The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1499: 1 show in 1 season

The practice notes of a high-ranking mage, no doubt, this is a very precious thing, but after all, it belongs to private property, and it is still a legacy. Even the emperor is not suitable for people to contribute the notes. .

After the gray elves came back, the notes fell into the hands of Teller, and later, Teller gave the notes to his sister Mia, now belonging to Mia.

For Mia’s remarks, Luo Ji is not incomprehensible.

If you work hard to cultivate, you can be promoted from the first-level wizard to the middle-level wizard, and then from the middle-level wizard to the high-level wizard. After many years of civilized civilization, there have been a lot of middle and high-order Master.

In the past two years, the refinement of Meikokawa seems to have reached the limit of the middle-level wizard. Recently, he has gradually realized that it is useless to continue to work hard.

Therefore, in addition to the basic meditation practice every day, he spends a lot of time on reading various spells and studying earth-based spells. Obviously, he wants to seek breakthroughs in other aspects. Feeling.

Of course, these things, Luo series obviously do not understand, after all, he is not a mage.

Although according to Mia, his spell talent is actually quite good, and his mental strength is very strong. If he is trying hard to cultivate, there is no small possibility to become a middle-level wizard.

For this matter, Luo Ji must admit that he has the heart to move through it, but it is limited to this.

According to the basic requirements of the Master's cultivation, he must perform at least six hours of meditation practice every day, what jokes? According to his busy work every day, how can he get enough meditation for six hours?

I don’t want to be a meditation time. If you want to be a middle-level mage, he will have to spend a lot of time studying the spells like meson, exercising control over the power of the elements, etc. These things are not allowed by his identity. of.

Therefore, after figuring out his identity and position, Luo Ji is quite simply giving up.

After all, he is not going to be an emperor who is obsessed with cultivation and ruined politics.

Now let the time continue to flow, the seasons are rotating, the spring is coming to autumn, and it is another year of harvest. In this quarter, the farming department can be said to be extremely busy.

Although there is a certain degree of grain production that has been restored to the territory of the big food territory today, there is obviously no way to go.

Under this premise, on the side of the orc territory, it is necessary to provide them with food supplies, as well as the Daqin territory that was attacked before.

Not to mention, according to the current situation, as the battle on the side of Robert Smith officially turned to attack, the counter-attacks and the demand for supplies were also suddenly increased, more or less, and needed. Luo Ji supports that point.

In this way, in the face of such a squad, even a big grain-producing country like the Wanjie civilization, in recent years, there is not much grain in the granary, and even the food prices that have not risen for so many years are rare. There have been some rises.

However, the rate of increase is not large. In addition, within the civilized society, the people's lives are generally more plentiful. Therefore, this wave of food prices has risen and has not caused much impact on the market.

After that, it was a period of time. When the quarter was coming to an end, the day after the financial report of the financial department was issued, it was often the most lively time in the whole hall.

Because of this day, they will confirm the fund transfer in the next quarter and the planning of some large projects.

The Urban Planning and Construction Administration, referred to as the Urban Construction Bureau, is now arguing that the old director is blushing and the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Director of the Ministry of Water Resources and Fisheries.

The whole conference hall of Luo Ji was very lively, and the voices of the three big tricks filled his whole ears.

This matter is also simple. Considering the construction and development of the city, according to the latest report from the URA, it is necessary to comprehensively upgrade the sewer system of each city.

Good guy, this is a big project. Sun Liang, the old minister of the Department of Architectural Engineering in the same hall, was almost black and shocked.

The old minister of the Ministry of Finance, who was sitting side by side with Sun Liang, began to cry in a minute.

Anyway, at this time, he is definitely the most played.

There is no way to do this. No matter what happens, I still have to find the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction and Engineering to ask for money and people to work. It is really impossible to live this day!

For this one who is crying and crying poorly, the ministers and directors of various departments are all aware of them and directly ignore them.

This wave, for the director of the URA, the biggest competitors are the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Considering the continuous increase in the population of the 10,000-boundary civilization and the substantial increase in food consumption over the past few years, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Water Resources and Fisheries jointly proposed to increase the area of ​​agricultural fields even Frying bases were established in various places, and fish culture reservoirs were built, and further artificial breeding of various fish species began to increase the food production of their Wanxiang civilization.

This thing, which side has the truth.

Needless to say, the problem of food, with a sufficient population base, the total population of a civilization will only grow more and more, and the Wanxiang civilization is now a situation where the population is soaring.

Not to mention that in the past few years, Luo has also taken over many territories and a large number of foreign populations.

Although so far, no food crisis has emerged, but for the sake of insurance, it is necessary to increase food production in advance.

As for the upgrading of the sewer system proposed by the Urban Construction Bureau, it naturally makes sense.

If you think about it carefully, the sewer system of the Wanxiang civilization has been a long history since its establishment. Now, although there have been several minor improvements, the construction is not large, and this early technology can What is it now?

According to their current technology, it is perfectly possible to completely separate the sewage pipes, rainwater pipes, and water pipes.

Once the newly designed sewer system is completed, it will greatly improve the sewage treatment efficiency, reduce the workload of the sewage treatment plant, and greatly improve the sanitation status of each city, further reduce the incidence of epidemics, and the development of an entire civilization. Both have far-reaching effects.

Under this premise, the URA's proposal was naturally supported by all relevant departments, and then the two groups of people immediately argued.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

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