"Oh, gamble! Raymond, we launch a positive attack! Let your armor beasts again!"

Raymond Sossi heard this, and the muscles in his eyes were obviously pumping.

"Robert, this guy, really dare to speak..."

Of course, to think about it, Raymond Sossi finally gestured to his own armored beast.

After all, it has already reached this point, and the price has been paid so much. He can't allow even this fortress to be broken, and the battle is over.

However, due to the previous Longhua of Ysera, the remaining iron beetles were extremely unstable, and they showed great resistance to the charge.

In desperation, Raymond Sossi can only let the rhinoceros under his arm to do the ideological work for the armored beasts.

During this period, the battle in the sky is clearly continuing.

As the target of being glanced at, at this moment, the state of the bald eagle can be described as extremely terrible.

In terms of size, although the glimpse does not occupy any advantage, its speed is already fast enough. Even the amazingly fast-headed bald eagle can only be played with it.

According to Mia's previous judgment, the glimpse of this time, counted that the amazing speed of flight, its own strength, I am afraid it has already surpassed the general third-order Warcraft!

At the same time as the attack, the black current above the talons erodes the body of the bald eagle.

The erosion of the black current, coupled with the shedding of the eagle feathers, makes the bald eagle's control of his body more and more unstable.

Up to now, even flying has become a difficult task, and the flight speed is greatly reduced.

Looking at an opportunity, the glimpse did not hesitate to shoot again, between the wings flapping, three black spherical lightning quickly rushed toward the bald eagle.

This time, the bald eagle is obviously hard to avoid. With three bursts of sound, three spherical lightning hits one after another, and a large eagle feather was destroyed. The flesh underneath was even more blackened by a spherical lightning.

At this moment, the bald eagle completely lost control of the body and directly fell to the ground.

At the height of the kilometer, the fall must be severely broken. Even if it is a giant beast, it must be turned into a mass of meat.

The bald eagle is obviously not willing to accept the fate of this being a mass of meat. In the eagle, there are frequent sharp screams, and the scarred wings are constantly twitching, but it is difficult to support this huge body to continue flying. .

The huge size of 25 meters makes it fall fast, with exaggerated inertia, the momentum, there is a kind of meteorite falling into the general array.

The height of the kilometer is blinking, and my body is about to fall heavily in the forest below. The bald eagle seems to be the height of the height, and I want to fight this last stroke.

The wounded wings are open at this moment. Then I tried my best to fan up!

As long as the momentum of the fall is eased at this time, according to the current height, it is absolutely impossible to fall.

However, at this moment, how strong is the inertia of the bald eagle falling from the height of the kilometer? Where can I stop and stop?

The fear of death is constantly stimulating it, and the horrific momentum makes it flap every time it seems to be torn apart, but in order to survive, it can't take care of it!

The huge body continued to fall, and at the moment of falling into the forest, a towering tree was overwhelmed on the spot.

The obvious bloodstains flowed out of the bald eagle's body, quickly soaking the land underneath, the huge body twitching slightly, and between the vague, you can still hear a weak breathing sound, it is still alive...

Obviously, it was the desperate struggle of the previous moment that struggling to play a role, the inertia shock of the successful easing, so that it finally saved this last breath.

However, as a price, the wings that are desperately fanned out are estimated to be unable to withstand the impact and load just now. The bones may have broken into several sections...

The next second, looking at the black figure that slowly descended in a gliding gesture, the white-headed eagle who had just escaped from the moment had a gaze, and then, in the moment of interlacing with the other side of the line of sight, in its eyes There have been a few more fears.

The eagle that is bleeding outside is slowly opening and closing, making a weak and hoarse tweet, looking at the appearance, as if pleading for the glimpse of the life.

As long as it can survive, according to its resilience, even the broken wings can be restored in a month.

Even for a while, the wound that is bleeding, has begun to stop bleeding.

In this regard, the glimpse is naturally in the eyes, after licking his head, only listen to it directly issued an eagle, should be in response to the eyes of the suffering of the bald eagle.

However, the conversation between the hawks is obviously not something humans can understand.

Just then, a dense pace in the distance quickly came.

Falling to the ground, I am afraid that the bald eagle, which is not able to move at all, is obviously tight, and the whole nerve is obviously tight, but it is calm and calm.

With the close approach of the footsteps, I saw a team of human soldiers armed with rifles quickly appearing in this piece of crushed mountain forest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing them appear, the glimpse of the eagle .

The human soldiers who heard the sound of the eagle screamed and respected the ceremony at the moment of discovering the glimpse.

The emperor's love pet, the **** of the Wanjie civilization, who does not know?

Not to mention the previous time, but the glimpse of the sky is playing in the sky above the mountains.

That's right, at this moment, they are in the position of the Northland Mountain Forest within the northern boundary of Wanjie Civilization, and even close to the location of Beishan City.

Therefore, the movement of the bald eagle fell in the first time to attract the attention of the soldiers in the city, and quickly rushed out to confirm the situation.

The huge size of the bald eagle made the soldiers of Beishan City breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the four giant hawks of the enemy orc army had heard about it, they saw it for the first time.

Although the glimpse is universal, humans obviously do not understand the language of the eagle.

However, some simple meanings, they are understandable.

So I quickly called a group of people to come, after a lot of means, I quite simply grabbed the white-headed eagle and tied it back.

When this bald eagle is not hit hard, this grasping method naturally has no meaning.

However, the bald eagle is now hit hard. In a short period of time, it is estimated that it is difficult to move. So, it is natural that there is no need to stay here. I saw his quite simple wings, and the speed broke out. Flying fast on the main battlefield!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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