The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1428: ,how to spell?

On the frontline battlefield in the northwest direction, the joint army of the big food and the Franco-machines defeated Raymond Sossi's strong counterattack.

The original territory that was originally occupied has fallen into nearly a quarter of an instant, but this is not destined to be the final figure.

At present, because of the shortage of supplies, the joint army that is difficult to compete with the orc army continues to withdraw.

The war situation outside the country is already unsettled. According to the idea of ​​the top commander of the Great Eater Army, he intends to withdraw the border of their big food in one breath and use the defense battalion in the country to fight a wave of defensive wars to see if they can regroup. .

In this regard, Rayon Sossi's orc army, naturally, will not be polite with them, and directly launched their special policy of the orc civilization 'all the people are soldiers'.

This is one of the special projects of their orc civilization. In short, it is the orc civilians who are urgently recruited. After the army is filled, even if they are not trained, they will get quite good combat power.

Their orc militia, but it is much stronger than the militia of other races!

During this period, Raymond Sossi, the king of the orc, went to the front with his gold-level buff skills, and took the orc army he assembled, and slammed the past.

The momentum of the turnaround has risen, and the morale of the orc army has begun to rise. The combat power of the orc soldiers has been significantly improved, and there is a tendency to become more and more brave.

At the same time, in the palace of the big food capital, the information sent back recently has made it impossible for the big eater to feel good.

The fall of the territorial territory is only a minor problem. The point is that once the orc army reaches his border fortress, the situation will be worse.

Opposite to Ramon Sossi's armored beast, but the god-class unit of the 'building', the battle in the wild, the value of the armored beast must at least be a double fold, but once it becomes a siege war, the existence of the armored beast can be horrible.

Even the most sturdy defensive building of this era, facing the crazy collision of the Iron Armor, it is impossible to eat a few times.

Obviously, this big eater has had experience with Raymond Sossi before.

If the iron beast on the opposite side is strong, how can he resist?

Because of this problem, he has called the military and political ministers he has left over to discuss the matter more than once.

Their latest domestic cannons combined with armor-piercing bullets can indeed cause damage to the iron beasts to a certain extent, but the problem is that the damage is limited.

In fact, more than one hundred armor-piercing bullets hit the body of the armored beast, and may not be able to kill the monster's life, let alone that you want to hit it is not so easy, the other party is alive, will move! Is it still stupid to stand in the same place to let you aim?

At this moment, the big eater has to admit that although the technological development of the orc civilization is low, the many orc units of the orc family are, to a large extent, able to make the enemy players feel unsolvable, those guys, simply It's like a monster in some special photos, but he doesn't have Altman, can't shoot the light of Spetsom, how to fight? !

Moreover, I don’t know if Robert Smith has been supporting Raymond Sossi on the other side. The equipment of the Orc troops is no worse than his big cannibal army. The combat power is fierce and scary.

In addition, during this period of time, the problem of domestic food burden is also causing some headaches for the big eater.

Although it is not going to let him break out of the food crisis, the recent days have changed a bit tightly. It is not a good sign to continue this way.

In this case, he has recently contacted the Fran machine players frequently, hoping that the other party can quickly resume the supply line, and at the same time, the food owed to him will be brought back soon!

In this regard, the recent Fran machine players who are also in a bad mood can only slowly explain the temperament.

Because during this time, their Francis and Fuso players did not come to the forefront, but their days may not be better than the big food, Raksha and Daqin players on the center of the film.

The alien joint fleet of the two players has been in the outer seas with the **** Europa joint fleet.

This state has been going on for a long time, and the Europa joint fleet opposite is clear that they want to drag them.

We must know that without the stability of supply lines and transfer stations, how much manpower and material resources do we need to support a large joint fleet at sea?

During this period, the existence of Luo Ji also made them headaches to the extreme.

According to the name of the Tianchao player, don't break into my territorial waters. How do you want to toss outside?

This requirement is understandable. The problem is that the territorial waters of the Wanxiang civilization largely cover the only way to the battlefield in the north. If Luo Ji does not let go, then they can only choose to detour, greatly increasing the number. The journey and time In the last few months, the small fleet separated from the Europa joint fleet seems to have caught the attention of their supply ships.

In this regard, the Fran machine players and the Fuso players naturally do not intend to squat, want to still color, but have been unable to find the trace of the Europa supply fleet.

However, they know where the Europa's supply fleet is, and Luo has given them a back door. The other's grain transportation route is just in the sea where the foreign joint fleet can't get in. Under this premise, of course, they are of course Can't find it.

If this naval battle on the central mainland is likened to a game, then the Luo Ji at this time is a unscrupulous referee who is blowing a black whistle.

Of course, the difference here is that this referee does not want to let Europa win, but wants to make them lose both.

Therefore, Luo Ji is now in a state of balancing the strength of both sides.

After all, from the current situation, on his central continent, the strength of foreign players is still stronger than the Europa side.

On the Europa side, Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith, because of the early years of fighting, they are basically already overdrafted, and the foreign players have been eating recently, but they have always had spare capacity, and domestic development is also It’s quite stable, it’s not fair to think about it.

This is also the main reason why Luo has been busy pittling foreign players in recent years.

When the foreign players are almost pitted by him, and the two sides are evenly matched, then his purpose will be reached.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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