At this moment, looking at the two women in their guard team, Hu Che and Ike exchanged a look with a tacit understanding.

"Fortunately, I didn't say anything at the time."

Hu Che and Ike, who don’t care about their faces, after the "starting" of Wang Kai, the guardian, was almost at the moment when the voice fell, and the sound of a knife screamed in the battlefield. The screams of the arrow breaking into the air have already passed into the ears of each of them.

Luo Yunqi and Serenia are almost at the same time, the blade is out of the sheath, and the arrow is also out of the string!

At this moment, Luo Yunxiao, like a healthy cheetah, broke out at the fastest speed and rushed to the past with Cyril, 50 meters away.

The arrow that almost flew toward her did not have any influence on her. A pair of sharp eyes didn't even blink, keeping the momentum of madness, and the three whistle between the swords in the hands. All three arrows have been degraded by her!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Just after joining hands, she has already displayed her own singularity of Serena, and she did not expect that it would be so easily disintegrated by Luo Yunzhen.

Subconsciously, I want to bend the bow again, but the reality in front of me is to let her clearly realize that she has no chance to open the bow next time. I saw that the speed of Luo Yun’s explosion is almost amazing. A blink of an eye has already rushed to her eyes.

Without the blade of the front, there is still a chill in her hand, a clean and clean knife, directly slashing towards her!

I don't have time to think about it. With the quickness of the windrunner, with the blessing of ‘wind’, Serenia quickly made an evasive action.

However, Luo Yunqi’s offensive, where can he avoid it?

The next second, I saw her offensive, non-stop, one hand fast knife is desperate!

At that moment, I realized that I was being suppressed. Serenia hurriedly made a move. While making another evasive action, I watched the sharp edge of the smack, and saw her right leg jerk. With a high-lifting action, the thick heel of the black military boots stepped on the blade of Luo Yunhao!

This foot, directly with her own weight and the strength of the kick, is completely a set of posture to put the sword in the hands of Luo Yunxiao hard.

In exchange for an ordinary opponent, at this moment, the knife in the hand may have already let go.

However, Luo Yunqi is obviously not here.

This situation did not make her panic. She was not an idiot who could only attack the sword. The sword knife turned in the hand. At that moment, the next move was not made. Step on the above, Serena, I have realized that it is not good.

I didn’t dare to stop at all. By stepping on the blade and backing back the force, Serenia’s healthy posture jumped up on the spot, followed by a burst of empty sound. The kickback kicked directly toward Luo Yunqi.

The explosive power of the Windrunner kicking technique is almost perfectly reflected at this moment, and the power must not be underestimated.

For Cyril's momentary passive and active blow, Luo Yunxuan's face is also slightly sinking, the knife is turning again, and the man goes with the knife, which almost kicks out the broken sound directly. A very thrilling distance passed her by.

With the inertia brought by that foot, Serenia's body took advantage of a series of continuous kicking techniques, while the hand movements did not stop, the switch was opened, the hands were twisted and the short bow, and the bowstring was instantly rolled up. , directly split it into a double-edged.

However, it should be that the weapon has just started, but it is not a lot of proficiency. It’s a trace of strangeness, so that her movements are so slow, so that an entire combo offensive has a moment of gap...

And in this time, which is not even a tenth of a second, a slap in the face is already on her neck.

At this moment, the outcome is already divided!

The sword in the hands of Luo Yunqi is so free to be retracted, and did not hurt Serenia.

The battle is over, but it is enough to open your eyes!

Even Luo Ji couldn't help feeling the emotions. Two five-star levels were played together. The moment of the battle can only be described by the words “eyes and dazzles”, which is definitely beyond the limits of humanity! Ordinary people stand in front of them and are estimated to be a part of the spike.

Even afterwards, Wang Kai told him that the main cause of the defeat of Serenia was that the movement of the knife was slowed down so much that it was caught by Luo Yunqi, so it would be so fast, or else, according to The strength of the two, at least two or thirty rounds.

In this case, if Wang Kai did not say it, Luo Ji did not see it at the time, too fast...

This is incredible for him who has only three stars in the brave level. It is also a human being. How can the gap in combat power be so great? Sure enough, is the problem of talent and talent?

This makes Luo Ji have to sigh that human potential is really unlimited.

After experiencing such a small episode and opening his eyes, Luo Ji was sighed and turned the view back to the other two bows.

Almost every bow, Ye Hao has made corresponding reinforcements and improvements, it is to give him an upgraded version, so that everyone once again clearly felt the amazing talent of this national treasure-level ordnance master.

Of course, this is not to say that the original version of the hunting bow is not good. The original version also has the advantage of the original version. It can switch different forms according to different situations. The weapon itself is already quite powerful, but at the same time, The requirements of such weapons for users are often very high.

Those who are not strong enough to use this kind of multi-form weapon will only be arrogant in their own hands.

According to the progress of the latest report sent by Zhang William, he is still in the picking stage.

In this regard, Luo Ji can only say a wordlessly ‘you elves are doing things to be honed! ’

In any case, first command the arsenal to produce the three independent upgraded version of the hunting scorpion bow.

The short bow can be equipped for the Windrunner, the standard bow can be equipped to the fast eagle picks and the giant eagle knights, while the longbow is equipped to the elf **** shooter.

At the same time, during this period, Ye Hao also patted his chest to help define a short bow for Cyril.

This made the character who had always been calm and calm, and had been happy for a while. Before that, because of a moment of loss, the little depression that lost to Luo Yunxiao was even swept away.

After all, this is a tailor-made weapon for the chief ordnance master of the Wanxiang civilization, but not everyone can have it!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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