Within the eastern waters of the Wanjie civilization, a strong shelling directly broke the calm of this sea area.

This is deterrence! Directly to the extreme deterrent!

The next moment, the voice of the commander of the Yangtze River Fleet and the captain of the navy, Tong Lei, has spread far and wide in the signal full of warning colors.

"The front of the Europa fleet is listening! Immediately leave our territorial waters, otherwise, our fleet will directly regard your actions as an invasion and take corresponding measures!"

While speaking, the Yangtze River Fleet over the East China Sea has already directly spread a shelling formation.

At the same time, another fleet that had been following the Europa United Fleet was also under the direction of Wang Hao and launched corresponding actions.

The scale of the Fleet, the Yangtze River fleet led by Tong Lei, and the chasing fleet led by Wang Wei, although still unable to fight the Europa joint fleet, but if it really fights, the threat is no less than a small one.

Not to mention, compared with the Wanxiang Civilization Fleet, which is in its heyday, Europa’s joint fleet, just a few days ago, was just ran by the enemy’s foreign joint fleet. At this time, basically every warship, With large or small damage.

"General, go on like this, we will be surrounded by the fleet of the heavens! What should I do?"

In the face of such a squad, the chief commander of the Europa United Fleet is also clear in his heart that it is impossible to continue to stay in the territorial sea of ​​the Tian Dynasty.

It is very difficult to get this breathing time. Recently, the movement of the Tianchao fleet has become more and more powerful. This time, it is even more direct deterrence. If they stayed again, they would really want to bring the fleet of the heavens. Give offending to death.

"Notify the entire fleet and evacuate this area!"

Under the gradual pressure of the Yangtze River Fleet and the pursuit of the fleet, the Europa United Fleet turned to the east and gradually left the eastern territorial waters of the Wanjie civilization.

After completing this mission, Wang Hao returned to the South China Sea after letting his fleet make a wave of supplies in the Yangtze River port.

Tong Lei of the Yangtze River Fleet quickly wrote a report and sent it back to the city of Der Spiegel...

"The plan on the other side of the Yangtze River has been going smoothly so far. Will there be no mistakes in the calculations after that?"

In order to prevent accidents, after reading the latest report, Luo Ji decisively confirmed to Guo Jia.

In this regard, Guo Jia’s face is calm and steady...

"Please rest assured that there is an elf Druid staring at the whole process, basically no problem."

"it is good."

After confirming the situation here, the exiled Luo Ji turned to Lu Yang on the other side to confirm...

"Lv Yang, did the condemnation issue go?"

"After returning, it has already been sent out, but it will take some time to send it to the surrounding countries."

"It is up to you to take care of this matter. Pay more attention to it."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

One thing after another quickly told me, and during this period, the Europa joint fleet that sailed away from the eastern waters of the Wanjie civilization, after nearly two weeks of voyage, a problem that had to be faced In front of them, that is the problem of material supply.

In the face of the almost endless pursuit of the foreign joint fleet, the Europa United Fleet has long been cut off.

Although the supply of supplies in the fleet was relatively adequate at the time, the current situation, under the eviction of the Tianchao fleet, seemed to have broken into a relatively unfamiliar sea area.

They don't know how big the sea is. They don't know how much time it takes to get back to their own port. They only know that under this premise, they must control all the limited materials and make the worst plans. They can support as much time as possible.

After that, another week, the daily reduction of food distribution will affect the morale of the soldiers to a certain extent. This is unavoidable.

However, fortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, the impact is not particularly large. After all, as naval soldiers, they are also aware of their situation at the moment, knowing that even if there is no shortage of food for the time being, they must save money.

It must be said that this made the general commander of the Europa United Fleet greatly relieved.

But this breath is obviously not likely to remain loose.

With the extension of sailing time and the reduction of grain reserves, an invisible pressure is gradually increasing.

At this time, a small fleet appeared quietly above the calm sea beyond the Europa United Fleet.

"Hell, where did the fleet come from?!"

This small fleet clearly has a better sea radar than the Europa joint fleet, and they have already locked in the position of the Europa United fleet before the other party found them.

At this moment, looking at the small spot that was swept out on the radar screen is enough to increase their pressure. Facing such a joint fleet that is more exaggerated than the size of a large fleet, the small fleet. Everyone on the subject has completely changed his face.

"What to do? Escape?"

"How to escape? In this sea area, there is not even a bunker, and we carry eight supply ships filled with supplies. The speed will only be slower than the opposite fleet. Once the distance is close, it will soon be exposed! ”

During the speech, the captain of the supply fleet, the face is already ugly to the extreme.

The thought of flying around, just listen to him gnawing his teeth...

"Destroyer 087, wrong! Destroyer 087, 088, 089, 090 ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus the light cruiser 117, you pretend to be a cruiser team that is performing patrol missions, move on, pay attention to that Europa The fleet maintains a safe distance and only needs to be in their sights to attract their attention."

If this wave wants to retreat, they obviously need a wave of cover.

Originally he wanted to send a destroyer out, but after thinking about it, a destroyer was strange. During this war, which country camp would only send a destroyer to perform patrol missions? This situation will make people feel that something is wrong.

In this way, after biting his teeth, he chose to send a combination of four destroyers and a light cruiser. This configuration, installed as a small fleet that is carrying out patrol missions, is considered to be qualified.

This wave of action requires access to such a large joint fleet, and the risks involved are undoubtedly quite high.

It is no exaggeration to say that a direct round of guns and guns on the opposite side may be enough to let them go completely out. However, as a professional soldier, the literacy of professional soldiers has not shaken at this moment.

At the speed of the speed, the small fleet sailed directly toward the direction of the Europa United Fleet.

During this period, the remaining frigates in the supply fleet were also busy with eight supply ships turning around.

There is such a large fleet of ships here, anyway, this sea area is definitely not going to go, they are determined to go to the other side.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and .asxs. Chinese network genuine!)

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