The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1390: Small profiteer


"what happened?"

Looking at the surprised Ye Qingying, she was sitting next to Luo Ji, who was carrying a potato chip, and asked for a while while stuffing her into her mouth.

"The Robert Smith bought a million tons of food in one go."

Ye Qingying said as he squeaked the bite of the potato chips in his mouth, and then made a scream of laughter, which was a small profiteer.

Looking at her look, Luo is also a funny laugh.

There is nothing wrong with this practice of Robert Smith.

After all, in this environment, who knows if the grain output of his empire will increase next year? Therefore, it is also necessary to pick up a batch of food in advance to prevent it.

At the same time, I have to say that Ye Qingyi’s business sense is indeed too sharp. As early as a few years ago, when the foreign players just started, she started to contact the players who signed the black iron and bronze positions with their trade agreements. And then buy food from their hands.

Today, the grain reserves in the Ye Qingyi system backpack and system warehouse are probably reaching a horrific level.

Coupled with the ultra-high grain output of the Wanxiang civilization itself, she has been planning to take advantage of this world war from the very beginning.

For the Luo series, of course, it is just right.

Take the example of this continent where he is.

The big eater, the Daqin, the Raksha, the Fusang, the Buddha, and the power of the players of the five countries can be said to be in turmoil.

This is to make it easy for them to kill Robert Smith and Raymond Sossi.

At that time, there is only one left on the mainland. Isn’t the situation quite uncomfortable?

Therefore, Robert Smith and Raymond Sossi can not die now, how can he help him to fight, it is best to fight him.

At the same time, it is better to empty their inventory and wallets.

"Get it done."

When a deal is completed, Robert Smith certainly won't get ten gold-grade items.

In this case, I also picked a lot of silver-grade props that he could not use, but the value was not low.

As Ye Qingyu said in the news before, the important thing is the value of the props!

100,000 tons of grain, a gold-grade prop, this is just a measure of the standard.

You come up with three or five super rare silver-grade props. If the value can match a gold-level prop, Ye Qingyi can also accept it.

In contrast, if you can come up with a super rare gold-grade prop, you can buy 200,000 tons of food.

In this one million tons of grain trade, Ye Qingyi got five gold-grade props and fifteen silver-level props from Robert Smith.

Obviously, there are props with quite high rarity.

Among the fifteen silver-level props, the rare ones include steam engine, car, thermal power generator, telegraph machine, post-loading rifle design, weapon development, medical department skills book and so on.

These rare design drawings and skill books are basically only in private transactions, and are not available at all on the market.

Among them, the design of the map, the silver-level design of automobiles and thermal power generators can be used by Luo Ji.

Although these two things have already existed within the Wanxiang civilization, however, some improvements can be made more or less in comparison with the design drawings.

Of course, the more important reason is that the design of the system props is additive, which can save manufacturing materials, manufacturing efficiency, and even increase the performance of the device itself.

The effect of the silver-level design is more than 30% or even 40%. This effect is BUFF, Luoji is definitely necessary.

As for the silver-level props that Luo can't use, Ye Qingyi can also sell it to the players who need it at a high price.

For example, the steam engine design, it must be in the black iron segment, some people want, can definitely sell a satisfactory price, even when she engages in a personal auction, put this design on the auction Row!

As for the five gold-level props, including a long-lived medicine, a skill book that encourages morale, an offensive grenade design, a modern hospital design and a gold-level declaration!

The longevity medicine and the 'enhanced morale' skill book don't say for a moment, the offensive grenade design, the modern hospital design and the gold-level declaration, the value of these three gold-level props is undoubtedly more than the ordinary one-level gold Props.

Among them, the offensive grenade design map is definitely a super hot item in the silver segment. If you take the auction, the price will soon rise to tens of millions of civilization points.

However, Luo Ji is not very much needed.

Because his series of grenades in the Wanxiang civilization are all from the special design of the dwarf civilization, they belong to the exclusive formula, which is much better than the grenade of ordinary human civilization.

The design of the modern hospital, for a civilized development, the medical department, the architecture department, the farming system, are all of high value, but since it is a modern hospital, it does not meet the requirements of the times and construction requirements. It is impossible to make it. It is undoubtedly a gold-level prop that Robert Smith can't use for a while, so he will be used as a bargaining chip at this time.

Of course, the problem of the era is not mentioned, just look at the value, this design is definitely more than the value of a gold-level prop.

As for the last piece of the gold-level declaration, this need not be said.

I am afraid that after taking out the first four gold-grade props and fifteen silver-grade props, the value is still not equal to the ten gold So he only recognized this one more and better, no one I will take out the absolutely popular props.

From the perspective of value alone, this wave of clearing is indeed making a big profit.

Even Luo Ji couldn't help but give her a hand, and by the way, stuffed a piece of potato chips into her mouth.

Ye Qingying, while eating a potato chip, while playing with a ten-finger, screaming at the virtual keyboard in front of him, and occasionally smirking two times, the mood seemed quite pleasant.

At this time, Robert Smith, who was far away on the other side, was squatting in the heart of a profiteer while opening his own system backpack. One million tons of food, according to his meaning, was divided into twenty parts, occupying Twenty backpack plaids, each backpack plaid, representing 50,000 tons of food!

As far as this situation is concerned, the food crisis of their empire this year has been largely solved, but at the same time, Robert Smith, who has just experienced a big bleeding, is still not happy. It is very complicated.

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