The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1347: Long-term planning

The defeat of the army is like a mountain. At this moment, using these five words to describe the battlefield of the border defense fortress in the east, it is more appropriate to think of it.

Along with the fall of the external trenches, the influx of a large number of soldiers from the Eastern Front can be said to have defeated the Europa troops responsible for the station.

Without a moment of work, an entire battlefield position has already fallen completely.

The Europa defenders all the way back to the entrance to the fortress, trying to dying.

However, they have already reached this point. Where does Liu Meng give the other party a chance to breathe?

The elephant giant artillery that was advanced with the army directly pressed.

Although the positioning of the giant artillery has been arranged in a large rear row position, as a flexible unit with engine power, his melee destructive power is not to be underestimated.

At the same time, the most important thing is that in this kind of melee situation, in order to avoid accidentally injuring oneself, the artillery units in the rear cannot support the shelling at all, but the giant artillery can be rushed up quite and personally. war!

Directly, the cannon of the cannon was used as a melee weapon, and the arrogant melee attack hit the defense line of the enemy fortress.

At this moment, the last straw of the border guards in the east was also completely crushed. The defending generals could not help but succumb to the evacuation order.

In this regard, Liu Meng naturally will not let go of this opportunity to expand the results of the war, if conditions permit.

The pursuit order is almost directly issued. At the same time as completing the task of occupying the border defense fortress in the east, the infantry unit of the Eastern Army Corps can be said to have directly pursued the pursuit mission.

However, this border defense fortress is, after all, the home of the Europa army. To be familiar with the degree of familiarity, the other side will far exceed the soldiers of the Eastern Army.

After a quick escape from the exit of the other side of the fortress, the defender of the border guards in the east will take the soldiers who have left behind to escape.

A sudden burst of wolverine in the distance made him feel amazed at the whole heart.

At this moment, as the Werewolf Ranger troops who were behind them, they quickly killed them.

In the next second, the fast-spreading shooting formation directly brought a wave of fire volley!

The Europa army that was attacked during the evacuation process is already in chaos and wants to break through, but the whole army has long lost its organization, and the scattered offensive is difficult to pose a threat, and the opposite Werewolves Rangers are even more Taking advantage of their own power and flexibility, they continue to kill them.

After several breakouts, I bumped myself into a **** stream. At this moment, a large number of Euro bus soldiers were shot and the shadow of death quickly enveloped their hearts.

In the meantime, the main force in the east of the chase was followed.

Before and after the attack, the double firepower was constantly intertwined. At the same time as depriving the resistance of the Europa troops, the battle was quickly pushed to the end.

Successfully attacking the border defense fortress of this enemy east is of great significance to the army of the East.

On the other hand, Bai Ze and Bu Ri Gude also returned with triumph.

Losing the barrier of this border defense fortress, the rear city instantly became the fish on the cutting board of the East Army.

Before the reaction of the enemy headquarters, the army of the eastward army drove straight into the city, even the number of cities.

During this period, a battle report was sent back to the city of Der Spiegel as quickly as possible.

At that time, Guo Jia, who was playing the battle in the hall, could not help but sigh...

"Your next time, the means of this is really bold, and the ministers admire."

Hearing this story, looking at the huge map in front of him, he waved his hand at random.

His hand is not so bold, it is better to take risks.

Looking at the battle report that was sent back, Luo Ji gently slammed the piece of chess that represented the army of the East, and fell on the eastern territory of Robert Smith.

"I can't do anything about it. The three of them beat me. They are quite good at fighting. They are fighting for them. Moreover, the two guys in the north have gathered more than 100,000 troops outside the fortress of Beishan. This is where the shackles are. The rear garrison force must be affected, so an opportunity is in front of me. If I don’t do anything, I feel sorry for myself."

Obviously, this hand layout, Luo Ji is also considered a long-term plan.

Among the three enemy Europa players, there are maps of the territory of Charlie Crombel and Robert Smith.

In addition, his own map of the world's civilization, in other words, this map of the entire battlefield, he accounted for almost three-quarters.

In order to connect the players' territories, the system will generate some neutral areas, but the area will not be too large. Under this premise, holding the three maps, only a little deduction, will soon be Simulate a map of a whole war as a 仈Ji.

After that, the military resources were assembled to quickly determine the two attack routes. Together with the elf druid aerial vision and detection efficiency, a large plan that was prepared for several years began.

This wave, he spent a lot of time, steadily and steadily, and built three camps for hoarding resources on these two routes.

Here, I have to mention another benefit of this battlefield.

I have said before on this battlefield, there are no resources and indigenous forces.

Therefore, in addition to the enemy players, there will be no other forces to attack you, which makes Luo's wild camps exceptionally comfortable, even simple, does not matter, because basically nothing can be done.

The six resource camps on the two routes provided sufficient resources for the Western Army and the Eastern Army. This is the scene now.

“Lv Yang, what is the grain output in the autumn harvest?”

"Returning to the next year is another year of great harvest."

While speaking, Lu Yang, a supporter, quickly sent a report to the eyes of Luo

Turning over the report, after Luo's eyes were swept, the corner of his mouth evoked a satisfying smile.

If compared to the amount of ammunition and firearms hoarding, he is probably more than Charlie Crombel, but also Robert Smith, but he is extremely confident about this grain output.

After all, his 10,000-world civilization is a big grain-producing country in the true sense.

Even if it does not say that Kyushu Ding's grain harvest effect, he said that his Samsung natural wonders colorful terraces are good, and he has been able to provide him with a lot of food every year.

And this natural wonder, the effect of a man-made spectacle, is even more explosive.

Every autumn harvest is a grain explosion. Within the civilization, food prices are cheaper, too much, and they cannot be sold.

Nowadays, there are more camps for grain in the wild, but it has helped him to reduce the burden on his domestic granary.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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