Leng Ning was silent again.

Lei Lei didn't ask further questions and kept waiting.

About two minutes later, when Lei Lei almost thought that a network failure had occurred, a sigh came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, that was actually not a dream, but something I experienced personally." Leng Ning finally told the truth.

Lei Lei frowned slightly.

"It's true. I was reborn. I have actually lived in the apocalypse for five years."

"I don't know what happened. I thought I was dead, but when I opened my eyes, I went back to five years ago."

"Xiao Ning——"

"It's not a dream, I remember everything that happened in the five years after the end of the world." Leng Ning continued.

"I know you won't believe it. If this didn't happen to me, I wouldn't believe it either."

"As long as it's what you say, I believe it." Lei Lei said suddenly.

Leng Ning was stunned. My heart suddenly felt warm.

"Thank you, brother. It's great to hear your voice again."

Lei Lei felt a little distressed.

What did Xiao Ning go through after the end of the world to make her so mature and mentally strong now?

She said she thought she was dead. Who killed her?

Where was he at that time? How could he not protect her?

"Don't worry, I'm here. Big brother will take good care of you this time." Lei Lei did not dare to touch Leng Ning's scar again, but secretly made up his mind to take good care of Leng Ning and prevent her from getting into trouble again. .

"No, this time, I want to fight with my eldest brother." A flash of determination flashed in Leng Ning's eyes.

The eldest brother in the previous life was dragged down by himself, otherwise he would have built City A into the largest safe zone in southern China.

Lei Lei was stunned.

"Okay." Then he agreed.

Leng Ning's eyebrows suddenly smiled.

Finally relaxed completely.

Then he began to act coquettishly with Lei Lei, telling him and Lei's mother how much they missed him.

If she had said these words to her former self, she would never have been able to say them.

But now she has been reborn, confident, strong, and thick-skinned.

Besides, she wasn't really facing Lei Lei, so she didn't have so many scruples when speaking.

Lei Lei on the other end of the phone was made to laugh by Leng Ning, and his subordinates couldn't help but look at him.

The boss only smiles like this when he's talking to his sister...

After amusing Lei Ting for a while, Leng Ning began to chat with Lei Ting about the end of the world. He also specifically informed Lei Ting that the jade he was wearing around his neck was a space jade.

What Leng Ning said was all very valuable information, and Lei Lei was shocked and excited.

The two chatted for nearly an hour and a half, until Lei Lei's cell phone reported that the battery was only 1%. Lei Lei said goodbye to Leng Ning and hung up the phone reluctantly.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Ning hugged the phone and smiled sweetly. Even she herself didn't realize that her mood had improved so much.

At noon, Zhou Tao and Yuan Xing came to report on time.

Lei's mother is in a good mood today and has prepared a particularly sumptuous lunch.

"Have you contacted your family?" Leng Ning asked after seeing Zhou Tao and Yuan Xing looking happy.

"Well, I told my dad about it. He agreed for me to stay!" Zhou Tao said almost excitedly.

This was something he didn't expect.

When he told his father that he would follow him and wait for Mr. Lei at the resort, he thought he would be scolded by his father.

Unexpectedly, he calmly asked him to explain his reasons.

After that, he hurriedly told his father what his boss told him.

In the end, his father actually agreed and asked him to follow his boss and try to make a name for himself.

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