The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1503: ‘big behemoth’ in the air (2)

"Heaven, look at the sky! What is it!?"

The huge airship airbags with a length of nearly 50 meters can be said to have reached the extreme. It is no exaggeration to call them the giant beasts in the air.

With the appearance of three goblin airships, not only the soldiers on the Raksha side, but even the soldiers of the expeditionary army, because this amazing scene fell into a short sluggishness.

Obviously, this air behemoth that appears in their sights at this time is completely beyond their imagination.

At the same time, in this world, the emergence of air units, for the enemy, often does not have any good things happen...

"Anti-aircraft guns! Give me the anti-aircraft guns!!"

Within the border fortress of Rakshasa, the chief commander snarled wildly.

In this era, players who have air units, although still very rare, can not deny that others do.

For this reason, some players who do not have air units, in order not to be arbitrarily rubbed by the players who have air units, so it is necessary to develop and equip each fortress with air defense weapons.

After preparing for the fastest efficiency, a whole row of anti-aircraft guns fired together. In the roaring sound of the shelling, the three goblin airships flying in the air were completely unaffected by the half wire.

You know, even with the reduced flying height, today's goblin airships maintain an amazing height of seven kilometers! The anti-aircraft guns of this era simply do not threaten this unit of height!

By the way, it is worth mentioning that this height has completely blasted all the early planes. Therefore, even if someone blasts the scientific power and builds the plane, it is a younger brother in front of Luo’s goblin airship.

The huge air beast maintains its altitude and slowly flies over the enemy's border fortress. Then, standing on the edge of the pod, through the special enhanced transparent window, look at the opening of Gao Wen's face in the lower battle. ......

“It’s time for these indigenous people to see and see the technology of our goblin civilization, the first airship, ready to bomb!”

The order was issued, and a simple aiming goblin airship was carried out. With the opening of the lower magazine, five air bombs with a total tonnage of two tons were directly descended to the trench camp below.

At the moment when the aviation bomb successfully landed in the trench camp, the ending was already doomed.

At that moment, the earth is shaking! The terrible explosion of horror instantly destroyed an entire trench! The original indestructible border defense fortress suddenly became a disaster scene!

The throwing of such a large bomb is something that the Airhawks can't do in this air unit. After all, according to their load, they can eat two tons of air bombs.

Usually, the air force like the fast eagle slaps, bombarded in a wave, at most, it is the defensive soldiers of the trenches, and wants to destroy the trench buildings. Their explosives are not enough. If you want to say this, this is It is a unit of the 'right person' level, and the goblin airship is a typical 'on-building' unit!

The goblin airship, coupled with the destructive power of the high-profile talent BUFF on the defensive building, combined with the two, is simply a destruction of the machine!

After a long period of intimidation, Lieutenant General Barov, who suddenly returned to the world, looked at the scene of the disaster in the distance and snarled again and again...

"Fast, fast attack! Take the fortress and take it in one breath!!"

Under the roaring order of Barov, the soldiers of the expeditionary army began to advance.

At the same time, within the hitting goblin airship, Gao Wen was excited to dance, and even he did not think that he would be so lucky.

After all, it is a high-altitude bomb, and there are inevitably some deviations in the middle. So this time, Luo Ji also sent three goblin airships out in one breath, meaning that if one does not hit, then calibrate the position of the bomb and let the second continue. on.

However, this wave, the air bomb on the 2nd airship and the 3rd airship, seems to save.

The three goblin airships that completed the bombing mission quickly increased their flight altitude and re-floated above the clouds, because at this altitude they were able to fly more comfortably while saving fuel.

Then, through the established radio communication channel, Lieutenant General Barov was contacted. After a simple greeting, he left the battlefield and planned to return to their temporary airship base in the frontline area.

Of course, it is a base that may be exaggerated. In fact, it is very rudimentary. In this place, it is said that it is to supplement fuel and materials for three goblin airships.

In addition, in order to facilitate contact with the seventh legion of the front line, a relatively high signal tower was set up to transmit and receive radio signals.

After all, according to the radio communication devices carried in their airships, there is no problem in communicating within a short distance, but once you reach this distance, you are completely out of play.

But even such a simple front-line base is definitely not built in the short term.

In fact, from the time when the Raksha player lost his spy to him, Luo Ji has already ordered people to toss this thing, thinking about what opportunity to find, sending his own goblin airship unit to blow him up. of!

This wave is considered to be his intention.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the location of this front-line airship base is still quite hidden, and it is within the foothills of a mountain.

Because no one has ever built a road, plus the terrain surrounded by mountains, unless the other side also has air troops, otherwise, the army forces want to come in, I am afraid there is some toss.

In the beginning, thanks to the aerial vision of the Elf Druid, Luo Ji could not find such a natural fortress.

After this comprehensive war is over, this piece of land definitely has the value of moving back.

Three goblin airships landed slowly, and the goblin engineering soldiers who had been there for a long time went forward to carry out maintenance inspections on the returning goblin airships.

At the same time, Gao Wen, who came down from the No. 1 airship, looked quite good.

Although this expedition is outside, the food is definitely not good, but I don’t mention it at this point. It’s still quite a good idea to bully and bully those underdeveloped technology.

The most important thing is that he is riding in the goblin airship, and the attacks of the indigenous people simply do not threaten him. It is very safe.

He is safe and able to brush his achievements and fight for the merits. He is still very happy to do this kind of good thing.

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