The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1436: Drowning person

The success of the air force made Raymond Sossi’s spirits strong.

Fighting the long-range firepower, the orc troops must not fight the Terran troops, but once they become a close combat, then the situation should be reversed!

The iron beast that was speed-limited all the way, finally rushed to the front of the enemy army.

The chief commander of the big cannibal side quickly indicated that the artillery units began to withdraw, and ordered the assembly of the infantry units at the border to meet.

The artillery unit had not moved until it knew that there was an ambush in front and an opportunity to make their artillery units mad.

Now, the three iron beasts have already rushed out with a cannon. Although they look like a wolf, the behemoths are giant beasts. The threat to them is still huge. If you don’t go now, wait until you are dead. It is.

At this moment, the artillery units went simply, and at this point, the next task was obviously handed over to the infantry.

In the face of the charge of the Iron Armor, the infantry units were reduced to zero in the first time, avoiding the attack, and the threat posed by the Iron Armor to them was further reduced.

At the same time, the camel cavalry also smashed from the left rear of the battlefield and directly attacked the rear forces of the enemy orc army, further spreading their strength, trying to divide an entire battlefield into several small pieces, and then With the advantage of the number of their Terran forces, they were broken one by one.

This tactical policy is correct in itself, but this wave of cannibal players is underestimating the winning heart of Raymond Sossi and his orc army! At the same time, I did not consider the situation of the orc civilization at the moment!

As a special civilization developed by aggression against other civilizations, the soldiers of the orc civilization are more clear than anyone else. In the war of aggression, what will be the end of the defeat.

Coupled with the fighting in previous years, they have been passively beaten, and have been in this state of uneasiness and anxiety for a long time.

Nowadays, it’s hard to have a chance to turn the plate. At this time, the orc army is like a drowning man who has caught the life-saving straw. Naturally, it is necessary to fight for it. Where is the truth?

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the orc army’s thirst for victory has reached a point of almost madness. This special state almost makes the morale of their entire army rise and fall, and climbs all the way. The level of 'morality as the rainbow', the combat power has been greatly increased.

With this as a premise, coupled with the blessing of the mad state, the fierceness of each one is simply comparable.

In particular, orc units such as human beings, bears, tigers, and rhinoceros themselves occupy a huge body advantage. In this battle, it is even more powerful than usual. A crushed posture that constantly slaughters all enemy soldiers around.


"This army of the Orcs is more capable than I expected. I originally thought that in the face of the heavy arrangement of the army of the big cannibals, this wave of the other party would temporarily retire and retreat."

In the air outside the battlefield, several elves Druids who incarnate the giant eagle are staring at the battle on this side.

After all, there are also air units such as Giant Wings and Eagles, so they are too inconvenient to rely on. For security reasons, they can only be observed on the periphery.

But even so, the result is to surprise them.

However, these elves Druid obviously do not know that the army of the orcs of Raymond Sossi can explode such combat power, and they can not be separated from their civilization.

If it is the original orc army, in the case of complete backwardness of weapons and equipment, even if it is fierce, it will not hit this point.

However, after Ye Qingyi sold a large amount of arms and equipment to the orc army, basically there was no orc army with equipment disadvantages. The fighting power that broke out today is of course terrible!

As the two elves Druid said, they did not expect that after the battle was started, the orc army, which frequently ate, could turn over at such a fast speed after being close.

Several rear phalanxes of the Giant Eater Army have collapsed under the two rounds of bombing by the Eagles.

The flanked camel cavalry now only dares to play the edge output in the periphery, and does not dare to rush inside.

Not to mention the main force, it is already the main force of the orc army to kill morale, the chief commander of the big eater, now wants to pull the capital.

Maybe they are still very strong, but the soldiers are about to be killed by the orcs, and the war is gradually losing.

"Ah, it's lost..."

Standing down from the perspective of the Elf Druid, the densely eater-stricken soldier was removed from the camp at the rear as a tidal wave.

At the same time, the elf Druid, who was responsible for staring at the other side, flew quickly.

"How is the battle on your side?"

"The army of the Francis has been retired."

“So simple?”

"The army of the Buddha's machine was not high in war. After taking away a group of orc forces, they have been fighting and retreating. Now, the big army army retreat signal on the main battlefield side. Once, they naturally withdraw from the situation."

However, this battle is obviously not finished yet.

The orc army is still pursuing it. It is just to defeat the enemy's main force. Obviously, Ramon Sossi is not satisfied.

He set a goal for himself in this battle, but to break the border defense of the big eater!

In this way, in the deafening roar, countless violent orcs directly launched an unrelenting pursuit.

Among them, after a lot of gunfire baptism, the three scarred iron beasts were also added.

In this regard, before the start of the war, the big eater should also be the worst plan in advance.

At a distance of less than 100 meters from his border fortress, he left the last scorpion to the opposite armored beast and gave them an emergency brake without mercy.

This brake, the speed of the iron beast, the threat to his perimeter trenches has been greatly reduced.

But they have already reached this point. Where does Raymond Sossi still manage this?

The eagle-bombing unit that had replenished the bomb was once again dispatched. For the defensive building of the trench, the ‘bomber’ was a real sense of Tianke. After a round of aerial bombardment, there was no resistance.

Then a large number of elephant soldiers who rushed to the front line showed what was called a miracle. Even under the premise that the iron beast was frustrated, they were still hard to open the enemy’s peripheral trenches. A large group of orc soldiers behind him killed it!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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