The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1150: Square array of firepower

The pungent smoke filled the entire gate area. Before Yuan Xixi was ready to take the position on the other side, Ye Feixing was undoubtedly in order to prevent the army of the big eater from being defeated by them in advance and then arbitrarily making troubles. Put a little water, with the help of the space in the gate area, not too slow and the other side to wrap up ~ ~ Court free serial novel reading network

Of course, in a strict sense, it is not a water release. In a siege war, the defending city’s side has difficulty in fully exerting its own strength advantage due to the limited layout space. At this time, Ye Feixing At most, it is just the trend.

However, his practice is to make the opposite of the big cannibal general Adidas to create a kind of opposite firepower is not as fierce as he imagined, or can be illusory.

Just as the battle at the gate of the city continued to be in a state of stalemate, Yuan Xi, who was out from the other side of the gate, naturally took the troops down the road and marched toward the west of the battlefield.

The regular army, which has been undergoing rigorous training on weekdays, demonstrates the qualities they should have at this moment.

There is no need to confirm the position in advance. As the stationed army in the Southeast Theater, every soldier knows the terrain of this area well, and Yuan Xi, as a deputy, can point out his southeastern border with a hundred miles. All locations suitable for fire output.

Quickly confirming a great location, Yuan Xi raised his telescope and glanced at the direction of the city gate, then gestured to a commander next to him, reflecting the sun with a mirror and making a signal.

Ye Feixing, who has been confirming this situation, has never been able to see it.

After receiving the signal that Yuan Xia’s 'has been ready to be in place', I saw Ye Feixing’s big hand and ordered to release again, responsible for blocking several cannons in the city gate. After an open fire, the infantrymen gathered near the gate. They have picked up the rifles in their hands and set them apart.

In the sound of a gunshot, the counterattack signal was completely started. The defending forces no longer ignited the fire. They carried the rifle and arranged the neat army array. The rows and then the rows of turns fired, and the bullets poured out continued to The enemy in front of you suppresses the past.

In the face of such a dense barrage, even the skinny and thick siege warfare has to shun.

"Mobile shooting! Go ahead!!"

Stepping on the drum signal, the infantry forces began to push outside the city.

The elite troops who have fought in battles have a more sophisticated and more ruthless battle.

The rifles in their hands will not fire immediately after each ammunition is filled.

They will wait, waiting for the enemy outside the city to launch an assault on them, followed by a round of gunshots, hard to contain their charge, and forcibly repel the enemy back, in this way, a little bit of disintegration The morale and war of the other side!

Their appearance at this time is like a group of gods swaying on the battlefield. In the bursts of gunshots, the soul of the **** of death is constantly falling, relentlessly harvesting the lives of the enemies in front of them, showing enough despair to the opposite side. The strength gap!

The desperate scene was staged back and forth on the battlefield of the city gate, constantly dissolving the will of the soldiers of the big eater, and their morale was about to collapse.

The whole situation changed too fast, so that Adidas in the rear felt a surprise.

This is related to his own life, although he is under considerable psychological pressure, but as a general who is qualified to go out, he can not be a straw bag.

The horn sounded back on the battlefield, and Adilé issued an order to temporarily withdraw.

Of course, he did not intend to retreat directly, he still has a camel soldier in his hand.

Let the front row of troops temporarily retreat, open the battlefield, and put the opposite city guards out of the city. At that time, he will send the camel soldiers to cut the back row.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is often very skinny.

In this world, idiots that have not tasted the reality of cruelty tend to think of something too beautiful.

Entice the enemy out of the city, then cut the back row? To be honest, this strategy is not a good idea. At most, it is a basic routine.

Moreover, Adi Lai, who thinks so beautiful, did not think about it at all. In the event of some unexpected situation during this period, how should I deal with it?

So, the unexpected situation happened...

Occupying the advantage of a highland, on the west side of the battlefield, Yuan Xi officially appeared at this moment!

The strength of His Majesty is divided into two. One thousand people are one column, divided into three columns. With the topography, they stand tall from front to back, and they do not hinder each other. Three thousand people are a military array, and one left and one right military array are each other. The muzzle of a total of 6,000 black holes was directly aimed at the retreating large cannibal army.

According to the position of the troops under the command of Yuan Xi, at first glance, the big cannibal army is like being hit into their range.

It is enough to see that Yuan Xi’s excellent output position is quite good.

In one shot, in the sound of the guns, the fires of the black holes of the guns burst into one piece. The firepower of the two infantry phalanx was crushed over. This is a spectacular scene, but it is the soul of Adilay. I’m so scared.

In the continuous loud noise, Adele yelled and let the camel soldiers hit the western army.

However, the barrage consisting of six thousand rear-mounted rifles, where is the camel soldier capable of rushing past?

Yuan Xi ordered the release, concentrated firepower, and suppressed the past in a round. Even the thick and thick camel soldiers could not escape the fate of smashing sand.

During this period, Ye Feixing also killed the troops in the city.

The regular military combat power of the southeast war zone can be said to be completely in front of the big cannibal army, locking up the two large-scale firepower, it is completely to force the giant cannibal army to die!

At this moment, Yuan Xi’s two squares can be said to be very particular. One of the squares is slightly tilted to the south, telling each other in disguise. If you dare to break south, they can be copied in minutes.

It can be seen that Adilai, who is in this position, can only withdraw from the east with the heroic army of the morale collapse. It can be said that Yuan Xi’s way is completely complete.

In this world, the most difficult people to deal with can basically be divided into two types, that is, idiots and madmen, because basic people do not know how the brains of idiots and madmen are, so they can't think of what they will do.

The best person to deal with is the kind of person who is semi-smart and not smart, but who has no self-knowledge and who is quite beautiful when he starts to do things.

Undoubtedly, in front of Yuan Xi, Adi Lai is such a type of person, directly hitting their guns, can only say that the other party is too bad...

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