The Wonderful Journey of the Best Villain

Chapter 59: The Pope and the Beach Boy

Bessie suddenly threw his double at Jonson Joffrey, and the hook of [Beach Boy] shone brightly.

This time, he, Bessie, wants to protect Meloni!

The beach boy's fishing line can be stretched indefinitely, and the speed is also very fast, and now it is dark his fishing line is almost invisible in the dark. As a result, Jonson could not see the action of the hook, but he could hear the sound of the fishing line clearly.

The fishing line crossed Jonson Joffrey's side, and a sharp voice passed through his ears.

Jonson Joffrey's legs turned into the legs of the rebellious pope, bouncing extremely fast, but the hook was too flexible and the attack range was large, so he had to dodge hard.

Just as Jonson Joffrey was about to fight back, the hook carried by the fishing line slipped out of Jonson's eyes, hooked Meloni's back collar, and pulled him directly away.

It turned out to be pretending to attack me in order to take Meloni away.

This pervert quickly took away no one to grab you.

Bessie's green eyes flashed with extraordinary light, with a dazzling brilliance that seemed to be in the dark coconut grove.

Meloni's pervert didn't know if he was over-excited or what happened. His mouth was full of blood and he didn't speak for a long time, which deepened Bessie's misunderstanding.

"Melonissan, can you still move?" Bessie asked Meloni sadly, "You go back to the tavern first, and I will hold him!"

Bessie is now on his head. He sees Meloni being knocked to the ground with a punch by Jonson, and he is speechless in pain.

He was originally a mommy boy. He agreed with what Prosciut said, and Prosciut said that there was a problem with Jonson, so in his eyes Jonson was really not a good person.

Jonson Joffrey said that he was really dying, and a wave of anger hit his heart.

Bessie manipulated his fishing rod freely, very fast, but the rebellious pope was still able to dodge sensitively.

Bessie is a long-range combat, and Jonson is good at close combat.

Bessie’s [Beach Boy] is far stronger than he thought. The hook has a direct damage effect. Once it enters the human body, it will penetrate into the body, and attacking the fishing line will hurt his body.

Damn, there is no way to fight back.

And Bessie does not need to consume physical energy to manipulate the fishing rod, but the continuous power of the rebellious pope is only C.

The rebellion against the Pope was so fast that the Beach Boys could not catch up, but the attack range was very large, and Jonson could not get close to Bessie.

The smaller the volume, the easier it is to be drawn out of the line.

The fishing line is no exception. At the moment when the fishing line circulates together, one punch must be able to draw the line, but if you want to draw it, who should you connect with?

It didn't work with arrows, the absorption speed of arrows was too fast, and the rebellious pope accidentally killed Bessie, it was really not worth the gain.

With yourself? It's not impossible. The rebellious pope can operate the wire flexibly, including controlling whether it absorbs such things. As long as the wire is connected to himself, he can directly pull Bessie over.

Thinking that this big carrot might have to hit himself, Jonson was a little unwilling. The most important thing is that connecting someone else's stand-in messenger with himself is a silly thing, which is tantamount to pulling the enemy towards his defenseless self.

Jonson glanced at it and saw a boulder next to him, and he couldn't help smiling.

Bessie followed his gaze and found the boulder, guessing that Jonson Joffrey wanted to connect her beach boy with the stone.

Bessie's eyes are fierce and angry, she will never let you succeed! I want to execute you here! Get the approval of the rest of the group!

The speed of the beach boy is like the difference between a motorcycle and an electric car in front of the rebellious pope. After seeing the speed of the rebellious pope, it is like riding a motorcycle and never wanting to ride an electric car.

But the beach boy has a wide range of attacks, which is very troublesome.

Bessie looked at Jonson Joffrey, knowing that his ability is to pull a string, so he must be careful. He was a little flustered when the rebellious pope flexibly avoided his attack under Jonson Joffrey's operation.

He must be inexperienced and a good substitute cannot be used flexibly.

The rebellious pope hit the ground with a punch.

"No railroads, no railroads, no railroads, no railroads—"

The sand around was fisted quickly and took off into the air!

Just as Bessie was wondering, the advantage of the beach was used by Jonson.

The rebellion of the Pope was very fast, and he began to be on the beach again--

Jump repeatedly? !

The rebellious pope seems to have used the avatar technique, divided into several bodies, while stirring the beach, with the help of the sea breeze, the sand on the beach can be lifted up and blown to a high place——

Formed an effect like a hurricane!

The entire beach is completely invisible!

"Jonson Joffrey! Do you think I can't see it anymore?!" Bessi laughed loudly, my fish hook can't be blocked even with sand, no matter where you go, I can find you!

Bessie's smile instantly solidified.

The scene before his eyes shocked him deeply.

That is--

Every grain of sand that was raised is still standing still! !

Yes! Every grain of sand floats in the air, as if time has suspended...

Jonson Joffrey and his rebellious pope stood in the middle of the sand, and the sky was full of sand, filling the entire beach.

How did he do that?

Bessie opened her eyes wide and looked at the yellow sand in disbelief, as if she saw something bulingbuling.

——This is, the line?

This guy pulled every grain of sand out of the thread?

In the darkness, only the dark red inverted pope can be seen manipulating his right hand expressionlessly, manipulating a beast made of huge sand like a puppet guiding a line...

For a moment, Bessie was so scared that her beach boy couldn't hold it anymore.

This guy! It's terrible!

The huge sand formed a pair of hands and threw towards Bessie!

——In fact, it's not a hand, because the control of the rebellious pope is actually very low, and it can only barely form a look.

Bessie breathed like a fish on the shore...

At this time, the stern face of his brother Proxit suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

——【Bessie, glory is with you! 】

Bessie watched the'giant hand' leaping towards him. If he guessed correctly, he would tightly wrap Bessie and wrap him into a ball. Since the line is very strong, it will form a line. The net woven with sand trapped him firmly.

Jonson looked at Bessie, just wanting to scare him, but he didn't expect that he would not dodge at all, and that it would be troublesome if let go, maybe he would jump over again, so he really wrapped him up.

Bessie was loaded into a ball from sand and net.

Jonson Joffrey breathed a sigh of relief, watching the rebellious pope holding a line in his hand pulling the ball, and at the same time opening him a breath from above.

Why did the fight suddenly start, Jonson Joffrey thought in surprise, and then went forward to explain to Bessie.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm. He was shocked, and when he raised his hand, he found--

The beach boy’s hook is hanging from his fingertips!

He immediately looked along the fishing line and found that the fishing line came out of the ground!

Didn’t you run on purpose just to pierce me with a thread through the ground?

"Bessie!" Johnson finally yelled. In this case, wouldn't he also be caught by me? This is... to die together? want

Damn it, do you want to change the limit with me? !

Unexpectedly, Bessie did not pay attention to Jonson Joffrey at all, but shouted in the sand ball: "Meroni, run! I've made a deadly enlightenment, you leave the island, there must be his accomplices here. !"

"It's okay to sacrifice me! I'm already enlightened!"

Bessie is like an unwilling scream from the depths of his soul——

"Big Brother!!!"

Jonson & Meloni: "..."


Once I write about the battle, I can’t stop it. Originally, I planned to make this meter 4444 Da come on stage. I always like to write the meter 4444 Da!

This battle can be regarded as streamlined by me.

Your urging is more to me-Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da! !


By the way, put a face licking picture——

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