The Wolf King's Dream

Chapter 6 Brother and sister reunite and return to the Ge family

More than 3,000 wolves formed a half-moon shape and surrounded Ge Guang and his party. Ge Guang shouted to the vague figure behind the wolves: "Who is the hero in front of you? I am Ge Guang, the young patriarch of the Ge family tribe. Please come out and see me!”

A road suddenly opened up among the wolves, and a hump wolf ran toward Ge Guang with a figure on its back. When Ge Guang and his party saw this, their spirits became tense and they were ready for battle.

"Brother! Great, I didn't expect to meet you here!" The young man's clear voice came from the back of the hump wolf.

"Ge Yao?!" When the hump wolf approached, Ge Guang also saw clearly that the girl on the wolf's back was his sister Ge Yao who had run away from home.

Ge Yao came to Ge Guang, jumped off the hump wolf, flew into Ge Guang's arms, and said with tears: "Brother, I miss you so much, you don't know, I was almost eaten by wolves on the way, ugh Woohoo..."

Looking at his crying sister in his arms, Ge Guang swallowed the reproachful words in his mouth, patted her back gently, and comforted her softly: "Okay, okay, it's safe now. You don't even know about my father." I'm so worried about you. I heard that you went out alone and the old man got seriously ill. "

"Uuuuuuu, brother, I don't want to marry Manduo..."

Ge Guang's face changed when he heard this, and he scolded: "Shut up! The marriage with the Barbarian family will determine the life and death of our tribe. How can I allow you to refuse? You are the daughter of the clan leader, and you dare to run away from the marriage at this juncture. I am really pampering you." !”

The status of women in Beiyuan is much lower than that of men, and they can even be bought and sold as goods in the market. Although Ge Yao is deeply favored by her father and brother, sacrificing her marital happiness for the benefit of the entire tribe is a worthwhile deal for the elder Ge family patriarch and Ge Guang.

At this time, Chang Shanyin rode a hump wolf and slowly walked towards Ge Guang and his party. Ge Guang and the others' expressions tightened, and their whole bodies tensed up. Their fate would be decided next.

Ge Yao sobbed on the side: "This is Senior Chang Shanyin. He rescued me from the poisonous wolves."

Ge Guang was overjoyed when he heard this, and looked at Ge Yao with a kinder look.

Seeing Chang Shanyin's figure getting closer and closer, Ge Guang stepped out from the crowd, covered his chest with his right hand, bowed deeply to Chang Shanyin, and said loudly: "Dear senior Chang Shanyin, thank you very much for saving me. My sister, you are the benefactor of our Ge family tribe. Please give me a chance to be grateful and allow me to invite you to our tribe. The Ge family will do its best to entertain you. "

Ge Guang mentioned this after careful consideration. Judging from Ge Yao's experience, Chang Shanyin was not a ruthless demonic Gu master. For such a master, both Ge Guang and the Ge family tribe are worthy of their friendship.

"Hahahaha, the beautiful Miss Ge Yao has already invited me. It just so happens that the Yuan Stone in my body has long been exhausted, and the Gu worms also need to be replenished. I really need to take a rest." Chang Shanyin said with a hearty smile.

Chang Shan made his request in a subtle way, and he believed that Ge Guang, as the young patriarch, could understand what he meant.

Ge Guang's eyes flickered, he wrote down these words, and then said: "Senior Chang Shanyin thanks you for your honor, I will show you the way."

The people of Beiyuan are famous for their bravery and fierceness in the five regions, but on the other hand, the people of Beiyuan are forthright and forthright, and they especially respect the strong.

Both parties were interested in making friends and got along very well along the way. Everyone was very happy and had smiles on their faces.

Ge Yao was the only one who was in a low mood. She cried secretly as she looked at Chang Shanyin, Ge Guang and others who were drinking and chatting not far away. Now that she has returned to the tribe, she will fulfill her engagement with the barbarian family and marry someone she hates. It is undoubtedly a devastating blow to a girl who is just starting to fall in love.

Looking at Chang Shanyin's majestic body, handsome face, and those weathered eyes, Ge Yao felt a ripple in his heart, his expression changed several times, he seemed to have made up his mind, and his eyes gradually became firm.

Two days later, the group returned to the camp where the Ge family tribe was stationed.

The Ge family's camp was very vast, with a row of thick earth walls erected around it, two feet high. It is covered with dark green vines, and the leaves are covered with bunches of purple grape-like fruits.

Naturally, these are not simple decorations, but Wood Dao Gu - Divine Confusion Gu. When the camp is attacked by a herd of beasts, these grape-shaped Mysterious Gu will explode and erupt into liquid water. When these liquid liquids fall on the bodies of the beasts, they will become confused, shake their bodies, and lose their combat effectiveness.

Behind the earthen wall are tall watchtowers. There are three Gu Masters on the tower, one defensive Gu Master, and two reconnaissance Gu Masters taking turns to keep watch. There are also several patrol teams patrolling nearby.

Before Chang Shanyin and others even approached the camp, they were discovered by the Gu Master who was patrolling and on guard near the camp, and they went back early to report.

When Chang Shanyin and his party arrived at the camp gate, the camp gate had already been opened, and many Gu masters came out to greet them. Ge Guang also greeted the tribesmen enthusiastically. Judging from the reactions, Ge Guang has a high prestige in the Ge family tribe.

Along the way, Chang Shanyin also had a deep understanding of Ge Guang. Ge Guang is a typical Beiyuan person. He is generous, loyal, and brave. He also has deep feelings for the tribe and values ​​honor more than life.

But at the same time, the traditional concept that men are superior to women is deeply rooted in Beiyuan. Although he loved his sister Ge Yao very much and had a deep relationship with her brother and sister, and was willing to protect her with his life, he was very angry and disgusted that his sister had escaped from marriage for him regardless of the tribe.

The people living outside the camp are all mortals and slaves. They live in tents similar to yurts on Earth. These people wear ordinary fur robes, and those with better family conditions wear some ornaments.

Of course, there are also some slaves. Most of these people are poorly dressed and have pale faces and thin bodies. In Beiyuan, the status of these slaves is very low, just like cattle and sheep, and their lives are quite miserable.

Further in is where the Gu Masters live. The Gu Masters on the grassland do not live in tents, but in Gu Houses.

Gu Houses are houses made of Gu. A simple Gu is a Gu House. A more complex Gu House is built by combining multiple Gu.

The most common Gu House in Beiyuan is the House Lizard Gu. This is a second-level Gu. It looks like a lizard, with different colors and is about the same size as a bus on Earth. It is basically inhabited by Gu Masters and their families.

After passing through these Lizard House Gu, you will see a Gu House Mushroom Forest. This kind of Gu House is formed by planting a large number of Mushroom House Gu. There were hundreds of mushroom house Gu trees in the center of the camp. A group of people stood in front of the largest mushroom house Gu in the middle of the mushroom forest.

When Chang Shanyin and others arrived, an old man with a face very similar to Ge Guang led a group of Gu masters to greet them.

This person should be the old patriarch of the Ge family. Judging from his aura, he is also a fourth-level Gu master, but he is old and in poor condition. Chang Shanyin dismounted the hump wolf to show courtesy.

The old patriarch walked quickly to Fang Yuan, put his right hand on his heart, and bowed deeply to Chang Shanyin: "Respected strong man, thank you for saving my daughter, please come in, the best mare's milk and beef and mutton have been prepared inside. We have also arranged people to feed your wolf pack."

"Patriarch, you are polite, please." Chang Shanyin nodded, and followed the patriarch of the Ge family into the largest mushroom house Gu.

After entering the Gu house, everyone took their seats one by one, and young and beautiful girls stood behind everyone holding fragrant mare's milk.

After everyone sat down, a lot of food was served on the table, and the girl behind him also filled the wine glass with mare's milk wine.

The old patriarch of the Ge family personally got down from his seat and cut the meat for Chang Shanyin and put it on the golden plate. He held it with both hands and personally delivered it to Chang Shanyin's low-legged table.

The people of Beiyuan are hospitable and respect heroes the most. The old patriarch of the Ge family stood in front of Chang Shanyin and raised the wine bowl to toast him.

Chang Shanyin raised a full bowl of mare's milk wine and drank it all in one gulp. Seeing this, everyone in the room cheered loudly. In Beiyuan, if the host toasts the guests and the guests drink it all, it means respect for the host. Otherwise, it means looking down on the host.

After the old patriarch of the Ge family toasted, Ge Guang and the other elders toasted next. Chang Shanyin accepted all the toasts and drank them all in one breath. Everyone admired his heroic spirit. After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere in the room had become very heated.

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