The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 60 If the chicken is buried vertically, the descendants will definitely be awesome!

inside the car.

Captain Lu concentrated on driving.

He looks much better than when he was in the mental hospital.

Gao Miao did not treat him badly in terms of remuneration, and in addition, he helped him escape from the "sea of ​​suffering". Captain Lu was still very grateful.

Moreover, Gao Gao and his status as a club leader do not require both kindness and power. As long as Captain Lu is not confused and still cares about his family, he will not dare to think of betrayal easily.

"Brother Chao, the fish seller has no wife and has never been married. He has a younger brother and a younger sister, both of whom are in school."

The younger brother casually introduced the family members who sold Yusheng.

He and Ma Yusheng have known each other for a long time.

When Gao Ming went to Victory Garden for the first time, he also called Yu Sheng and asked his younger brother to come on a motorcycle to support him.


Gao Chao smoked silently and said nothing.

Among the subordinates, Selling Fish has the most flexible mind and knows the most things.

When Gao Miao reuses him now, he must be on guard.

"...How are the preparations for Brother Chuiji's funeral going?"

Gao Chao mentioned another thing.

"Ah, I have chosen the cemetery with Brother Chuiji's son this morning. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the feng shui must be good!"

The young man continued:

"Brother Chui Ji and his son are planning to have a funeral, saying that if the ancestors are buried vertically, the descendants will be great!"

"...Who did you hear that from?"

"He said that a Feng Shui master told him, but I don't know the details." The young man shook his head.

The arrogant son likes to watch racing - motorcycles.

The younger brother is an amateur racing driver.

So the two had met several times before.

Gao Chao didn't plan to expend much energy on the funeral of the blowing chicken. Most of the funerals of the dead were done for the living - just let the younger brother handle it.

If he needs to do everything by himself, what's the point of being the big brother?

In Hong Kong during this period, motorcycle racing was still very popular, and there were also movies specifically made on this subject, such as "A Lang's Story", "Chariots of Fire" and so on.

"Hey, dear, who are the most famous people in Hong Kong for racing? Is there anyone named Azu or Alang?"

Gao Chao asked casually to see if there was a chance to buy one or two talents. Even if they were useless talents, they could at least be sacrificed.

"...The circle is so big. I know all the famous drivers. There are no two people you mentioned, Brother Chao!"

After thinking about it carefully, the young man said with certainty.

Gao Ming was a little disappointed when he saw this, but he didn't say much. It was impossible for all the Hong Kong movies he had watched to fit into this different world.

As for the fact that his son wants to have a legal burial, although Gao Chao reminds him of "Mr. Zombie", the age difference is too far.

And the idea of ​​vertical burial, that is, legal burial, has always existed, so Gao Gao didn't think much about it and just planned to take time to meet the Feng Shui master.

Maybe you can catch him by surprise.

His dream of breeding in Japan and the Golden Triangle cannot be accomplished by himself. Professional things should be left to professionals.

At the same time, just when Gao Chao returned to his territory by car.

Victory Garden.

After observing the Feng Shui around him, Uncle Feng took out the Bagua compass he carried with him. After using Taoism to examine the situation carefully, his face became a little solemn:

"...What are the people from the Taoist Association doing recently? Someone is secretly raising ghosts and no one has noticed yet?!"

Uncle Feng's tone was dissatisfied:

"Confused! How many years have these evil magicians completely disappeared? They have already relaxed their vigilance!"

"Raising ghosts?!" Li Sir looked surprised and frowned.

As for the other plainclothes police officers, they exchanged glances silently, and looked at Uncle Feng in a weird way, as if they were looking at a psychopath.

"Follow me closely!"

Uncle Feng had a straight face and held a compass. Under the surprised gazes of several plainclothes police officers, he took out a dagger-long copper coin sword from his cloth bag and began to go deep into the building.

"...Team leader?"

Several young plainclothes police officers obviously didn't believe it.


Li Sir frowned and sighed helplessly.

On the order of his boss, before coming, when he went to Dongping Prefecture to invite Uncle Feng, he happened to see Uncle Feng perform a mysterious trick.

Li Sir, whose world view was impacted, also learned some police secrets from his early years from his boss who was about to retire.

It turns out that there were many ghost stories in Hong Kong in the past, and it was not without reason.

It’s just that in the past decade or so, there have been fewer and fewer supernatural incidents that cannot be explained by science and only cause panic among ordinary people.

In today's Hong Kong Island, the cancer that is recognized by the police is the society, the underworld, and the matter of ghosts has long been sealed as a secret file.

"Li Sir, you said that the deceased's family lives on the ninth floor, right?"

Inside the building, Uncle Feng stopped in front of the elevator and did not choose to go up. Instead, he asked without looking back.

The Victory Garden was silent at the moment. Most of the residents had fled, and the security guards were also sent to a mental hospital.

Only during the day, the mall on the first to third floors is still somewhat popular.

"Yes, room 9413, this number is really unlucky..."

While Li Sir answered, he couldn't help but complain.

"If I guessed correctly, the room is located farthest from the elevator? The distance to the elevator is still ninety-nine or eighty-one steps!"

Although Uncle Feng asked, his tone was very sure.

"...It is indeed the furthest away from the elevator. After all, it is room 13 on the same floor. I'm not sure if it's 9981 steps!"

Li Sir recalled the information about the case, nodded, and then shook his head.

"Get someone to dig out the bottom of the elevator!"

Uncle Feng's tone was firm, and his face almost said a few words - I am a professional, listen to me.

Li Sir glanced at him a few times.

He immediately took out his phone.


With police endorsement.

The bottom of the elevator was dug out.

People from the Housing Department also came with the construction team.

They have also had a headache recently.

The leaders have all spoken out to solve the problems in this housing estate as soon as possible.


"Is there really something buried?!"

"What is this? An antique..."

Everyone present saw the dirt at the bottom.

Impressively buried was a black compass the size of a round table!

It’s dozens of times bigger than the Taoist compass in Uncle Feng’s hand!

Around the black compass, there are some brown wooden signs with strange styles and evil ghost statues.

"Sure enough, they are from Jiuju's group..."

Uncle Feng picked up a wooden sign, turned it over to the back, and stared at a certain pattern - a chrysanthemum with nine petals!

"Jiuju's group?"

Li Sir also picked up a wooden sign, and then looked at Uncle Feng in hindsight. Seeing that the other party didn't remind him anything, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This was his first time dealing with such mysterious matters, and he was still very cautious in his heart.

Uncle Feng also explained at this time:

"This sect is headquartered in Japan. They use the chrysanthemum as a totem and specialize in astrology and Qimen Dunjia. They behave erratically and have a strict hierarchy. They are called the 'triad in the Feng Shui world'!"

Why are you involved with the club again...

Li Sir complained in his heart, but in the next moment he felt that instead of being responsible for these supernatural cases, those members of the society should be more "harmless".

"The Jiuju Sect has four gates, twelve altars, and thirty-six shrines. Anyone who joins the sect must swear a blood oath in front of the statue of Amaterasu they believe in, and take the secret Jiuju wine... …Be prepared to die for the sect at any time.”

Uncle Feng shook his head, his tone slightly sad:

"In the early years, our Taoist Association here on Hong Kong Island had a confrontation with the Jiuju Sect and was slightly better. Those Jiuju Warlocks kept a low profile because of this."

"I didn't expect that they would dare to come back after so many years... Since ancient times, good and evil have always been incompatible. It seems that the lesson given to them last time was not enough!"

"Then it ghost hunting?"

Li Sir asked hesitantly.

As for the others, their expressions were as if they were listening to what was written in heaven.

On the contrary, the people from the Housing Department were thoughtful.

He knows more about this kind of thing. People who are engaged in real estate, especially in this era, have more or less come into contact with the Feng Shui industry.

"I remember that the company responsible for contracting this housing estate seemed to have shares in Japanese companies..."

The person from the Housing Department whispered.

"Our public housing on Hong Kong Island is contracted by companies with Japanese background?" Li Sir said in a surprised tone.

People from the Housing Department remained silent.

This was a matter decided by the leader, and it was none of his business. In full view of the public, he did not dare to say anything more for fear of following the truth.

"There's no need to hunt ghosts. The ghosts in this building have been cleared away!" Uncle Feng said slowly.

"I remember you said that in addition to the young and Dangerous boy named Gao Miao, there is also a mental patient who calls himself a master of ghost hunting?" Uncle Feng asked.

"Yes, a patient in Chongguang Mental Hospital!"

"...Take me to meet him!"

It's late at night.

Locke said.

Accompanied by his younger brother, Gao Miao arrived in front of a newly opened large nightclub.

The nightclub was packed with customers.

It is far from comparable to the two small bars that boast of chicken.

After the boss got the news.

I also came out to see him very cautiously.

Just met.

A look of surprise flashed across Gao Chao's face.

Because the boss in front of me looks familiar.

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