The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 224: Skeleton

The undead world is a relatively active world. The activity mentioned here does not refer to the racial activity within the world, but the activity of the world itself.

The undead world does not stay in one place quietly like other worlds, slowly farming and developing. It is like a robber wandering in the multiverse. It often wanders to the edge of other worlds in a short period of time, then quietly snatches a part of the population and creatures, and then flees far away.

Since it is more measured and robbed of very few supplies, the damage to other worlds is probably like a human being bitten by a mosquito. In addition, it is relatively smart. Therefore, there are not many worlds really for this one. It's troublesome.

Of course, as for the creatures that have been looted, it is unclear what they think. This is also the main source of the ground-covered bones in the undead world. Otherwise, how could so many corpses be produced by relying on the production capacity of the undead world itself.

Of course, these introductions are what Kenan sees from the book. After all, the last time the worlds invaded the Wizarding Continent at the end of the Golden Era included the Undead World. This time I encountered the Void Storm again. How could Kenan not know something about this.

However, due to the mystery of the undead world, not much valuable information has been circulated, or even if it is circulated, it is not accessible to Kenan at the time. Therefore, the real and detailed information needs Kenan himself to go. collect.

Kenan walked quietly on this skeletal land, and used the characteristics of the fog to hide himself. Although these strangely shaped creatures are not Kenan's opponents, it seems that there is no benefit to killing them. Therefore, Kenan chose a detour wisely. Fly in the direction of the wish pointer.

This flight took more than ten days, and what Kenan saw along the way was an endless wasteland of bones except for occasionally seeing some bone beasts fighting with each other and souls looking for bones. There is no water, no trees, no plants and no animals, except barrenness or barrenness. The sky seemed to be a black curtain, without stars or sun, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen. However, there is so much light in this world, it is barely possible for people to see things clearly, just don't know where the light source is, Kenan is very confused about this.

However, even though he was puzzled, Kenan didn't mean to explore what was going on, because even if it was researched out, it would be of no use to Kenan. Kenan would not care about something that was not helpful to him.

After a long journey for more than ten days, Kenan finally found a small waterhole in a stalactite cave on a mountain covered with bones.

This small pool was ten meters square, but it was so deep that at least Kenan didn't see the bottom of the pool. The water in the pond is very cold, but not turbid. It seems that there should be an underground river passing by. There was no living thing in the pool, and Kenan threw a few bones and rocks down the deep pool, but did not notice any reaction.

In order to stimulate the creatures that may appear, Kenan released several powerful lightning witchcraft and lighting light **** into the pond. If there are creatures below, then facing Kenan’s provocation, he should have rushed forward. However, there is still nothing unusual under the pond.

Kenan, who was relieved, took out his wish pointer and looked at the pointer pointing down. He reluctantly released a few shielding witchcraft for himself, and then jumped into the deep pool.

The lake was very clear and cold, very deep and very dark. But these are not problems for Kenan. Kenan dived into the depths of the pool very smoothly. At a depth of about 100 meters, the pool became pitch black and no light was seen. But this is not difficult for Kenan. Now Kenan only needs to inject mental power into his eyes to achieve dark vision. Of course, with his current mental power, it is also possible to explore completely without using eyes to observe.

However, due to habit problems, Kenan is still used to observing things with his eyes.

Continue to dive to a depth of about 100 meters, Kenan found a thin crack, and a stream of water flowed from the crack to the pool. Kenan guessed that this might be the underground river that injected water into the deep pool.

After taking out the destiny indicator and comparing it, Kenan turned into a stream of energy and rushed directly into the dark river.

Kenan went up against the current and swam upstream along the underground river. It took more than ten miles to finally land on a high ground in a karst cave.

This is a natural cave terrain. The entire underground is filled with caves of various sizes eroded by various flowing water, and the entire area is like a large natural labyrinth. However, Kenan didn't worry about getting lost. He only needed to follow the route guided by his wish guidelines to walk freely in the cave without worrying about getting lost.

Kenan walked for another two days in the cavern which was like a huge underground labyrinth before finally reaching a large cave.

The cave is very about the size of two auditoriums. The top of the cave is also hung with stalactites of various sizes. In the corner of the cave is a huge stone like blue crystal, exuding amazing energy fluctuations.

And beside the crystal stone is a small silver circle. There was a long gap above the magic circle as if it had been chopped by something.

Leaning against the stone wall next to the magic circle sits a human skeleton. The skeleton of this skeleton showed no signs of decay and mildew in such a humid environment. Instead, it exuded a shining radiance, like polished white jade.

Skeleton holds a somewhat broken long knife in his hand. Judging from the dense runes engraved on the knife, it can be vaguely seen that this was once an excellent witchcraft creation, but it has been dilapidated after the years have passed. NS.

A dusty bag was pressed under the skeleton, which looked like a storage bag. Just being pressed under her body, some can't see clearly. In the chest of the skeleton, a sharp sword was inserted.

From the position point of view, this long sword should be the real cause of death of the skeleton owner. Moreover, this long sword still looked cold and there was no trace of rust at this time, obviously its quality was much better than that of the long sword on the ground.

Kenan took out the Destiny Pointer to check it, and murmured, "It seems that this is where I was promoted to Legend. I just don’t know if I got an item, whether it’s this blue crystal or this one. The broken magic circle, this suspected storage bag, this long sword, or this skeleton... Forget it, take it back anyway and study it slowly."

Just as Kenan stepped forward to take these things away, two green soul fire suddenly appeared from the eyes of the skeleton in the corner.

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