The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1301: The counterattack battle started!

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Winter is coming to spring, and it is spring again.

Unlike the northern environment, which is also obviously chilly, the climate in the south begins to warm up significantly.

After a whole winter preparation, at this moment, on the plain battlefield outside the South, the counterattack war of the Wanjie civilization has started!


Behind the battlefield, the field guns lined up at the same time fired at the same time, and a shell of artillery shells madly launched a fire suppression against the troop camp of the distant Europa army.

Subsequently, in the roar of the thunder, the giant-horned dragon lizard, a strategic-level unit, entered the battlefield with great strength.

According to the destructive power of the giant horned dragon lizard, let alone the degree of trenches, even if they are semi-permanent trenches of the 10,000-world civilization, they can be crushed in minutes!

For this, Kaz Passi clearly does not express doubt.

But this whole winter, they are not idle!

Within the camp of the trenches, a cannon that had been set up early in Taiwan had launched a strong fire attack directly toward the giant horned dragon lizard.

In the loud roar of the roar, the shells that fired from the shots hit the huge body of Cook.

At this moment, in the face of the continuous shelling, the thick scales on Cook's body surface suddenly broke.

Although it is not particularly obvious, it is true that the enemy's shelling has worked!

"It's a piercing bullet!"

Zhou Yi naturally knows some things about the war in the North.

It is not a secret to them to be able to threaten the armor-piercing project of the behemoth unit.

For the time being, the enemy's armor-piercing projectiles will not let Cook see blood for a short time, but the scales on the surface of the body are actually being disintegrated.

The situation is not optimistic. This winter, the other party apparently has already thought about how to play against Cook.

After that, I didn’t wait for Zhou Yi to think more. In the other position, there was a new movement.

The sturdy winged army was lifted up and looked at Cook, who was madly approaching with gunfire. The head of Shalier raised his holy sword without hesitation, and the pure white flame was at the blade. Burning on the top of the sword, a fireball quickly gathers.

Zhou Yi, who saw this scene, was obviously shocked.

At that time, the trial day wheel destroyed the picture of the outer trenches of Fort Laurin, and he still has a vivid look.

That level of attack, if you hit the body of Cook, can not resist him really is a little bit unacceptable, after all, like this situation, they have not encountered before.

Between the thoughts flying, Shariel’s attack has already been shot.

However, the fireball that whizzed from the tip of the sword was obviously different from the previous trial day.

If you have to say where the difference is, then it is probably a matter of size.

The Judgment Day wheel, which previously destroyed the trenches outside Rhoimburg, is about five meters in diameter.

And this one, the visual diameter is at most one meter, the feeling, the power should be far less than the previous one.

The pure white fireball that whizzes out is like a fire meteor that quickly moves toward the rushing Cook.

In the face of such attacks, Cook is like a huge body on a hill, but it is an amazing flexibility.

The fireball that fell from the sky fell on the spot, accompanied by a roaring loud noise, squatting on the plain on the side, and then the destructive force generated by the explosion instantly shrouded the surrounding space.

With just one blow, there was an amazing big pit on the plain.

Then, Shahriel’s face showed a sigh of expression.

The blow just now is entirely his exploratory attack. He wants to see if the opposite monster can make an evasion.

Facts have proved that according to the explosive power and speed of the behemoth, the distance of hundreds of meters can be rushed out in an instant. In the case of not playing, even if he exerts his full strength and makes the trial day round, it is simply a waste of faith. .

At this moment, what Shalier is thinking, Zhou Yi is not clear, but he is clear that absolutely can not let the other side unscrupulous!

The elf rituals quickly brushed up with a wave of gain spells and gained buffs for enhanced buffs. The fast eagle squad and the giant eagle knight headed by Calgan quickly blasted off, and slammed into the same winged army. Attacked.

In the battlefield of this all-out war, these two air units are also considered to be old rivals.

“All members enter the ‘trial’ mode!”

Upon perceiving the approach of the adversary, Shariel ordered that all the wingers suddenly enter the ‘trial’ mode.

Waving the burning holy sword, a whole piece of fire meteor suddenly swept over to Calgan.

"All staff avoid!"

The fast-eagle squadrons are moving fast, and the giant eagle knights are slightly inferior, but they are definitely not bad.

While avoiding the meteor attack, the knights headed by Calgan also bowed their arrows at the same time, raising their hands to shoot, and the two arrows of arrows directly hit the wing of the air.

After a few rounds of long-range attack, the distance between the two sides quickly approached the bow and arrow in the hands of Calgan has been replaced by a spear.

In the next second, the sound of the blade collision has already sounded.

The blade and the gun blade slammed together and directly wiped out a series of Mars.

Shalier maintained the high posture and looked coldly at Calgan, who was deadlocked with him.

"It seems that mortals and other mortals are really not stupid. Haven't you seen their strengths yet? Even dare to challenge my majesty?!"

After hearing this, Calgan, the muscles in his eyes were obviously twitching, and then after licking his mouth, he said quite simply in Europa...

“Does anyone tell you that this guy is very annoying?”


A cold sigh, the flames of Sharier's sword instantly became more aggressive.

At the same time that a sword repulsed Calgan, the wielding blade directly brought up a pure white flame, and rolled toward Calgan, not far away.

In this regard, Calgan did not show weakness, the swift eagle partner's wide wings continually flapped, and two wind pressures directly patted the past, and the flames forcedly smashed the flame.

Among the scattered sparks, only the three sounds of the '咻咻咻' sound were heard, and the hand-turned weapons returned to the bow and arrow. Kalgan directly added a hand-beaded arrow, and the three arrows from the string were 'good'. The font quickly shot towards Shalier.

In the face of such a means, Shalier did not panic, and the display of God's blessings allowed him to quickly unfold a shield, easily blocking the attack of the lion's arrow.

Afterwards, he did not wait for him to breathe a sigh of relief, and the hand-armed weapon was once again replaced with the spear of Kalgan, and he was killed in front of him with a speedy thunder!

The spiral war spear directly tears the air, and with a sharp sound, a blow through the shield of his gods!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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