The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1490: Black sail fleet with 9 snakes

Now let time continue to flow, between the seasons, with the coming of another summer, the violent storms that frequently blow up on the sea, constantly rolling up huge waves, under such bad weather, all parties For the sake of caution, the fleet had to return.

Even on the sea surface where the visibility is plummeting, even if it is outside the territorial waters of the sea, the cruiser fleet responsible for patrolling has to reduce the scope of the patrol to a certain extent, as close as possible to the lighthouse port, to ensure its own safety. .

However, during this period, there was only one fleet, which was an exception.

That is the Europa player, Chris Evans's black sail fleet!

In the face of this steel fleet, even the fierce storms of the three homes have to be retreated. The seemingly backward black sail fleet is sailing smoothly on this stormy sea.

The surrounding of the black sail warship seemed to be wrapped in an invisible protective cover. Any wind and waves that swept over could not reach the battleship.

Breaking through the raging waves, the lighthouse with bright light in the distance became the target of the Black Sail fleet at this moment.

I have to say that this storm is really a big help, and it has completely become their help, so that Chris Evans's black sail fleet can easily approach the enemy's port.

The huge Hydra came out directly from the sea, causing a riot in the port forces. The nine **** mouths of the cockroaches spurted the poisonous fog and tried to drown the entire port.

However, the wind in the stormy weather is too strong. Even under the premise of looking at the wind direction, the poisonous mist that is spewed out will be completely blown away in an instant. The threat that can be formed is all because of this tyrannical wind. Going to 90%, this situation can not help but make the Hydra feel a little annoyed.

Outside the dim stormy harbor, the pair of scarlet snakes of the Hydra began to scream the fierce smoldering light, followed by a sharp, squeaky, squeaky, full-bodied body with a dark snake scale. On the top, a layer of purple and black light emerged.

It's a spell! Undoubtedly, as a strategic unit of elf civilization, Hydra is a complete Warcraft! !

Under the blessing of the spell, I saw the snake tail that was submerged on the surface of the Hydra, and suddenly broke through the sea. Under the dim light, under the dim light, it was faintly able to see the end of the snake tail. With a long bone spur!

The purple-black spell continually converges toward the long bone spur. At this moment, it is not known because the light is too dark, or because of the blessing of the spell power, the bone spur at the end of the snake tail is actually exuding. A chilly mang, it is like a sharp blade!

The next second, the sharp blade fell! With a sharp sound of torn air, he squatted directly on the hull of one of the steel warships at an almost astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, with a squeaking sound of metal being cut, the steel battleship docked at the port was cut off on the spot! !

This is a terrible scene, enough to make people completely mad!

However, this is only the beginning. After a blow, the Hydra releases the spell again, brings reinforcement to its body, and then rushes toward the port all the way.

With the gradual approach of the distance, the depth of the surrounding sea is getting shallower and shallower. The Hydra, which had been lurking in the deep sea for a long time, is fully displayed at this moment.

At this moment, Luo Ji sees this scene, and will be surprised to find that Chris Evans's Hydra is far larger than the one he has seen before.

The reason for this is self-evident. The previous one, even the spell will not be used, and there is no such a dead snakebone thorn, which is not yet fully grown! !

A simple intensive spell, combined with the huge body of the Hydra, is enough to explode the horrible destructive power.

But this is obviously not all!

The roar of artillery fire rang in the port area. After the attack, the port troops reacted to the first time launched counterattack measures.

The cannon was combined with the powerful blow of the armor-piercing projectile. In the face of the strengthening of the Hydra, it did not pose much threat.

You know, how terrible is the pressure in the deep sea? The Hydra survives in the deep sea all the year round. It has a dark scale and has suffered from the horrible water pressure for a long time. It has already been polished to its indestructible position by its own living environment!

After a round of shelling by the artillery unit, it was completely rushed into the Hydra of the port area. Nine large snake heads took a deep breath.

The next second, along with the opening of the big **** mouth, the horrible sound waves spread directly from the nine snakes!

The sound waves of a circle and a circle almost reached a point visible to the naked eye, and at the same time shattered the surrounding downpour on the spot, and even brought a series of horrible sound explosions!

The enemy artillery in the port area, at the moment of this sonic attack, suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground. During this period, a large amount of blood continued to flow from their ear holes, nostrils, corners of the eyes and corners of their mouths. Non-stop spill At this time, if someone comes over and confirms, they will find that the internal organs and brains of these soldiers have suffered devastating damage. It can be said that they can't die anymore! This power is much more horrible than something like a sonic bomb!

In the offshore area, the reason why the Black Sail fleet will stay there is obviously very clear. Hydra, as their most strategic-oriented unit, has its own existence and poses a huge threat to themselves. After all, Whether it is poisonous breath or breath, roaring and snarling, these attacks are all indiscriminate attacks that are not divided between the enemy and me!

In order to avoid being affected, they will always stay behind at this time.

Some uncomfortable licking your own ears, although the scope of the sound blast roaring is extremely limited, according to their current position, it will never hurt, but to be honest, the sharp voice is enough The ear of the person has a strong discomfort, and it is totally unimaginable. What would be the feeling of the enemy hit by the front of the sonar boom.

I am afraid that it will be destroyed in a flash, and then a whole brain will be messed up?

Taking a deep breath, after waiting for the strong discomfort to ease a lot, the chief commander of the Black Sail fleet ordered aloud...

"Notify the entire fleet, all the predators and guns are in place! Open fire!!!"

Along with a command, the weapon named "The Marauder" began to roar and roar, the horrible spell shelling, and unrelentingly launched a devastating blow on the steel warships docked at the port!

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