The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1231: , in a blink of an eye

This is full of exploratory first-round offense, with Gao Wen taking the initiative to order the retreat. Vertex X23US

Next, he obviously needs to go back and arrange the follow-up offensive plan so that he can more smoothly win this mountain fortress that looks like a wall.

During this period, the battle on the east side of the Wanjie civilization, outside the fortress of Akas, was a new change on this day!

The attack of the Europa army in the past few days has consumed a large amount of garrison resources of the Akas Fortress. In recent days, the defensive firepower of the garrison troops has obviously begun to weaken.

Allen Ballard, who discovered this, was like a beast that smelled bloody, and instantly revealed his fangs.

On this day, he simply felt that God is helping him.

Even the dragon cavalry units with their armpits were particularly powerful in this wave of attack. At least so far, the opposite cavalry units have not succeeded in breaking into the main battlefield under the control of their dragon cavalry units.

Ellen Ballard, who was slightly excited and excited, gave a loud command to the army under his command!

In the fierce artillery roar, a wave of intensified augmentation skills was directly brushed up, and his army of Europa began to attack with a more violent hair.

Numerous bullets flew, and the soldiers of the Europa army stepped forward. After waiting for the distance between the two sides to reach a certain level, a large number of grenades were quickly thrown out. In the continuous explosion, accompanied by the ‘All Army Charge! The screaming, the soldiers of the Europa army also took up the rifle and launched the final charge against the trenches in front of them.

At the same time, at the same time, on the battlefield side, accompanied by bursts of horseshoes, a light cavalry unit that has been mad to the limit has suddenly entered the battlefield!

The sharp edge hidden in the sleeves is often only pulled out at the moment of taking the enemy's life.

And now, it is this time!

"All the troops charge!!!"

In the roaring sound, the red-blooded horses under each cavalry have issued a burst of humming sounds like wild beasts. In the blink of an eye, the speed is actually hard and has raised a level!

The sudden appearance of the abnormality made Allen Ballard's face suddenly change.

"Strong and tremble! As long as you storm into the trenches, those cavalry offensives can be disintegrated!!"

Ellen Ballard, who is commanding the rear, is almost vocal and wants to convey his orders.

However, what is the chaos at the moment on the battlefield?

This sudden cavalry unit killed the soldiers of the Europa army into panic.

Some soldiers are still rushing to charge, while some soldiers are rifle, stop the pace, intend to attack the cavalry troops that rushed up. For a time, this whole scene has a tendency to get out of control.

On the other hand, on such a knot, the battlefield regenerates.

The trenches that had been hit by them and were about to lose their resistance, suddenly burst into a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

Cooperating with the soldiers of the garrison, a round of volley, the fire network that was intensively intensive, directly gave the Europa army to the violent storm and took away a lot of enemy lives.

The Europa army, which has been enembeded on both sides, has completely become a pot of porridge at this time. It is impossible to stop the cavalry troops that have swept over like a storm!

The only dragon cavalry troops that might have stopped them were entangled by the Buzheid’s Rangers, and they were unable to get out of them. They even fell into a passive beating situation.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

In a short distance of several hundred meters, for the light cavalry units equipped with red blood horses, it is simply a moment of rush, and with a raging momentum, the violent rush will directly direct the entire army of the Europa army. I crushed it in an instant.

The ambition of the battle, there is no life!

The light cavalry unit’s fearless death raid was simply horrific.

The iron hooves stepped through, and the broken limbs of the ground exudes a **** smell.

This round of assaults is not only the military array of the Europa army, but also their morale and will!

Bai Ze used this momentum to get out of the battlefield directly.

Look at the opportunity, endure the long-awaited Liu Meng, screaming loudly...

"The time for counterattack is here! Open fire!!"

The muzzle of a black hole, at this time, madly spit the fire snake, and even a gunshot, with a bullet, directly let the soldiers of the Europa army drown in the bullets.

This one after the other, I am afraid that I have not yet passed a minute.

But the situation on the battlefield is completely reversed.

Standing at the rear of Ellen Ballard's face was pale, he did not expect that, to this point, the other party still hides a hussars!

The hussars, under normal circumstances, generally refer to the sabers, who are not afraid of death, and raided the cavalry units of the enemy infantry battalions on the battlefield.

In this era, the effective range of the rifle is less than three hundred meters.

In the case of other troops, the range is less than three hundred meters, what is the calculation for a hussar?

Simply put, if you fill in an ammunition, you may not have time to fill it, they have already rushed directly to your face!

At this moment, Allen Ballard has clearly realized that he has been counted.

The troop force suddenly emerged from the trenches. The cavalry responsible for the containment of the dragon cavalry, and the hussars who have been hiding until now, almost relying on a round of assaults, directly reversed the situation. The perfect cooperation between the three parties allowed the other party to complete a big turn! All of this is premeditated!

"Retreat! Quick withdrawal!!"

This wave has collapsed, and Allen Ballard quickly issued a retreat order, trying to control the number of casualties to some extent.

However, Liu Meng, who managed to finish the game, could have let them go.

"All the troops charge!!!"

In the roar of the roar, a large number of soldiers carrying rifles in their hands, at this moment, like a tidal wave, they rushed out of the trenches, and chased the past toward the defeated Europa army.

On the other hand, after completing a round of assaults, Bai Ze, who was temporarily out of the battlefield, rushed again with his light cavalry.

The Red Blood Horse is flying all the way, bringing an amazing movement speed that is significantly higher than that of the ordinary cavalry.

The horses rushed to the ground, causing the ground on the battlefield to vibrate slightly. The light cavalry troops approaching the upper reaches quickly brought great psychological pressure to the Europa buskers, destroying their will invisibly.

One of the Euro bus soldiers who was about to collapse, completed the filling of ammunition in the rush, and suddenly turned back. At the moment he was ready to shoot, he only felt a little cold in front of him!

Bai Ze riding on the horse's back was swept away, and the gun in his hand shook. With a soft bang, while picking up the rifle in the other hand, the sharp gun head directly penetrated the other's throat. Got the life of that Euro bus soldier!

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