Unlike the fleet that is out of the expedition, the forces that are fighting in this area of ​​the sea are not far from their nearest port positions, and the slowest will return in more than a month.

Moreover, two Fusang players and a Gaul player are still in the league.

Even if there is any emergency, it can be stopped by the friendly port of the port, or even borrowing a lot of resources, it is not a big deal.

Therefore, in this case, it is natural that there is no need to carry a supply ship, or even a supply ship, but it will give the opposite machine.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this, in order to be on the safe side, they must return to the air once in a while.

The three fleets did not return at the same time, but the two fleets stayed in the outer waters to contain the Europa’s joint fleet, and one of them returned to the port to replenish and rest supplies, maintaining a state of rotation, so as not to give the opposite Europa joint The fleet can take the opportunity.

This is obviously the same time. After leaving the formation of the United Large Fleet, the Gallic Fleet is slowly moving towards its own port.

As the old rival of the Europa joint fleet, of course, knowing the other way of replenishing, they have been suppressed by three dozens of two, and now it is difficult to have a second two, they certainly have to do something.

In this way, the Europa United Fleet maintained a speed of 20 knots and directly rushed into the waters of foreign players.

In the face of the enemy's approach, the remaining two Fusang fleets will certainly come to block, and it is impossible to watch the Europa joint fleet rush to their port.

If it becomes like this, the port that has been affected will be devastating!

The appearance of the two Fusang fleets was apparently expected by them. The main gun of a battleship quickly turned, and just after entering the range, the two fleets had already opened fire unceremoniously.

The thunder of the thunderous fire shattered the tranquility of this sea area in an instant!

A steel warship broke open from the sea, and a fierce sea battle started here.

In the sky, the giant eagle flies quickly and constantly sends the latest information back.

Wang Wei, who confirmed the situation, ordered the lightning strike fleet to act quickly.

Although the time is still daytime, but with the elf Druid mastering the aerial vision, coupled with the dual detection of the radar equipment, the lightning strike fleet wants to take advantage of its own speed advantage, avoiding the large fleets of the sea to carry out operations, it is It is not a difficult thing.

Now let the time run quickly.

It took the 19-day period for the Gallic fleet with the battleship to return to the port.

The outer lighthouses have already discovered their existence, and the heavier tonnage of the battleships is preferred. A warship follows the signal and slowly enters the port.

Until a sudden roar of the roar, one of the huge battleships screamed in an unguarded state...

The violent vibrations caused by the explosion shock caused the Nauru naval soldiers who had completely relaxed on the deck of the battleship to fall into a state of panic on the spot.

However, this is just a beginning!

Although the battleship has already begun to slow down the speed of the ship near the port, but what is the inertia that the exaggerated tonnage is there?

Even if it was the explosion, it didn't stop it.

The violent explosions sounded one after another, and several other battleships on the left and the right were also smashed in succession. This completely broke the situation that everyone expected, so that the members of the logistics force who were standing at the port and were preparing to receive the battleship were in an instant. Get rid of it completely.

what happened? what's the situation? ! They are completely puzzled now. What happened? Good end, how come suddenly burst into a big bang?

However, they are jealous, the naval soldiers and officers on the battleship will only be more embarrassed than them!

Because after all the possibilities were ruled out, the only conclusion they could draw was that their warships hit the mine!

They were attacked by mines outside their own ports? !

Is this an international joke about them? !

Several Gaolu naval officers who came to this conclusion at that time were almost mad.

This situation can even be said to be a bit funny. Is it that the stupid egg near the port is slipping and throwing the mine? !

At this moment, they have no time to think about these things.

The continuous mine explosion directly caused a clear destruction to several battleships that were opened ahead.

One of the battleships has already started to smoke.

"Hell! The engine room is flooding! Turn off the engine, grass! Turn it off!! Loss management team, damage management team?!"

"The gap here can't be blocked, the sea is full!"

"Everyone withdraws from this layer!!"

This time, it can be nailed to the shame column. The three battleships of the Gallic Fleet, in a position less than five nautical miles from their own port, were smashed by a large number of mines that did not know where they came from...

The Gaul players who received the frontline report at the time even once wondered if today is April Fool's Day, because how do you look so funny and nonsense? !

Taking a deep breath, the Gaul player closed the report in his hand and slowly walked over to a minister below.

"I will confirm again, three battleships, outside the port, were blown up by mines?"

At this moment, the minister standing below is already cold and sweaty. In the face of this problem, I only listened to his tone and vomited two words...


"Are you sure this is not a April Fool's joke? Or is it a fool who is mad at writing a report and is wrong?"

"I think, should not be."

"How is the port now?"

"The threat of mines made it impossible for the fleet to enter the port, and the internal ships did not dare to go out easily. They are now moving collectively towards other ports."

"What about the loss of the fleet?"

"According to the report sent back by the fleet commander, the three battleships sank, one battleship was severely damaged, and one battleship was moderately damaged. Later, due to the emergency steering of the entire fleet, the rear battleships collided with each other, causing Different degrees of damage."

This passage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tone of the minister is that the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. In the end, watching the emperor’s gloomy face that is about to drip out, his whole heart has been hung. When I arrived at the eyes of the blind man, the surrounding guards were guarded. At this time, I was even afraid that even the atmosphere would not dare to breathe.

"So, where did the mines outside the port come from?"

"For the time being, it is still unclear."

A few simple words, but directly stimulated a certain nerve of the Gaul player, so that his allegedly suppressed emotions broke out in an instant.

At that moment, I saw him turn around and directly dumped the minister on the ground!

"Then you are not going to check it out?!!"

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