The Wolf King's Dream

Chapter 74: Managing the blessed land, exchanging Gu in the snowy mountains

The secret of managing immortal orifices is not a secret in the Guxian world. Generations of Guxian have summed up many experiences based on their own personal experiences.

In the Guxian world, Guxians divide the management of immortal orifices into seven levels. These seven levels, which are progressive and gradually developed, are the results of the elites and outstanding people in the Guxian world for millions of years, who have tried and improved them.

For every Guxian, this is a summary and a very valuable experience. These experiences have been passed down from generation to generation and have become more and more perfect. If we follow these steps, we dare not say that the immortal orifices will be managed very well, but they will definitely be very stable and healthy.

The first level is to build ordinary resources in the blessed land so that the blessed land can produce ordinary Gu and ordinary Gu materials. Most of Chang Shanyin's blessed land is grassland, where various plants grow, mainly calla lily, clematis, wolfsbane, seven-leaf clover, needle grass, ryegrass, golden needle grass, milk tea flower, and iron shell flower. In addition, there are some other weeds and wild flowers.

These nine main flowers and plants can be used as materials for refining Gu worms, and some of them are parasitic Gu worms. Chang Shanyin has reached the first level.

The second level is to build fairy-level resources to produce fairy materials and feed fairy Gu. Chang Shanyin is still far from this point. His blessed land has just taken shape, and it will take a long time to produce fairy materials. As for feeding fairy Gu, it is indeed a problem. He has a lot of fairy Gu in his hands. The food of slave wolf fairy Gu and heavenly wolf virtual fairy Gu can be replaced by the flesh and blood of wolf-shaped wild beasts. This is why he must enslave Tao Tailang.

However, Tao Tailang is too small to feed two fairy Gu. It is basically impossible. He can only barely ensure that the fairy Gu will not starve to death. Next, we still need to find some wolf-shaped wild beasts and raise them in the immortal orifice, so that there will be a constant supply of food to feed the immortal Gu.

Feeding Dingxianyou is relatively simple, and only Qingti Xianyuan is needed. In theory, one Qingti Xianyuan can support six years, but nothing is absolute. The more times Dingxianyou is activated, the shorter this time will be. Dingxianyou was previously fed by Fang Lao Mo and can still support for a while, but it is not far from being fed again.

The food of the disaster-inducing immortal Gu is the black blood of the six-headed snake of the wild beast. Chang Shanyin thinks that this Gu will be very useful in the future and plans to keep it in his hands. If you want to completely solve the problem of feeding the immortal Gu, you have to migrate several six-headed snakes of the wild beast into the immortal orifice to reproduce.

The feeding of the soul-purifying immortal Gu requires the flesh and blood of tens of thousands of white lotus giant silkworm Gu. The white lotus giant silkworm Gu was created by the ghost demon. Although it is a mortal Gu, it is very rare nowadays.

However, Chang Shanyin did know some clues about the White Lotus Giant Silkworm Gu. Dongfang Changfan, the Zhidao Gu Immortal of the Dongfang Tribe, had a large number of White Lotus Giant Silkworm Gu.

In addition, there was the Luopo Valley, but now was not a good time, so the matter of feeding the Pure Soul Immortal Gu could only be put on hold for the time being. Fortunately, the Pure Soul Immortal Gu could still be used for a while, enough for him to perfect his killer moves.

Chang Shanyin was not going to spend energy to feed the three Immortal Gu that formed the Near Water Tower for the time being. These Immortal Gu were not very useful to him. If these Immortal Gu were on the verge of starvation, I believe the people of Lingyuanzhai would be happy to provide food.

The food of the Good Luck Immortal Gu was good luck. This Gu was considered to be a combination of feeding and using. It could collect the ownerless good luck that was scattered between heaven and earth, and it would swallow a small part of it.

The Hidden Luck Immortal Gu was of no use to Chang Shanyin at the moment. He mortgaged it to the Langya Earth Spirit in exchange for some Immortal Yuan Stones as the start-up capital for his own construction of the blessed land. In this way, the burden of feeding the Immortal Gu could be reduced a little.

The third level is to raise immortal beasts and immortal plants to form a circular ecology. Now Chang Shanyin has only one wild beast, Tao Tailang, and it is still a long way to go to achieve this. At this stage, he plans to introduce some ordinary beasts in the blessed land to solve the problem of feeding the wolf pack.

Now he has more than 500,000 ordinary wolves, including night wolves, turtle back wolves, wind wolves, water wolves, and 30,000 exotic beast wolves, including sky blue wolves, fish wing wolves, white-eyed wolves, blood forest wolves, crazy wolves, etc. Among them, there are two night wolf kings and ten other wolf kings.

Next, Chang Shanyin plans to introduce a batch of pollen rabbits in the immortal orifice. Pollen rabbits like to live in the sea of ​​iron shell flowers, and his blessed land happens to have a large area of ​​iron shell flowers. Pollen rabbits are easy to reproduce, and they are just right as food for the wolf pack.

Chang Shanyin also bought some ground pigs. These ground pigs have strong reproductive ability, can eat both meat and grass, and survive well. In this way, the problem of feeding the wolf pack is solved. The initial ecological balance is almost there.

Chang Shanyin can only do this now. In the following time, he will focus on perfecting the killing move of slave power fusion. Only by becoming stronger can everything be fundamental.

Half a month has passed in the blessed land. Chang Shanyin has just perfected his killing move and is about to find a wild beast to test it when he receives a message from Hei Loulan.

"Hei Loulan is so anxious. It seems that Dongfang Changfan has not much time left. I believe he has also figured out a lot of things. Although it has little impact on me, it is not a good thing for Hei Loulan and Fang Lao Mo. My chance has come!"

In a quiet room in the blessed land of Daxue Mountain.

A young and beautiful woman is concentrating on making tea. Next to her is a woman with sword eyebrows and star eyes, who is quite heroic.

"Xiaolan, what do you think of Chang Shanyin?" The tea-making woman said lightly.

The heroic woman was Hei Loulan. After a moment's silence, she said, "This man has a mysterious origin. He knew a lot of secrets when he was still a mortal. I suspect that the power behind him is not simple. There are pros and cons to cooperating with him. We need to be careful."

A moment later, a strong green light suddenly appeared in the quiet room.

Then the light dissipated, and a man with a strong figure and a resolute face appeared in the quiet room out of thin air.

The woman who was making tea raised her head and smiled faintly, saying, "Are you Chang Shanyin?"

Chang Shanyin observed the surrounding situation with a vague look, bowed to the woman, and said, "Junior Chang Shanyin, meet senior Lishan Fairy."

Fairy Lishan nodded with a smile and said, "You are indeed a handsome man. Xiaolan has mentioned you to me many times."

Chang Shanyin chuckled and said, "I'm afraid it's not a good word, Brother Loulan?"

Hei Loulan snorted coldly when he heard it, and ignored it.

Chang Shanyin didn't care and released Taibai Yunsheng from his fairy hole.

After the two sides introduced themselves, they began to discuss business.

Fairy Lishan spoke first: "You must be aware of Xiaolan's situation. Now her powerful Zhenwu body is about to explode. When you formed an alliance, you promised to do your best to help Xiaolan get the power fairy Gu."

Chang Shanyin nodded and said: "Yes, I also tried my best when I conquered the Zhenyang Tower checkpoint, but some changes happened later. However, with Loulan's means, I think the power fairy Gu has been obtained."

Hei Loulan sneered and said: "You two brothers completely disrupted my plan by ascending to the immortality in Wangting Fudi. Now you still have the nerve to say it? If it weren't for my good luck, I'm afraid I wouldn't even see the hair of the power fairy Gu now!"

"Hahahaha, look at what this is?" Chang Shanyin laughed and took out a fairy Gu from the fairy hole.

"This... is the flying bear power fairy Gu? I didn't expect it to be in your hand." Hei Loulan said in surprise.

She had been thinking about this Immortal Gu, but she missed it by mistake. Unexpectedly, this Gu fell into Chang Shanyin's hands.

"I, Chang Shanyin, have always kept my word. I promised to help you find the Strength Immortal Gu, and I will not break my promise. But now that you have the Strength Immortal Gu, you probably don't need this Gu, right?"

During the battle of the royal court, the two had a lot of contact. Hei Loulan also understood his character and immediately said, "Stop talking nonsense. What price do I need to pay?"

"Immortal Gu is priceless, so of course it's better to barter. I guess you have gained a lot from this trip to the royal court, right?" Chang Shanyin said with a smile.

Hei Loulan took out an Immortal Gu from the Immortal Aperture and said to Chang Shanyin, "I still have use for other Immortal Gu, so I can't exchange them with you. But I can't use this Immortal Gu, but it may be just right for you."

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