Yes, her little beast is hungry like all living things, but its food happens to be zombie crystal nuclei.

She uses her mental power to control Xiao Man. Commanding Xiao Man to cooperate with her in fighting will consume her own mental power.

And if Xiaoman fights with her, he will also lose his own energy.

Her mental power loss can be replenished by absorbing low-grade colorless crystal nuclei, while Xiaoman's -

Haha, it’s all the crystal nuclei of various colors.

When she discovered this situation, she was so excited that she almost couldn't sleep.

Xiaoman's incredible characteristics can turn him into a head harvester on the zombie battlefield.

You must know that the most indispensable thing on the zombie battlefield is zombie crystal cores.

A big killer is not scary, what is scary is that it is a tireless perpetual motion killer. Of course, the premise is that she can keep up mentally.

It was also because of this discovery that Leng Ning had the courage to take Uncle Liang and the others out to get supplies.

It just so happened that she couldn't wait to see how capable Xiaoman was at full power.

The ending certainly did not disappoint her, Xiaoman's performance was truly remarkable.

She only needs to hold one end of Xiaoman, and Xiaoman can attack all approaching zombies at any time according to her wishes.

While attacking, she can also use her tentacles to send back the crystal nuclei she wants in an orderly manner.

In less than five minutes, zombie corpses were piled up around Leng Ning.

In order not to affect the car's return later, after the zombies were almost killed, Leng Ning began to direct Xiaoman to clean up the scene.

Speaking of which, this cleaning work is actually more difficult than killing zombies. Leng Ning wasted a whole dozen minutes.

There were fewer zombies approaching, and the road for the car to leave the scene was cleared. Leng Ning then put Xiaoman away and turned it back into a stick shape.

She still didn't know what was going on with Uncle Liang and the others, so she had to go and take a look.

Thinking of this, Leng Ning immediately chased Uncle Liang and the three of them.

Along the way, Leng Ning found many zombie corpses on the ground.

From the looks of it, almost all of them were killed with iron rods.

In addition, there were very few zombies attacking her along the way, so Leng Ning guessed that Uncle Liang and the others should have arrived at the store selling sporting goods.

Worried that the three of them would be in danger, Leng Ning ran all the way towards the store.

After about five minutes, I finally saw the supermarket sign with emergency lights on in the fog.

That store is near the supermarket. When the supermarket arrives, the store is also nearby.

Relying on his memory, Leng Ning headed in the direction of that store.

Suddenly an iron rod was pierced towards her face——

With a dodge, Leng Ning avoided the opponent's attack.

"It's me!" Knowing that the other party was one of his own, Leng Ning hurriedly said in a deep voice.

"Leng Ning? You're still alive! I almost thought you died if I didn't follow you for so long!" Zhou Tao immediately appeared in front of Leng Ning.

"Even if you hang up, I won't hang up either!" Leng Ning glanced at Zhou Tao angrily and stepped forward.

You have to find an opportunity to educate this guy and see when he can get rid of his habit of swearing.

Leng Ning stepped forward and found that Yuan Xing and Uncle Liang were picking the lock.

"What's going on?" he asked with a smile.

"I don't dare to smash it for fear of making a big noise." Yuan Xing stood up and said to Leng Ning with a frown.

A few zombies are not scary, what is scary is that they come in groups.

It is said that two fists are no match for four hands. If those things attack in groups, it will be difficult for them to escape intact.

"Delaying is not an option, let's fight quickly!" Leng Ning glanced at Suo and frowned.

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