The wood type superpower who is reborn in the apocalypse

Chapter 43 43 is only enough for three days

It's really not easy for him to summarize so much useful information in such a short period of time.

"Fortunately, we have cleaned up the zombies in the entire building this morning and locked the apartment door. We are all safe for the time being." After telling the bad news, Jiang Huai finally told the good news.

The sad look on everyone's faces eased slightly.

At least now I don't have to worry about zombies breaking in at any time to eat people.

"We found the keys to the rooms in the apartment building and searched some useful supplies from various empty rooms. Later, a dedicated person will distribute these supplies. Everyone receives the supplies as a family unit, and registers the information of all family members when receiving . Supplies will be distributed on a daily basis, and at 9 o'clock every morning, there will be a dedicated person delivering supplies door to door."

As soon as these words came out, the survivor's face immediately showed joy.

Now that the urban area of ​​City A is in chaos, maybe this resort is safer.

Before rescue comes, they must be prepared to stay here for a long time. Supplies are the key to survival.

"For everyone's safety, after the meeting, people who cannot live on the fifth and sixth floors will be asked to move to the fifth and sixth floors to live together with everyone. The rooms will be allocated according to the standard of one household. While everyone is receiving supplies, you can At the same time, you will receive the house keys and move in.”

People looked at each other in agreement.

Living together is indeed safer and more secure.

"Starting from today, I will temporarily serve as the dormitory manager of this apartment building. Everyone must abide by public treaties and ensure the safety of the apartment building."

"Anyone who violates the public contract will be evicted from the apartment." Jiang Huai said solemnly.

The scene fell silent.

There were countless zombies wandering outside. If they were kicked out of the apartment, the fate could be imagined.

Jiang Huai then listed several public treaties that everyone needs to abide by.

Generally speaking, noisy noises, fights and troubles are not allowed, mainly to prevent zombies.

Everyone understands it and no one has any objections.

"Now let's talk about duty."

"All men who are over 16 years old and not over 65 years old and in good health must participate in the duty action team, obey the assignments and arrangements, and protect the safety of the apartment. Women with good physical fitness and courage can also participate voluntarily." , Jiang Huai looked at Leng Ning again.

Seeing Leng Ning's expressionless expression, Jiang Huai continued: "The members of the duty team have priority in getting more supplies."

As soon as these words came out, the scene exploded.

The survivors all had very strong opinions.

Most of them come from middle-class families, and some even come from high-income families.

I am usually used to sitting in the office and typing on the keyboard. I have never even killed a chicken, so how dare I kill zombies.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them one by one." Seeing the noise in the scene, Jiang Huai frowned.

Under the greeting of the order maintainer, the scene finally became quiet.

At this time, a young woman raised her hand first.

Then one after another, many people raised their hands.

"Say." Jiang Huai nodded at the young woman.

"I want to know how many supplies you found? How much can each of our families get? How long will the supplies be enough for us all to last?" the woman asked anxiously.

Everyone also looked at Jiang Huai anxiously.

Yes, how many supplies did they find? There are so many people here, how long will the supplies they find be enough for everyone?

"There are not many supplies. When distributing them, the quantity will be determined based on the population of each family. Families with larger populations can get more, and smaller ones less. Judging from the food found so far, the supply for three days should not be enough. Question." Jiang Huai said solemnly.

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