The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1463: , drag and drop (2)

Nearly fifteen days after the orc army broke the grain, accompanied by a booming sound from a distance, a camel heavy cavalry wearing black armor appeared in the field of vision.

They did not directly rush all the way to the camp of the orc army. After Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei turned over from the camel's back, the foot just landed, and a 'corpse' that fell on the side of the road suddenly shook. They rushed toward them.

Looking at the dog-headed man who was already hungry and skinny, Luo Cheng didn't panic at all. After a heavy punch, he easily put the kobold down on the ground.

"Hey, should you say that these orcs are really hard? First, they have been short of food for more than three months. Now they have been cut off for nearly half a month. Can you still have the strength to drink water?"

For the situation just now, Zhou Wei, standing next to him, couldn’t help but be amazed.

Of course, it is only limited to this. They don’t think that the current orc army can pose a half-silk threat to them. Many orcs are still alive, but they have no power to play, almost directly on the ground, seeing Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei came in and even walked past them. There was not much reaction. It was estimated that after the hunger had reached a certain level, even the brain had stopped thinking.

Even after they found the several armored beasts and giant eagle from these camps, all of them were already hungry and unable to move.

For this orc army, their handling is of course not to kill them. After all, for Luo, this is a good opportunity for him to supplement the orc population.

Even if you can't directly catch the army, throw it into the mining field as a coolie, as a cheap labor, it is quite good.

Therefore, these orcs, they obviously intend to transfer all the secrets.

It is not difficult for Hussein Ibn to help them in this whole thing.

As a successor, their orc troops of the Wanfang civilization have secretly sneaked in.

Among the units of these orc people, it is difficult to transfer them. There is no doubt that the six iron beasts.

Each tonnage is a heavy exaggeration. The best way is to feed them some food so that they can go by themselves.

In comparison, the three giant wing eagle sculpt is very exaggerated, but after all, it is a flying unit. In terms of weight, it is far lighter than the iron beast. They want to transfer, it is ok.

Now I am going back to the Iron Armor. In order to make these Iron Armor obedient, Luo Ji also specially adjusted a lot of rhinoceros people.

Since it is a giant beast unit of the rhinoceros family, when these rhodops beasts see the rhinoceros, they should always be kind, more or less able to communicate?

This is indeed the case, the appearance of the rhinoceros, let the armored beast put a little bit of alert.

However, Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei, they still dare not feed these few big guys like hills.

It's almost like giving them some food and letting them recover.

During this period, the Europa language also said that Luo Cheng, who is quite sloppy, on the premise of using food as a temptation, the orc soldiers who are about to starve to death, quite simply recruited Raymond Sossi.

Obviously, during the period of lack of food and even grain breakage, the loyalty of these orc soldiers to Ramon Sossi also plummeted.

After checking a few confessions and confirming that there were no problems, Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei formally confirmed that Raymond Sossi had flew away with his eagle-winged troops to find food, but he did not return.

This situation is really a bit of a headache.

In any case, let's transfer all the orcs first.

As for the search for the whereabouts of Raymond Sossi and the Eagles, it can only take a little more work.

"Speak up, the elf Druid who is responsible for staring at this orc army?"

Just as Luo Cheng was so squatting, in the sky, a giant eagle quickly turned into a human figure.

It is the elf Druid who is responsible for monitoring this orc barracks! At the same time, they also brought them the message they most want to know at this time.

"Reporting the two generals, the enemy eagle troops are now three hundred miles northeast. Because they have not eaten for a long time, they have basically lost their ability to move and are not far from death."

Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei, who heard the news, were all wrinkled.

This is not good. As a general in the army, they naturally know the advantages of the flying units. Such a flying unit, they have the meaning to be compiled.

Fortunately, the other side is in a hungry situation, the speed of movement is greatly reduced. If it is only three hundred miles away, should they have time to rush over?

Thinking of this, Luo’s achievements are broken...

"Less, you bring some food to fly first, and keep their lives as much as possible. We will come later."

While speaking, Luo Cheng waved his hand and several soldiers rushed over with a bag of food.

The elf Druid saw it and directly transformed it into a giant eagle.

Although the size is not as big as a giant winged eagle, it is quite large, and it can still transport a lot of food under the premise of fixed living.

It is certainly impossible to get the hawks full, but the orcs are tenacious and each one feeds a little It’s okay to hang their lives.

The elf Druid, who had food on his back, flew directly to the northeast and flew toward the northeast.

On this side, Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei, they directly remove a part of the heavy armor, the mobility efficiency of the camel cavalry can be said to be greatly improved, three hundred miles, it is not far from them.

In order not to have an accident, the elf Druid smashed the wings of the eagle soldiers (arms?).

Giving them a meal every day, plus some water, can be said to maintain a food supply that is less than the minimum, but it is also to suspend their little life.

At this moment, the whole consciousness of Raymond Sossi is vague, or in a state of being free.

For the two people close to him, he probably noticed, or may not have, the brain is blank, and the whole state is basically not far from death.

At that time, if the elf Druid was two days late, then waiting for them here, maybe it would be a corpse directly.

As a player, it is ironic to be dragged by opponents and then fall to this point.

This little bit of feeling of the slow flow of life, waiting for the feeling of death, is really terrifying.

During that time, it was clear that Raymond Sossi, who was unable to return to the sky, had raised the idea of ​​suicide more than once, but in the end he could not get it.

Later, with the strength of the Eagles, they ran out to seek a chance, but the results are now seen...

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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