Due to the changes in the war situation, the big eater is now a defensive player. Obviously, he did not plan to wait until Rayon Sossi’s orc army pressed his door to the border fortress.

On the outskirts of the border, a large number of mines have been laid, and he has been the first to say hello to him and the opposite side.

The iron beasts lined up in a row triggered the mines and marched with intensive explosions.

Here, it is worth mentioning that after years of snoring, Raymond Sossi clenched his teeth and raised an armored beast. Now the number of his armored beasts has recovered to six.

The number of giant eaglees has been restored to three, one of which can be clearly seen to be relatively petite, and barely reach the 20-meter level. It is a giant winged war eagle that has just grown.

At the same time, this wave, he brought all his behemoths, it is no exaggeration to say that the life of the family has been pressed here.

Either he blasted the opposite side, grabbed the resources and slammed it, or was blown up by the opposite side.

In this position, he has no choice but to face this situation!

Even if all the households in his inventory are pressed, the resources bought from the profiteer will be enough for him to fight again.

The six-headed iron beasts went hand in hand and continued to push forward. The landmines of the big eater were obviously increasing the amount of fire and medicine, but unfortunately, it was still difficult to pose a threat to his armor.

Just when Raymond Sossi was preparing to let the rear army catch up quickly and then break through the perimeter defense of the opposite side defense fortress, the unexpected situation suddenly occurred.

Suddenly the ground collapsed, so that the armored beasts that maintained the momentum of rushing were planted.

"Rely! Pothole trap?"

Occupying the aerial vision, Raymond Sossi, who saw the whole scene clearly, twitched the muscles of his eyes. He didn’t think that the big eater who was opposite would actually use his original means to dig him. ......

But what he can't deny is that this means is indeed effective.

In order to simultaneously smash his six armored beasts, the pits that were dug up were exaggerated.

According to the terrible weight of the armored beast, this planting can be said to be an instant landing.

The next second, the tyrannical impact, directly brought a roaring loud noise!

Countless yellow sands were blown up to the sky on the spot, and the many orc soldiers standing on the ground felt that the ground under their feet was shaking.

It was an explosive, and the **** big eater was piled up with explosives at the bottom of the pit! !

At this moment, Raymond Sossi, who already realized what had happened, had a whole face twisted for a moment.

However, this is not over yet. This wave, the big eater is the iron heart to the six iron beasts to die, for this reason also made various arrangements, after a violent big bang, long ago There are dozens of transport vehicles in the distance, and the throttle is directly stepped on the bottom, and the whole pit is rushed at full speed.

The sky's yellow sand obscured the view, so that Raymond Sosie couldn't see what was on the opposite transport truck.

However, from the point of view of the previous squad, it will definitely not be a good thing.

"Bring those cars down!!!"

In the roar of the roar, the orc troops on the ground and the hawks in the air simultaneously started.

However, for the ground forces, they were blocked by the huge pothole traps, and they could only stand far from the other side and shoot.

The orc soldiers who were not so good in the original shooting method, in the case of the yellow sand obscuring the field of vision, the shooting method is undoubtedly worse.

At the same time, they are in this position, the front shot, the basic threat does not threaten the fuel tank of the opposite transport car, and the desire to blow the tires, there are also the difficulty of the gun, which makes it difficult for Raymond Sossi to hold them There is too much expectation.

Fortunately, he also has the hawks in the air to snuggle.

Breaking through the yellow sands of the sky, the eagle people galloping in the air quickly approached the transport vehicle below. At this time, Raymond Sossi couldn't take care of anything else, directly indicating all the eagle soldiers and bombing the transport vehicles below.

The result of this bombing was that Raymond Sossi’s eyelids jumped.

At that time, a transport truck that was blown up, the vats carried by them, after being blown up, the liquid splashed from the inside, when it was contaminated with other things, it was a burst of AIDS. The sound of nourishing.

At this moment, Raymond Sosina’s entire face is not what the ugly word can describe. He already knows what is on the opposite side of the transporter. The ones inside the big barrel are actually concentrated sulfuric acid! ?

Digging up such a big pothole trap is not counted, this is still buried with explosives, buried explosives are not counted, you even want to pour sulfuric acid below? !

At this moment, Raymond Sossi is almost mad.

"Block it! Let me stop it!!"

Although Raymond Sossi is very confident about the defense of his armored beast, this situation is still unclear under the huge pit. If you let the opposite sulfuric acid fall down on the opposite side, what will eventually become? In fact, even in his heart, there is no end to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the circumstances of a good aim, the large-scale airdrop bombing of the Eagle soldiers should be able to explode this batch of transport vehicles full of sulfuric acid.

However, the opposite of the big cannibal players, obviously also thought of this hand.

With the arrival of the eagle soldiers, the opponent's back hand was quickly revealed. In the continuous shelling sound, a large number of anti-aircraft guns arranged on both sides of the periphery began to vent their firepower toward the sky at this moment.

For anti-aircraft guns, it is very difficult to play a small unit that wants to target an individual like an eagle soldier. To be honest, it is impossible to deny that the continuous shelling has affected them.

In the face of the series of large-scale cannibal players, Raymond Sossi saw the move and shouted three giant-winged eagle to solve the intruding anti-aircraft guns, and at the same time signaled that the elephant artillery on his side began to throw the shells.

On the chaotic battlefield, the dropped bombs continued to explode, and the transport truck loaded with concentrated sulfuric acid below was bombarded one after another.

But even under such bombing, there are still some fish that are missing.

The driver of the transport vehicle, who was at risk of dying, stepped on the throttle and pushed the transport all the way to the front of the crater. He quickly pushed the door open and jumped from the driver's seat before the transport rushed into the crater. come out.

How many cars did you finally succeed? No one has time to care about that.

Anyway, when they jumped out of the cab, on the transporter that crashed at a high speed, the vats filled with concentrated sulfuric acid had already gone to the bottom of the pit like a chemical bomb!

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

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