The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 182: Mist

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Fields's face was pale, and his original relaxing travel mission had become a lifelong mission of death. How could this not make him fearful. Originally, he had shown it to his colleagues after winning this task. As a result, he was shown off by the prey. Now they have fallen into the trap, and whether life or death falls into the grasp of others.

"What should I do? Your lord!" At this moment, several captains of the Yulin Tiewei came over and asked Fields for advice. After all, Fields is still the nominal leader here. Moreover, facing two kinds of pretense that they have never heard of before, they have lost their decision-making ability for a time, and they have not found a practical and effective one. Before the solution, no one dared to draw conclusions casually. After all, this includes their own net worth and life.

After all, Fields was the confidant of King Lundell for many years, and he still had basic abilities. After the initial panic, he calmed down.

Suddenly, Fields flashed a flash of inspiration, recalling that when King Lundell was a prince, he led him to visit a mysterious figure in a long robe. From then on, he knew that there were still a group of people in this world. People with strange abilities, they can call the wind and rain, can revive the dead, can make the armor stronger, can make the long sword sharper, can appear and disappear at will, they call themselves arcanists.

And if the strange scene in front of you had to be explained, then with Fields's insight, it could only be regarded as a mysterious arcanist. As for the devil's shot, he hadn't really thought about it.

After all, if it is a demon, then with the character of those demons, they will not hide, and those violent red skins will be the first to jump out when they make a move.

Fields loosened the neck guard wrapped around his neck and allowed his breathing to be clearer. Then he glanced at the many Yulin Tiewei who surrounded him, and said loudly, "Brothers, there are three roads before us now. One is to continue to attack the mysterious air wall. As far as I know, this kind of air wall is There is an upper limit. As long as the attack is strong enough, it can be broken, but we don’t know how long it will take. The second way is to enter the mist area that suddenly appears. I don’t know what I will encounter in the mist, but I I’m sure it’s not easier to get into the fog than to attack an air wall."

Having said this, Fields took a breath and asked everyone to digest the information.

At this time, a captain of the Imperial Forest Iron Guard stood up, "The strength of the air wall is too high, even if it is an attack, we may not be able to break it, and the unknown of entering the fog is too big, and it is not safe. Let me talk about the rest. Way."

Fields sighed and smiled bitterly, "The third way is surrender."

"What? Surrender? Lord Fields, if you are not a cron of the king, now your head is hung on top of the spear." The talking captain had already pointed the sword at Fields.

"Do you think I want to surrender?" Fields was also very annoyed. For so many years, anyone who dared to point a sword at him had their heads chopped off. But the man in front of him was the king's guard, and the form in front of him did not allow them to fight.

Fields suppressed the anger in his heart, secretly gave the captain in front of him a vicious note on the small ledger, and then explained, "You know how strong the person who can lay down the air wall and this kind of fog is. ? That is not an existence that we can confront at all, and even if we want to surrender, the other party must be willing to accept it. If the other party does not accept us, there is only a dead end."

"Hmph, I don't believe how strong a person who hides his head and reveals his tail is. If he is as powerful as you said, why didn't he come out and kill us directly? Instead, he would use this troublesome method." Captain of Yulin Tiewei Said disdainfully.

"Brothers, our Yulin Iron Guard has never surrendered since its inception. Killed with me. I don't believe that the fog of a small area can stop our iron cavalry from charging, and I will follow me without fear of death." The captain of the Imperial Forest Iron Guard flicked the reins and rode his horse towards the mist.

Many Yulin Tiewei looked at each other and rode horses and followed the captain towards the mist. The last few Yulin Tiewei glanced at Fields who was standing there with pity before entering the fog, the look was like looking at a dead man but also at a coward. The Yulin Tiewei who was walking at the end opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just looked back and then rushed into the mist without looking back.

In a blink of an eye, many of the Royal Forest Guards disappeared in the thick fog, leaving only Fields standing on the open space on horseback.

Fields sighed helplessly. He was very clear about the thoughts of these Yulin Iron Guards, and he also knew that no one would believe that all of these were powers that humans could achieve before they had really met those arcanists. Even he himself would not believe that there is such a terrifying existence in the world before seeing the arcanist in person.

But now it's useless to say anything, Yulin Tiewei has already embarked on a journey to Then now he has to consider his own way out. As Fields was concentrating on it, the dense fog around him gradually dispersed. Fields looked in the direction where the Yulin Tiewei had left, and saw a tall dark red figure appeared in his line of sight.

This is a demon he has never seen before, with sharp and curved horns on his head, thin scales on his tall body, crystal-clear and sharp bone claws on his sturdy limbs, and a thick tail dragging behind him. Sweeping back and forth.

Fields vowed that he had never seen such a demon, but there were so many kinds of demons in the abyss, and it was normal for him to occasionally show up a few demons he hadn't seen.

But what is really worth noting is that this demon came from the direction where the knights of the Yulin Tiewei left. If you think about the old-fashioned character of the Yulin Tiewei, you can imagine that those old-fashioned Yulin Tiewei must have been The demon in front of me was destroyed, and there was no shouting at all, and the time was very short. It can show that hundreds of Yulin Iron Guards were definitely killed in seconds, otherwise it would be impossible to even shout out the screams. ...

Thinking of this, there was fine sweat on Fields' forehead, and big beads of sweat continued to drip down.

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