Now take the time back a bit...

Cold and windy, among the camps dozens of miles away from the swamp rainforest, the expeditionary army headed by Zhang William is here to rest.

The location of the camp was very hidden, leaning against a hill, and they were hiding in the mountainside, almost perfectly covering their position.

And precisely because of this, they are hiding in the mountains, and they are basically unaware of what happened dozens of miles away.

The next morning, Zhang William took the siege army and pressed it to the periphery of the swamp rainforest again.

The giant eagle knights flew in front of the road, while below, the six thousand infantry carried the rifle in their hands, remained vigilant, and began to step into the swamp rainforest step by step.

A section of the road went down and went to the swamps of the swamp rainforest itself. The soldiers of the expeditionary army were unexpectedly not attacked. This situation caused Zhang William to frown slightly.

"Weird, how so quiet? The flying arms on the opposite side should not be dead yet. We are all going deep into this position. How come there is no movement?"

In William's mind, his thoughts flew, and the whole person was completely caught in doubt.

"Is it ambushing where to wait for me?"

Between the thoughts flying, Zhang Williams waved and waved, and the giant eagle knight, who was in charge of the order, called over.

"The order is going on, and all remain vigilant, beware of the ambush attack of the enemy lizard."


The giant eagle knight should have swallowed and flew down quickly.

During this period, Kalgan, who was led by the Giant Eagle Knight, also flew over.

"Kargan, have you found any abnormalities?"

"Returning to the Elf King, there is nothing unusual. Even now, we have not seen the shadow of a lizard."

Calgan, who said this, obviously had some doubts in his expression. Obviously, for this situation, he also felt very strange like Zhang William.

"Kargan, do you know that those lizards will know that they can't beat us, so the whole family has escaped?"

If the lizard man wants to escape, Zhang William actually has nothing to do.

On the one hand, the purpose of his wave is to ensure the safety of this swamp rainforest. The lizard is gone. The swamp rainforest is naturally peaceful. The future navigation of the Wanxiang civilization can also be safe. .

On the other hand, the reason is that the lizards can't escape at all. Just one day's work, where can I go with two legs? It is impossible to escape the search of their giant eagle knight.

Even to some extent, escaping is a stupid decision.

You are dying in the swamp rainforest, and you have the advantage of terrain. You ran outside, and you couldn’t escape, and you couldn’t beat it. It’s just a dead end.

"Going further, I want a clear answer."

Before turning this swamp rainforest to the bottom, no one can be sure that the lizard man really escaped.

In this way, the search continues.

The infantrymen in the swamp rainforest have been trained for a long time. At this moment, in the face of this harsh environment, they showed their professional qualities. After a short period of adaptation, they searched. The efficiency has quickly increased.

Gradually, close to the depths of the swamp rainforest, a scent that would never be unfamiliar to them quickly plunged into their nostrils.

The infantry who smelled this smell changed their minds and quickly rushed a few steps.

The next moment, the eyes of them are a lot of bodies!

"Everyone is vigilant!"

In the reminder, the infantry officers carried the rifles, and their fingers were already on the trigger. While alerting the enemies that may appear around them, they slowly approached.

If they guessed it correctly, it would be a camp for the lizard people because they saw a lot of tent-like buildings.

After approaching a certain distance, a lieutenant (equivalent to the centurion) in the infantry unit opened again...

"One team and two teams are vigilant around, and the three teams conduct regional searches."

With the development of military forces in the world of civilizations in the past few years, Luo Ji took some time to re-establish the military's military system, and also distributed new military uniforms to ordinary soldiers.

After quickly arranging the task, the lieutenant carried a rifle and stepped on a pair of field boots and slowly approached one of the bodies.

Looking at the appearance of the appearance, basically the lizard people did not run.

And the wounds on these bodies are not caused by firearms...

Just as the lieutenant thought so, Ysera flying in the air slowly landed.

The lieutenant saw this and hurriedly ran over, then proceeded to a military ceremony with Zhang William, who jumped from the faucet.

While William nodded, his eyes swept over the military captain on the shoulder of the officer, one bar and two stars, and immediately he was counted.

"Lieutenant, how is the situation here confirmed?"

During the conversation, Zhang William’s eyes swept over the dead body, and the two eyebrows unscrewed into a Look at this situation, there are variables.

"Reporting the Elf King, the fatal wounds on these lizards, some are caused by cold weapons, and some look like claw marks. Look at this battle, it may be done by other orc tribes."

Just as the lieutenant said this, a soldier rushed over and told them that there was a new discovery there.

Zhang, who heard this, quickly followed up.

In addition to the bodies of a large number of lizards, they also found a large number of other strange bodies in this camp.

After approaching, Zhang Williams subconsciously licked his nose, and the stench from these bodies was more pungent than those of the lizards.

Zhang William tried to find a suitable adjective from his mind to describe this feeling. Right, this smell is like a dead fish that is thrown into the trash and stinky in the fish farm!

This is really a huge test for Zhang William, who is a high elf.

Forcing the urge to turn around, Zhang William frowned and went up.

The hands and feet with shackles, the smooth skin, the vaguely visible lines, the facial features, the humans, they all have, but they are not like humans, and they are connected from the lower jaw to the sides of the neck. I have an organ that is suspected to be like a fish.

Probably long-term dehydration, coupled with the sultry climate in the swamp rainforest, these guys rotted faster and more thoroughly than those lizards after they died.

When William was close, he could clearly see that the number of flying insects flying around the body was almost nausea and disgusting.

"This is, fishman?"

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