The wood type superpower who is reborn in the apocalypse

Chapter 57 57 Uncle Liang’s Super Power Awakens

The whole process was incredibly fast. Before the two zombies who were stabbed to death fell down, the stick had already completed a complete set of actions.

"Don't be stunned, otherwise it will all be hers." Yuan Xing came to his senses first and urged Zhou Tao.

Then he directly picked up the iron rod in his hand and ran towards a zombie not far away.

Zhou Tao hurriedly followed.

The two of them worked together, and just after they eliminated the two zombies, they discovered that there were no standing zombies within sight.

Then, Leng Ning took Xiaoman and walked towards them leisurely from the white mist.

"Would you like to count your achievements?" he asked the two of them with a smile.

"No need, I'm willing to admit defeat! Just let me know next time you need my help!" Yuan Xing said directly.

After seeing Leng Ning's killing just now, he was still not convinced at all.

There is nothing to say about losing to such an invincible female King Kong.

With her ability, not to mention the group of people living in their apartment now, even the special forces are no match for her.

"Call me by the way." Zhou Tao said helplessly.

It's ridiculous that just now he was still holding on to some luck, thinking that he might be able to win Leng Ning, and then make a request to her.

Now it seems that his thinking is still too simple.

"You guys can take care of these things on the ground." Leng Ning said directly and left.

Zhou Tao and Yuan Xing looked at me and I looked at you, and sighed helplessly.

"What are you looking at? Come and help dispose of the body!" Zhou Tao said angrily to everyone when he saw someone coming out to watch the excitement at the iron gate.

If these corpses are not disposed of and left to rot at the door, won't they kill people?

"Oh——" one of the team members responded.

Then he called on everyone to join in the action.

Everyone has a clear division of labor. Some people are responsible for guarding and some are responsible for transportation.

Send all the zombie corpses to a dry and abandoned pond not far away.

Teacher Jiang said before that the fog is too heavy at the moment, so there is no need to bury the zombie corpses for the time being. When the weather gets better, he will find a way to deal with it together.

Leng Ning took Uncle Liang back home.

I took a shower, changed my clothes, and continued to be my own homegirl.

"Miss! Miss!" I had just opened a book and read for a while when I heard Uncle Liang knocking on the door hurriedly.

Leng Ning quickly got up and opened the door.

"What's wrong, Uncle Liang?"

"Little Miss, I-I seem to have superpowers too!" Uncle Liang said with some fear and surprise.

Then he showed his hand to Leng Ning.

Sure enough, upon closer inspection, Uncle Liang's hand was leaking water.

It's very subtle, very weak, and you really can't notice it if you don't look carefully.

"Yeah. You have water powers." Leng Ning smiled.

Uncle Liang also awakened the water power in his previous life. After the water and power outage in Lei's villa, thanks to him for helping everyone provide water.

It's a pity that, like Teacher Jiang, he left soon after the fog cleared, otherwise she and her mother would not have been bullied so miserably.

"Really-is it really a superpower?" Uncle Liang was very happy, even a little unbelievable.

He had seen the young lady's superpowers, and they were really powerful.

Now that he also has superpowers, can he become as powerful as the lady?

"Yes. However, this ability is currently only at level one. If you want to truly unleash the power of the water system, you have to wait at least level three." Leng Ning said with a smile.

"It's okay, I can wait." Uncle Liang said excitedly.

"Let's go to the living room and talk. I'll teach you how to make better use of your powers first." Leng Ning said and walked out of the room.

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