The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 198: Handover

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The good life is always short. Just when Kenan was immersed in the beautiful days that Stefa left him, the person who was sent from the academy to take over his guardianship finally arrived in Zivadin.

In the study of the mansion, Kenan met the arcan apprentice who had come to replace him. The position of the watcher was originally held by the arcanist apprentice, and Stefa was exiled here because he offended the senior members of the academy. Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, it is natural to go back.

Kenan looked at the scroll handed up by the arcanist apprentice. The scroll was attached with the unique arcane mark of the Twin Towers Academy. Normally, it was difficult to fake it. In addition, there was a notice of the special channel of the Academy before. By comparison, it is natural to be sure that the person in front of him is indeed the personnel sent by the Twin Towers Academy to replace him.

"Well, Oluf, Level 4 Arcane Apprentice, 19 years old, not bad, I am very optimistic about your potential, if you do not have a tutor after you return to the academy, then you can come to me. I am very willing to teach you this way. Potential fresh blood." Kenan said a few words to appreciate each other.

Of course, it's just talking. Potential apprentices like this will be targeted by several mentors as early as when they enter the academy, and it will be their turn. And the opponent came here obviously to exercise and then returned to the academy to prepare to attack the official arcanist. Although Stefa was a second-level arcanist, it was still somewhat reluctant to teach such potential newcomers. Kenan's remarks were just a release of his kindness.

As expected by Kenan, the other party tactfully stated that he already had a mentor and declined his kindness.

Kenan, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't have any gaps in his heart, but directly brought the opposite party to meet the king of Zhivadin. After a brief meeting with the two parties, Kenan handed Oliver a list of resources that the Zhwading Kingdom needs to provide to the Twin Towers Academy each year, and the handover was officially completed. After all, their job is really nothing worth paying attention to. Just check the resources that need to be turned in once a year. Even if a dog is tied here, the work can be done well.

When the king saw the change of guards at the Twin Towers Academy, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked the palace butler to organize a grand banquet to welcome the new guards.

Inside the luxurious banquet hall, facing a room of Yingying Yanyan, aristocratic girls who circled around him, Oluf was a little at a loss. After all, he is just a teenager from a remote country. In his vision, the biggest official is the mayor. If it hadn't been for a raven to break into his life with a mysterious letter, then he might have stayed in that remote town. This experience would naturally not bring him much insight.

Since entering the Twin Towers Academy, he has been learning various knowledge and practicing meditation under the guidance of his instructor. I have never seen such aristocratic extravagant life.

And his mentor sent him out naturally to let him see the outside world. Such a life can at least improve his mood and it will also have certain benefits for the future promotion of Arcanist.

But Oluf, who was first involved in this kind of gentle township, was a little overwhelmed and soon fell into the siege of the girls.

Kenan held a glass of wine and smiled and looked at Oluf, who was surrounded, and then slowly left the hall of laughter. Was it noticed by the coveted nobles at all during this period? Of course, even if they noticed that they would not come up to talk about something, the situation of people taking the tea to cool is really not new among the nobles.

In their eyes, Stefa had already stepped down, and there was no need to make friends if they didn't have what they needed. After all, can I see each other in the future? Why bother to cling to it?

In the early morning of the next day, after eating breakfast slowly, Kenan left Riwading City alone and flew towards the Twin Towers College.

The vehicles commonly used by arcanists are generally all kinds of brooms. Although when he was a child, Kenan was very envious of wizards flying around on a broom while watching wizard cartoons, but after he really rode it, he realized that this thing was really uncomfortable.

In addition to being blown away by the high-altitude airflow, the comfort of the broom is also very bad. After all, there is only one stick. If you want to be comfortable, you can’t feel comfortable.

Kenan doesn't understand why arcanists have such black technology as floating city, why they use low-level items such as brooms when they are on the way. He was curious about the answer that he spent ten minutes reading from Stefa's memory. This answer was actually respecting tradition.

Because the first arcanists used flying brooms as their means of transportation. This answer hurts Kenan. However, as far as Stefa’s knowledge is concerned, some reformers in the academy have invented flying magic carpets. The comfort has been greatly improved, and they have also been equipped with wind shields. Although they are still relatively inferior, they are not as good as flying brooms. Know how advanced it is. It was only because of the high cost of construction and the obstruction of a group of stubborn conservatives that it has not been promoted.

Kenan felt that he would look for a chance to get one in the future. Let’s not talk about anything else, at least you don’t have to eat a lot of wind.

After staggering and flying for half a month, Kenan arrived at the location of the Twin Towers Academy ~ ~ the top of the highest peak in the center of the mainland according to Stefa's memory.

In the clouds and mist that have been shrouded in the Kolinin peak all year round, there are two tall white twin towers, two white towers standing high on the mountain peaks, straight into the sky. Many floors between the two white towers are connected by connecting channels, which is just convenient for mutual communication. On the side of the two white pagodas, the top of a huge mountain peak that I don’t know where it came from is being erected firmly here. Kenan can see countless people at the entrances of the mountain peaks from a distance. Entering in and out, showing a busy scene, like a huge pile of ants.

And around the mountain peaks, many people in robes and brooms were patrolling in the air. Seeing Kenan's arrival, he quickly separated two people and intercepted him in front of Kenan, "Your Excellency, may I ask if you have anything to do when you come to the Twin Towers Academy."

Because Kenan didn't constrain the second-level arcanist aura on his body at this time, the other party seemed to be relatively polite on the surface.

Kenan took out his mission scroll from his arms and handed it to the two arcanists who were blocking the way. "I just returned from the quest from Zhivadin, and now I return to the academy to hand in the quest. I dare to ask what happened to my brother. , I remember that when I left, the academy didn't have so many defensive forces. Could it be that something serious happened?"

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