The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1374: , Laozi Niu | forced

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Ross' to get the silver item 'Radar Design x1'

Radar design? Good, use it! Go back to the Science and Technology Institute.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' to get the silver-level prop ‘Hybrid Rice Cultivation Program x1’

Hybrid rice? Increase food production? Although his Wannian civilization is not short of food at present, Luo Ji obviously does not mind that the annual grain output is a little higher, and he will send it back to the farming department so that they can slowly toss.

The boxes are quickly opened, and the good things are actually quite a lot.

For example, the radar design and the hybrid rice cultivation program that were previously opened are all silver-scale, but their value is quite large. If Ye Qingqi takes the auction, they will definitely shoot high prices.

But at this moment, Luo Ji’s mood is still tangled.

This one, he wants to open a gold-level prop from the silver box!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji smashed his hand and then dropped his gaze to the last silver treasure chest.

No nonsense, open directly!

With a soft sound that the treasure chest was slowly opened, within the gap, the dazzling golden light suddenly overflowed!

Let Luo Ji, who was sitting there at the same time, while squinting his eyes, with a whole heart, is a sudden jump!

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Rod’ to get a gold special item...

"Rely! Gold-grade special props?!"

At this moment, the whole series of Luo Ji almost jumped directly from the ground. This is really a gas-loaded addition, not only a gold-level prop, but also a special prop in the special prop pool? !

This one, he is afraid to make a big profit!

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for the gold special special item 'Geochrome steam armor design map x1'

At that moment, even if I was used to the various winds and waves, I almost cheered on the spot.

Lying in the trough! Laozi Niu | Forced, Mech! Mech! ! !

I don't have time to think about it. At this time, Luo Ji, because of the excitement, an entire person has no idea what he is doing.

That is the mech! Only things that can be seen in science fiction movies!

After taking a sigh of relief and forcing him to calm down his emotions, Luo Ji immediately took out the design of the goblin steam mech from his system backpack.

After sifting through the thick stack of design drawings, I still can't completely calm down the Luo series. At this moment, I am inevitably worried.

"This is completely black technology. According to the scientific and technological power of my current civilization, can I really make this goblin steam machine?"

There is no doubt that the difficulty factor of this thing is absolutely amazing.

At the same time, it is completely imaginable that this is definitely a project to burn money.

Between the thoughts flying, Luo Ji collected the design, and after washing a cold water face, quickly ran back to the Qing Luo Temple.

To ask the financial situation within the civilization today, it is most convenient to ask his wife directly.

In the face of this problem, Ye Qingxi, even do not need to turn the report, a direct mouth, just said it...

"This year's civilized finances, the biggest expenditure, was transferred to the shipyard, allowing them to step up the manufacture of battleships and destroyers."

“At the same time, the full manufacture of the transport vehicle has also cost a lot of money.”

"In addition to the arsenal, there are eight series of artillery weapons such as dragon cannons, armor-piercing ammunition, cannons, anti-aircraft guns, and flamethrowers."

"Then there are still casualties for the soldiers who have been fighting for the past few years..."

“Reconstruction project over the Elf Province...”

This one by one listens to Luo Ji who is sitting there sweating. This is just the extra expenditure in the past two years. He usually only pays attention to spending money. Now he suddenly feels pressure.

The whole person did not consciously take two steps, and then helped Ye Qingqi pinch his shoulders...

"Amount, clear, can't even make a fortune?"

In this regard, Ye Qingyi was moving his body and enjoying the service of Luo Jiqiu. At the same time, he pondered for a while, then the rather simple opening said...

"It's not impossible, but if you want to make money, I'm afraid I have to stop several projects in progress."

Luo Zhi who heard this thought thought a little, but usually this piece of work is basically handled by Ye Qingzhen. Now he is really unable to remember which one to stop.

Finally, I can only throw the problem back.

"So, what do you think is appropriate to stop?"

In this regard, Ye Qingying’s face showed a ‘I’ll know’ expression, and then said again...

"How about temporarily stopping the construction of the Great Wall and the construction of the coastal cities along the Yangtze River Fortress?"

While talking, Ye Qingyi flipped through a file and handed it to Luo.

Stopping the movements on the hand, picking up the Luo of the document and quickly flipping it.

The content inside is the expenditure report on the two major projects.

It is no exaggeration to say that basically every quarter has to spend an astronomical number, the number is too long, so that Luo Ji count does not want to count.

Probably guessed his thoughts, Ye Qingyi sitting there is not too slow to say...

"After the war, I have already cut the funds for these two major projects three times, but you have seen it. Even so, the expenditure per quarter is still surprisingly high."

"The Great Wall of China has now crossed the entire western boundary. Now it is building into the northwest. There are many hilly areas in that area, which makes the construction difficult and the expenditure is increased. I want to connect to the north. I am afraid that it will not be possible for a few years. Therefore, I don’t think it’s too urgent for a while. It’s better to stop and transfer the funds to more important projects.”

Having said that, Ye Qingyi took a slight relief and continued to speak...

"The construction of the Yangtze River is similar. According to the size of the city, how can we start in ten years? Now we have just built a foundation. If we continue to work, the fiscal expenditure figures for each quarter are quite large."

At this moment, Luo Ji’s heart is also a number.

For the Great Wall, he is actually more urgent. After all, the effect of the addition is arguably quite attractive.

Taking into account his current situation, the sooner the Great Wall is built, the more peace of mind he will be.

Therefore, after repeated measurement, Luo Ji’s face is resolutely open...

"Let's do this, let the construction of the Yangtze River project temporarily stop working, the Great Wall, and then cut the budget for each quarter by one-fifth, let them slowly build."

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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