As the minister of the Ordnance Research Department, Ye Hao is undoubtedly unqualified, because she is basically not very concerned about things, just burying her head.

But at the same time, it is undeniable that her position in the Ordnance Research Department is unreplaceable.

A group of goblin members headed by Jiang Zhan, always make some low-cost, high-efficiency, but very easy to fail things.

The dwarf members headed by Bart Wildhammer are completely ignoring the cost and efficiency issues. The quality is no problem, but it is difficult to invest heavily in military high-quality firearms.

Under this premise, only Ye Hao can control the overall situation.

With its top-level ordnance capabilities, while ensuring quality, production costs and manufacturing efficiency are also controlled to an acceptable level.

What's more, every time she opened her mouth, Jiang Zhan and Bart Wildhammer couldn't know what to do, but it was completely impossible to refute.

Jiang Zhan and Bart Wildhammer, who are still no longer in contact with each other, Ye Hao yawned and turned to a passing member to ask...

"Zhao Lei? Where did the people go?"

"Report Minister, Deputy Minister, he went to the test site outside the city to test the mountain guns early in the morning."

Ye Hao, who didn't sleep for a night, was too sleepy, causing the reflection arc to become a little dull. After hearing this, it took a few seconds to react and then nodded.

"Oh, remember, there is this."

The project of passing the mountain cannon was proposed by Luo Ji, but the project itself is not difficult. Basically, it is only necessary to carry out the improvement of the lighter on the basis of the original cannon.

Therefore, she handed over the project to Zhao Lei. In a similar project, Zhao Lei has always played very stable and his ability to work is very reliable.

But now Zhao Lei is not in the department. After Ye Hao left and right, he directly put his own research results on the night to the former member.

"You go to organize the registration of this content, I have to go to sleep, don't come to me before dark."

Not a long story, Ye Hao said that he yawned.

She is all-night, consumes not only energy, but also a lot of brain power. Now she is undoubtedly already trapped.

After that, she floated back into her office.

For similar things, the members of the Ordnance Research Department have long since become accustomed to it.

Now turn the perspective to the test field of the Ordnance Research Department outside the city...

As the first and current deputy minister of the Ordnance Research Department, Zhao Lei is now 67 years old.

However, his spirit is still very good.

Over the years, his biggest change, I am afraid, is that the ‘M’ word on the top of the hairline has become more and more three-dimensional.

I seem to be very concerned about this, and I have recently ran to the medical school.

According to the gossip, he seems to be working with the old dean of the medical school to worry about how to prevent the problem.

Now it’s time to return to the topic.

The test of the mountain cannon is undoubtedly quite smooth. Although it sacrifices a lot of range and power, the value of this firearm has already been demonstrated, considering its portability that can easily be transported to the mountains and hills. .

After receiving the latest report, Luo Lei is undoubtedly satisfied with the results of Zhao Lei. While rewarding, he directly ordered the ordnance factory under the hand to start the production of mountain cannons.

After that, due to the smooth development of the past two years, there is also new good news on the other side...

Luo Zhi, who received the latest news, rushed to the city military camp with several escorts.

Not yet entered the camp, a burst of horses screaming, has already entered the ears of Luo Ji.

Quickly walked into the military camp, I saw Zhou Yi, who was wearing a heavy armor, riding a horse to ride back and forth in the training ground.

Under the premise that no elf sacrifice is imposed on the enhanced BUFF, the war horse with the armor is mad and the speed is obviously higher than the standard of the heavy cavalry!

The picture is full of an incredible feeling.

Subsequently, the arrival of Luo Ji was undoubtedly the attention of a group of soldiers in the military camp.

When Zhou Wei saw it, he was even the reins of his hands. Then he turned over and ran to the front of Luo.

"The end will be Luo Cheng (Zhou Wei), see Your Majesty!"

"It’s all excuses."

While talking, Luo's line of sight directly fell to the horse in the field.

"how do you feel?"

Faced with this problem, Zhou Hao’s face clearly showed a burst of excitement.

"Back to the squat, this red blood horse can do it, whether it is the highest speed of madness, or physical strength, it must far exceed the previous war horse!"

The time between the talks, Luo Ji and other people directly transferred to the stables of the military camp.

The red blood horses that are now housed in the stables are all sent from the East Horse Racecourse at the beginning of the month. The number is temporarily determined to be one hundred.

It is not necessary to say that the groom who is responsible for the care of these red blood horses has already taken one of them out.

After approaching, you can clearly feel the burly of the red blood horse, more than a squad of the original configuration of the horse, and the color of the skin is a deep red.

After wearing the warrior-specific armor, it looks even more powerful and murderous!

As for how this red blood horse got it...

Simply put, they are descendants of the original fire.

After the evolution of the original fire into World of Warcraft, the original fire was carried out with the top horses sent over the grassland. The horse that was born at that time was the earliest red horse.

Of course, the odds of the original fire and the ordinary horses are not very low.

At least there was only one at the time.

In this regard, Luo Ji is naturally the care of the people who live in the racecourse.

After the red blood horse is in adulthood, it is considered to be the speed and endurance that the top grassland horses can't match, and suddenly it caused a burst of exclamation.

Such a good horse, Luo Ji, of course, has raised the mind of cultivation.

However, the chances of the offspring of the original fire are too small. According to this efficiency, I am afraid that I will be trained to go to the monkey year.

So this Luo Ji at that time a move...

"It's better to try the red blood horse breed?"

The original fire is Warcraft, but the other horse is not, therefore, the red blood horse born is not bad, but compared with Warcraft, it is still an ordinary horse.

The breeding between ordinary war horses and ordinary horses, even if the varieties are different, will not affect the chances of the offspring.

Therefore, at that time, Luo Ji would signal the horse farm to use the red blood horse to breed with other top quality horses.

As it turned out, he succeeded.

After several years of careful cultivation by members of the East Coast Racecourse, nowadays, the Wanjie civilization and the red blood horse are also small and large.

Of course, if you want to configure it in all aspects, it will take another ten or eight years.

At the same time, these red blood horses are especially edible. After deploying this type of war horse, the cavalry’s military expenses and daily expenses are estimated to be higher...

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