The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1396: Plan can't keep up with changes

Let Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith be unilaterally collapsed? This is not the situation that Luo Ji wants to see.

According to his thoughts, even if the two goods are going to die, it is worthwhile to die. For example, help him fight a foreign player or something.

However, according to this momentum, it is more likely that the situation will happen. It is feared that Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith will be killed by the joint forces of foreign countries. At that time, the players of the Francis and the players of Fusang will directly occupy the next part of the site. On his continent, that would be too bad.

In this way, in order to avoid the battle on this continent and move toward the worst situation for him, Luo Ji feels that it is necessary to do something.

Of course, his current situation is different. As a member of the Heavenly camp, he can no longer do what he thinks as he did before.

In this way, Luo Ji decisively sent a message to Ke Xiuwen, told him about his own thoughts, and the situation on his own continent.

Ke Xiuwen, who received the news at the time, was obviously wrinkled.

"If you want to go to other seas to toss it, I don't have any opinions, but in your central mainland waters, the current unexpected calm, once it is hands-on, is easy to expose?"

Although Ke Xiuwen also understands the situation of Luo Ji, once it is exposed, the situation is even worse.

At that time, the players in their squad will probably be directly involved in this scuffle.

Ke Xiuwen's concern, Luo Ji is undoubtedly also considered, but at this time, he was attracted by another news.

"You just mentioned other seas?"

"Oh, this one."

Ke Xiuwen, who saw this news, probably thought of something funny, and couldn’t help but laugh, and quickly replied...

"In addition to the sea area near your central continent, the current tranquility is surprising. The other sea areas in this battlefield are all already played."

"After all, the bigger the sea, the more convenient it is for them to arrange the fleet. Now the steel fleets of the players from all over the world are rushing around and fighting everywhere. Some time ago, there was a fleet of Daqin players, and a round of shelling directly sank the friendly. The battleship, the situation, has long been chaotic and can't."

"In those few seas, even if you let your fleet go to a few waves, the opposite side does not necessarily make it clear who is moving."

"Considering the current situation on the battlefield, I and several other players in the league have been pondering this matter recently. Do you want to disguise it and go to the sea to make fun of it."

Ke Xiuwen issued four messages in a row, which allowed Luo Ji to have a general understanding of the current situation of several other maritime battlefields.

To be honest, chaos to this point is really what he did not expect.

But at the same time, it is also a sudden flash of his mind! After rationalizing my thoughts, Luo Ji at this time obviously has new ideas.

This plan, really, can't keep up with the changes!

A series of orders were quickly released, and after a little time spent, a disguised small fleet quietly left the South China Sea.

According to the strength criteria of today's era, the configuration and scale of this fleet can only be described by the word 'weakness'.

Fifteen destroyers, four light cruisers, and two heavy cruisers. What kind of ghost configuration?

In the era when the artillery of this big ship was prevailing, there was not even a battleship. This configuration can be directly classified into the category of 'miscellaneous fish' in the eyes of other players.

However, it is precisely because there is no battleship, the overall speed of this fleet is quite impressive.

All the way through the wind and waves broke into the sea area closest to them...

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the two heavy cruisers were not ordered by Luo, but the two ships that had been sunk in the port by the Imperial Navy. Later they were picked up and repaired. Only now have these two warships.

At this moment, as the temporary flagship of the 071 light cruiser, Yuan Xi’s adjutant Wang Wei is quickly confirming the distribution of power in this sea area. Obviously, he is the highest commander of this small fleet, and now it is Major rank.

After the night, the shipborne radar on the 071 light cruiser is playing its role.

However, due to the relatively limited reason of the radar technology of this era, whether they can gain something tonight, or have to look at luck.

A small fleet of ships maintained a relatively steady speed and sailed quietly on the sea that was covered in the night.

Along with the constant movement and scanning, several light spots suddenly appeared on the radar screen, and the naval crew responsible for operating the radar device was refreshed.

"The major, thirty nautical miles in the left front, found a strange fleet."

Upon hearing this, Wang Hao, who first led a fleet, performed very calmly, and his gaze quickly fell back to the chart on the side.

According to this night vision, and considering the distance problem, it is obviously impossible to confirm the identity of this strange fleet, but fortunately he has other methods.

As I said before, the various sea areas are full of forces.

In the vicinity of this sea area, there are two Europa players, two Fusang players and one Gaul player.

The fleet of this era relies on the tyrannical firepower of the ship, mainly in daytime operations. After the night, the hit rate of the guns is greatly reduced, and basically no fighting will occur.

As a premise, in order to ensure their own safety, at night, they will certainly move closer to the direction of their own forces.

In other words, as long as you confirm the position of the forces and the general position of the fleet, you will soon get a simple judgment to confirm which team the ship they found belongs to.

At this moment, if Wang Wei’s judgment is not wrong, the fleet detected by their shipborne radar should be from the Gaolu camp.

"Transfer the entire fleet, spread out the formation, and keep the speed near."


In the night, the formation of this small fleet quickly spread out.

By night cover The other party has not found their existence yet, and as the distance continues to draw, a naval crew quickly opens...

"Major, if you continue to approach, I am afraid that we will find our presence."

The opposite fleet should have no high-performance shipborne radar. After the night, the surrounding vision is provided by several large searchlights on the ship.

Even so, as the distance between the two sides continues to be closer, there is a situation in which exposure is unavoidable.

However, for this reminder, Wang Hao is quite simply ordered again...

"Transfer the entire fleet, start speeding up, go forward at full speed! Get up in one breath!"

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