The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 203: Floating City Attack Test

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Dangdang, the door of the central command room of Floating City was knocked open, and Kenan in a gray short robe walked into the door of the command room. He bowed deeply to the man in the black robe who was looking at the remote crystal screen, "Master Ellop, all the energy supply lines in the floating city have been checked and can be used normally. The element pool has sufficient energy, stable response, and compliance. Please indicate the test standard."

Elep, the great arcanist wearing a black robe, turned around and looked at Kenan, "Stefa, you did a good job, I didn’t see you wrong, I think your instructor knows your current grades. He will smile with relief even in the place of eternal sleep."

"Thank you for the praise, the adults are all commanding well." Kenan bowed and saluted.

"Well, you don't need to be too self-effacing. You should arrange for someone to conduct this attack test with Floating City, record the parameters, and make an improvement plan."

"My lord, please."

"Well, let's go down, notify all members, and prepare for Experiment 33."

"Yes." Kenan bowed and bowed before turning to leave.

After a while, a rapid alarm rang throughout the floating city. All the personnel on duty quickly put down their work as usual drills and returned to their posts on standby.

"Observation Group No. 1 is already in place."

"Observation Group No. 2 is already in place."

"The No. 1 Arcane Cannon Group is already in place."

"The Arcane Generator Group No. 6 is in place."

"Assault Team No. 3 is in place."

"The energy group is already in place."

"The medical team is in place."


A loud report was transmitted to the central command room through the internal communication device. More than two dozen assistants kept sorting out the information they received and then reported to Master Ai Lepu, the commander-in-chief of Floating City.

"Report, all the personnel in Floating City have been in place, 0 people are absent, the energy is sufficient, and they can set off at any time, please give instructions."

"Direction 045, speed 30, turn on the invisible force field, target No. 23 test site." Ai Lepu gave the command coldly.

"Yes." The assistant turned around and issued the order.

The huge floating city started slowly. An invisible force field slowly activated, and the originally towering and huge floating city slowly disappeared into the sky. As if there was nothing there.

Ace lay boringly in the grass, holding a Roger's eye and staring at the cloud-shrouded mountain cautiously in front of him. That is an active volcano in a dormant period. Except for the occasional fleet of volcanic rocks that will come here occasionally, it can be said to be off the beaten track.

"Captain, why did you say that the gang of thieves in the Emerald Palace built their nest here? How hot it is, and the environment is not good, it is far from the city, the traffic is inconvenient, and there are many mosquitoes." Scratching the big bag that was stung by the mosquitoes, he complained to the group leader.

"Okay, look at your position well, and wait for half an hour before calling me to change shifts." The team leader lay lazily in the grass, with a grass stalk in his mouth, and his eyes looked at the sky occasionally. The passing clouds don't know what they are facing.

"This bad weather, it's dead. Team leader, since the college has found the bastard's nest, why didn't you just take it directly, but instead keep the other party and let us monitor it here. It's so troublesome, just send it directly. Isn't it okay for the combat team to destroy the opponent's nest?" Ace also learned from the team leader to find a weed from the grass in front of him, then broke the rhizome, and put the grass stem in his mouth.

With a slap, a slap was slapped on Ace's head, "The intention of the senior academy is not something you can guess, otherwise you will be a senior academy. Now your task is to stare at the opponent's lair and don't let go. A fly. Take a good look, and I'll take your place in a moment." The group leader turned over and continued to lie down with his back facing Ace.

"Okay, I know, I just watched it." Ace mumbled, his eyes shifted back to Roger's. Suddenly, Ace's eyes opened wide, and he looked at the image on Roger's Eye in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, and then looked intently. The image on the screen did not change, and he did not make a mistake.

Ace shook the group leader's shoulder in horror, "Group, leader, you, look at it."

Ace stammered.

"What's going on again? It's a fuss." The group leader turned around dissatisfiedly, and got close to Roger's Eye. It didn't matter what he saw. The sight on Roger's eye directly caused the sleepiness on the group leader's face. Woke up scared.

"What the **** is this?" the group leader said in disbelief.

I saw a huge metal ball suddenly appeared above the empty volcano on the screen of Roger's Eye. The surface of the huge metal sphere was shining with a faint cold light, and occasionally light blue ripples flashed on the spherical surface, which was a huge protective barrier.

Just as the team leader and Ace were wondering what it was, suddenly, numerous holes were opened under the metal ball, and then a dark arcane cannon with a gloomy light came out and aimed at the one below. volcano.

"Team leader, what is this, what is this going to do?" Ace has already been fighting in two battles at this time, and he is a little unstable.

Before the team leader could speak, a bold emergency message appeared in the eyes of Rogge in front of the two of them, "All personnel performing surveillance mission No. 23 are immediately prepared for shock protection, and we are about to conduct shelling experiments. Shelling. Countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7..."

"Mission 23, so familiar."

"Group leader, what we are performing is the task of Supervisor 23."

"Then this is the urgent message the college sent us."

"The leader, what should we do."

"What are you waiting for, get down."

As soon as the group leader finished speaking, he squatted directly on the ground, and pulled Ace to the ground by the way.

The two of them just lay on the ground, they heard a rumbling sound, and then, a huge shock wave swept across the ground. Countless branches and rubble were blown up by the huge shock wave. Some small trees have their branches directly broken.

And Ace felt like he was standing in the middle of a If the team leader hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid he would have been swept away by the huge shock wave.

Before they waited, the two of them were relieved, and there was another rumbling sound, and a larger wave of shock swept over, and Ace felt as if the end of the world had arrived. There was a roar after another, and the shock wave was blowing one after another. Ace felt as if he had lost his breath, he seemed to be a fish ashore, struggling to breathe a breath of air, unfortunately, in vain.

I don't know how long it took before the continuous shock wave stopped. The sluggish Ace was dug out from the soil by the team leader. The team leader shook Ace's head, "Ace, Ace, how are you doing, okay?"

After a long time, Ace shook his head and gradually became sober. Ace blinked, "Group leader, are you still alive?"

As soon as the group leader heard this, he patted Ace on the head again with his backhand, "What nonsense, I won't die if you die."

Ace slowly stood up, and the sight in front of him stunned Ace who was planning to move.

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