The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1442: ,New varieties

"Your Majesty, here."

Under the leadership of the field director, Luo Ji and his team walked into the stables.

In this stable, except for a dozen pony foals that have not been born for a long time, there is only one red-red horse. If you look at it, it should be a red blood horse.

However, Luo Ji this time is not to see it.

The line of sight quickly swept from the red blood horse, the attention quickly concentrated on the surrounding pony.

To be honest, the little pony he has seen so far, although the variety is very good, but it seems that nothing special...

However, when Luo Ji thought so, the head of the racecourse had already taken him to the red blood horse.

"Your Majesty, it is it."


The Luo series that heard this, the look is a glimpse on the spot.

"Don't you say, little pony? Calculate the time, at most two or three months?"

At the same time as asking this question, Luo Ji’s line of sight subconsciously swept through the red blood horse.

Although Luo Ji can't say much about the horse, but he is also coming from the age of riding and snoring. Look at the head of this red blood horse, at least one year old, how can it look like it is only two or three The look of the month.

In this regard, standing on the side of the horse field, the look is also a tangled and complicated look, completely a state that does not know how to explain, and finally only one sentence...

"Your Majesty, although a bit unbelievable, it is only three months old."


This time, including Luo Ji, the three guards behind him were also sluggish, and Hu Che couldn’t help but swear.

"I have grown like this in three months? Is this horse too anxious?"

I have to say that the tiger is counting their hearts.

This is the speed of growth, where is it anxious?

To be honest, Luo Ji has some doubts about the horse race, is it to give it hormones, of course, he knows that this is impossible, so just flashed such an idea.

And just as he thought about it, he saw so many strangers coming to his own ‘小马驹’, the mood was obviously fluctuating, and while squatting on the hoof, he directly snorted.

At that moment, from the nostrils of the little pony, the flames visible to the naked eye were directly sprayed!

Yes, in a strict sense, they are not looking at the horses this time, but looking at Warcraft!

This little pony is a descendant of the descendants of the Suiyuan fire. Its parents are pure blood horses of pure breed and excellent breeds.

At the beginning, the staff at the racecourse did not find any abnormalities until they noticed its abnormal growth rate and huge appetite.

As a special breed with World of Warcraft, the red blood horse is much more common than the usual horses, and the body is the same, but the food of this little horse is bigger than the adult red blood horse. .

Moreover, in just one or two months, a whole body type has grown significantly, which is not normal.

In this regard, the length of the field, naturally, quickly found a vet to come over to check the pony.

Under this investigation, the decisiveness is to find out that things are coming.

At that time, it was probably a frightened pony, which directly erupted into the hot flames. It was responsible for holding down his two racecourse staff and the veterinarian responsible for inspecting his body all burned!

At the same time, he ran out of the stables and rushed to the pasture. At that time, the place where the horseshoes stepped on left a distinct scorch mark.

The smashing fire that was slumbering around at the time was rushed in time, and the uncontrollable little guy was given control.

After such a thing happened, the horse field manager of course quickly wrote a report and sent it up. This little pony is not an ordinary red blood horse, but a World of Warcraft! A birth is Warcraft!

At that time, I saw the Luo of this report, and my heart was undoubtedly surprised. From the perspective of genetics, is this probably a return to the ancestors?

After all, the ancestor of this breed of red blood horse is the original fire!

Now I have seen the singer of this little pony, and I can’t help but secretly wonder why he didn’t think that the red blood horse had a chance to give birth to World of Warcraft.

At present, this new variety, in order to facilitate the name, Luo Ji simply called it 'Red Flame Horse', if this new variety can be successfully planted, while the stable birth of the same bloodline of the descendants of Warcraft, that for a whole Wanxiang civilization , are all significant.

Because this means that he can mass produce Warcraft to a certain extent!

As for the specific strength of the Red Flame Horse, it is not convenient for the assessment because it has not yet reached the stage of adulthood. It is necessary to wait for it to complete the growth.

In this way, the cultivation of this red flame horse has directly become the most important number one project in this racecourse.

This wave, which is a huge harvest, has always been good on the way back to the palace.

Along the way, I also looked at the streets of Mingjing City. From time to time, a bus and a flashing traffic have made the city more and more modern.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that, through the efforts of the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Transportation over the past few years, almost one-fifth of the cities in the Wanjie civilization have completed the popularization of buses.

Of course, it includes several of the most prosperous first-tier cities in the development of Wanjie civilization. Now the progress of the project has gradually turned to the second-tier cities of the next level, and then it will be popularized in layers.

During this period, Luo Ji opened a back door to the elf province and put their queue order to the premise.

No way, their situation is quite special, and the efficiency of the movement of the elves is too slow.

Moreover, because the elves protested the steam train, in addition to the buses that traveled in the city, Luo Ji also built stations in the cities of the Elf province, which were specially operated to travel to and from the cities. Between the vehicles.

This move can be said to have largely saved the 'efficiency' problem of the elf province. At the same time, under the leadership of Ye Qingqi, some of the chambers of commerce and investment in the trade of elves have been basically stopped. Purchase transport vehicles, form a trade caravan, and re-open trade and trade between the cities and the elves.

It is enough to show that there are still business opportunities in the elves.

However, the previous transportation efficiency is really bad, which greatly increases the transportation cost. Many Chambers of Commerce will give priority to the advanced cities with developed transportation after calculating the account.

Today, this economic trade has finally recovered.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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