbers of caravans that led to the vigorous development of Sin City. Sin City has also changed from a fortress of demons to a prosperous commercial city.

Many poor or desperate people will come here to try their luck. Although most of them disappeared in the end, there are always news of some lucky ones flying into the sky.

Therefore, these successful cases have attracted more people who are eager to take risks or want to fight for the last way out. Even many fledgling young brave men want to make their mark here and build some achievements.

As for whether it ended disastrously or even lost a small life or became famous, only one knows.

Kenan had seen from a distance a dozen days ago at the end of the horizon, the huge black silhouette of the city that seemed to stand at the end of the world at the intersection of light and dark.

But it was indeed a dozen days later to truly step into the gates of this majestic sin city.

It wasn't that Kenan was slow, but the closer he was to the Sin City, the stronger the demons in the wild who attacked the Sin City. After all, hunting in the wilderness is really time-consuming, and guarding the City of Demons can capture a large number of demons who want to go to the City of Sin. It is simply a model of waiting in the opposite world. And it's a successful version.

Therefore, large and small "Demon Bandits" formed on the way to the Sin City. Some of them are in groups, some are alone, no one can tell who is the hunter and who is the prey. After all, this is still an abyss, and the demons still speak with strength after all.

At least Kenan had eaten nearly a thousand demons with no eyes on the way. These demons used their bodies to supplement the energy consumed by Kenan on the road, and contributed their own power to the circulation of matter.

After Kenan entered the gate of Sin City, he felt as if he had entered another world. Not only saw the long-lost social civilization, but also came to a relatively independent space. Kenan faintly felt that the entire Sin City was in a relatively independent The silhouette of Sin City that Kenan saw before was actually the Sin City on the main plane. Projection, and the real Sin City is built in a small, independent plane.

The entire city of sin is made of black flares. Most of the buildings in the city reflect the rough aesthetic style of the demons. Huge and rough are two distinctive features of demon architecture.

It's huge because there are many huge races among the demons, and if they are too small, they can't accommodate them. Roughness reflects the lack of patience and roughness of the demons. This is significantly different from the devils who play with rhetoric.

Of course, due to the entry of human caravans, many human-style buildings have been brought to Sin City. The exquisite carvings and complicated decorations reflect the superb skills of countless skilled craftsmen, but in the eyes of the devil, this is a waste of the strength of the building. However, human beings are still doing their own way, constantly decorating their own area, which can be regarded as a sight in the city of sin.

Kenan walked on the streets of Sin City, as if returning to the city on the prosperous wizarding continent, if there were not so many demons around him.

Although the name of Sin City is terrifying, killing is not allowed in the city. Instead, there are patrols patrolling around. If violated, it would be a blasphemy against several 9th-level demon lords. Will be chased to death by those patrols. Of course, if you put all your wealth on the patrol team, it can only show that you are too simple.

Although killing is forbidden in Sin City, it is still possible to mutilate. Inferior skills here can only show that you are unlucky. As long as it's not in a few special areas such as the commercial area, no one will care about what you do as long as you don't kill anyone.

Sin City is worthy of the name.

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