The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1227: Akas Fortress

At the moment when a large number of enemy troops were discovered, the border patrol undoubtedly dispatched the best-riding soldier in the first time and rushed back to the Akas Fortress for reporting at the fastest speed.

Upon hearing the report, the three-member generals responsible for sitting in the border fortress were all changed.

"The strength is close to 50,000? Are you sure you have read it wrong?!"

"Reporting three generals, confirming that it is correct!"

With this answer, Bai Ze, Bu Ri Gu De and Liu Meng are all feeling a burst of pressure.

Within the fortress of Akas, only 30,000 troops were killed. Among them, the cavalry still occupies a large proportion. If the opposite is the 50,000-strong army, the day may not be easy.

I couldn’t think too much about it. A whole fortress suddenly made a big alarm. I saw that at this moment, the dragon cavalry of the Europa army had already appeared in the outer area of ​​the Akas Fortress.

"Trouble, there are a lot of cavalry on the opposite side."

At this moment, the faces of Bai Ze and Bu Ri Gu De are not very good looking.

Although the other side's strength is dominant, but their cavalry units are better than the organic power advantage, they can fully take advantage of this, and the other side to deal with their strength.

However, this tactic, under the premise that the other side also has cavalry, is obviously very difficult to work.

Not to mention the cavalry and war horses that were provided to the major fortresses, because of the big moves of the former military and political departments, they were basically drawn from their side.

In other words, the cavalry strength in the east is already worse than before.

The number of hussars under Buzhkyd was 6,000, while the number of light cavalry under the ruins of Bai Ze was 5,000.

For the dragon cavalry units of the upper Europa army, their strength is not great.

"The order is passed, and the Akas Fortress enters the level of preparation for the battle!"

In the alarm, the soldiers of the Akas Fortress acted quickly.

It is worth mentioning here that Luo knows that he has already mobilized a large number of monks and dwarf engineers in advance, and established a semi-permanent trench outside the border fortresses. Beyond the Akas Fortress, it is obviously the same.

Unlike the trenches that were temporarily dug out, every barrier of this trench is infused with reinforced concrete. The defense ability is beyond the level of those temporary wars, not to mention the quality of the dwarves. Said to be quite reassuring.

At this moment, within the trenches, a large number of garrison soldiers were clearly in place. The cannons on the fortress and the cannons placed behind the trenches have all been adjusted and ready to fire.

In the distance, the dragon cavalry of the Europa army did not easily come up, apparently waiting for the main force to arrive.

Under this premise, before the war started completely, Bai Ze and Buzhgud undoubtedly needed to leave early.

When Luo Ji was placed in the fortress of Akas, he was very particular about its location. It was almost stuck in an important gateway to the east. It can be said that it is the only way to enter the world of civilization. A long barbed wire was pulled around.

And if you want to circumvent this pass, it is estimated to last for a month or two, and then you will soon discover that there is also a sentry camp in Wannian Civilization. Yes, this campsite fortress on the entire border line, There is more than one place at all, but the Akas Fortress is the one that is the most external.

Now that I am at the right time, the Akas Fortress has already been wrapped in a semi-permanent trench. In other words, there is such a trench to stop there, the cavalry is simply unable to enter and exit freely. This can be said to be a trench. One of the shortcomings of the camp.

In this way, in order to avoid the pit to their own people, the cavalry troops at the border are actually stationed in another hidden camp outside.

It was not long before Bai Ze and Buzhgud quietly left, and the Europa army led by Alan Ballard officially fell into the border.

The military formed by the 50,000-strong army is quite amazing. Liu Meng, who stands within the fortress of Akas, is now an enemy.

However, the other party does not seem to be rushing to launch an offensive. It should be observing the structure of their camp.

To be honest, at this moment, Alan Ballard’s mood can be said to be worse.

With his many years of experience in the Southern Expedition to the North, it is clear that you can clearly feel the solidity of that trench.

Alan Ballard is now wondering if she can circumvent the trench.

However, according to his observations, I am afraid that there is no drama. From a distance, it can be obvious that the fortress of the trench is completely stuck at a mark. It should be the only way.

Even if there are other roads, I am afraid I have to go around for a long time, and their offensive time limit is only one month. It is enough for them to go around.

If you use all of your limited offensive time on the road, it would be too funny, and it might even become a stain that can't be erased in the life of the entire military.

"In short, let’s take a look at how many troops are deployed in this trench..."

At this point, Alan Ballard waved his hand and the army behind him suddenly took action.

For the 50,000 army behind him, he is obviously more confident.

The horn of the attack quickly blew and the army began to advance.

Alan Ballard, who also holds a telescope in his hand, can clearly see that the cannons placed opposite the turrets on the fortress are already adjusting the angle of attack. It is estimated that as soon as they enter the range, they will fire directly.

However, this is an inevitable process, unless the range of the cannon on your own side is farther than the opposite, otherwise the priority attack power of the cannon is often held by the defender.

The roaring sound The cannon on the fort of the Akas Fortress took the lead in firing.

After a long-term improvement by the Ordnance Research Department, it has already exceeded the range of kilometers, and the heart of Alan Ballard, who is behind, looks at the heart.

It seems that the range advantage is not expected, the range of the opposite cannon is almost the same as them...

In the rapid order, indicating that the artillery is still in color, the infantry units of the Europa army directly listed the square and pushed the enemy's trenches to the past.

The war was ignited in an instant, and in the rain of bullets, in the face of the strong firepower of the Europa army, the strength and weakness of the Akas Fortress can be said to be exposed in a short time.

This is a fact that can't be concealed at all. Alan Ballard, who realized this, was overjoyed. Even he didn't even think that his own strength advantage was so big!

According to this momentum, this battle, he only needs to push the strength of the force to push it.

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