The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1522: , Luo Ji's opening means

Overnight, the signal flares on the island were all blown up by the sudden big bang.

In the moment of confirming this bad news, it is enough to make the Fusang generals stationed on the island go crazy on the spot.

The communication equipment of this era is far from advanced in the real world.

Although you already have radio communication technology, you want to carry out long-distance communication, especially in the case of too far distance, you must build a large number of signal towers, which are responsible for receiving and transmitting radio signals.

Nowadays, these towers are completely destroyed by the other party without knowing what means to use them. This situation can only be said to be too bad.

If the islands of Yamamoto and the islands are compared as a whole, then at this moment, with all the signal towers being blown up, the communication between the island and other islands where they are located has been completely broken.

There is no doubt that this is the first attack of the invaders!

"Those towers, how long does it take to rebuild?"

In this era, the construction of the signal tower is by no means an easy task, because there are technical problems in it, so it often takes a long time.

The answer given by the technicians made the Fusang generals sink.

Although their military also has a communication vehicle with independent radio communication equipment, it has its own signal transmitting and receiving device, but the signal coverage area of ​​the communication vehicle is comparable to that of the signal tower. It can only be said that it is too small.

When going out to fight, it is enough to use it in the battlefield area, but you want to make remote communication between the island and the island, not to mention the communication car. A signal tower is not enough.

They need to build several signal towers to form a long enough communication line. Under this premise, if there is a bad weather, the signal will not be stable. This is the most common phenomenon in this era.

But at the same time, it is undeniable that convenient communication equipment has penetrated into the daily lives of the people.

The signal disappeared overnight, and all communication equipment, even broadcasts, could not be used. This situation made the islanders who were filled with fear and anxiety in the center of their heart, and the whole state became even worse.

Even within the cities of the island, there has been some confusion.

During this period, the first hand to launch the offensive directly broke the communication of the other party's communication. At this moment, naturally, the initiative has been firmly grasped in his own hands. He gathered in the port city. In the first time, the advancement was launched.

At the same time, starting this morning, I have been unable to contact Yamamoto Yoshihe of the front line. At this moment, both eyebrows are about to be twisted into a ball, and the strong uneasiness in my heart is stimulating every nerve.

In the face of the lost island cities, after a series of confirmations, a bunch of technicians can only come to a conclusion that the opposite signal tower is probably malfunctioning.

This answer obviously cannot satisfy Yamamoto Yihe.

It’s not a fault early, it’s not a fault late, but it’s just a fault at this time? ! This thing can never be a coincidence!

In other words, it was the opposite, and the intruder destroyed the signal tower built on the island.

But how is it possible?

As an important facility of this era, the signal tower has been carefully considered for each location. It is definitely not a place where enemy troops can easily get close.

At this moment, I don’t know what happened on the island, and I’m just thinking that my mind is going to be a mess.

In the meantime, in the roar of artillery, the expeditionary army under Luo Ji has already launched an offensive.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that a series of ordnance equipment such as cannons and transport vehicles used by the expeditionary army are all directly traded through Ye Qingyi’s commercial and civilized trading system.

Do not mention the number of civilization points and commercial points that you have consumed. This method is not too cool, the level is equivalent to opening!

Originally, I have been calculating the maritime traffic route that wants to destroy Luo Ji, intercepting his goods and arms, and this wave is obviously not expected, traffic routes? Transport boat? It doesn't exist at all!

Now speaking back to the offensive and defensive war on the island, the Fusang side, which occupies a stronghold of the fortress, can't help but want to stick to the intention of fighting for time. It is self-evident.

In this regard, Luo Ji is obviously prepared, otherwise he will not bring Gao Wen this goods.

Although they are now in the conqueror's airship, they are still in effect on the battlefield.

There is Gao Wen, the master of siege, and all the defensive buildings in front of him are clouds.

At this moment, among the artillery positions on the periphery of the battlefield, a communication vehicle carrying a full set of radio communication equipment is working.

"Capture coordinates confirmation (391, 112, 209), repeat! Cannon coordinates confirmation! (391, 112, 209)"

The artillery units that quickly confirmed the enemy's coordinate position quickly adjusted the angle of the shot.

Subsequently, with a command, in the dense shelling sound, a large number of shells spanned an amazing range and rolled directly toward the Fusang position.

During this period, was located above the conqueror's airship at high altitude. A soldier was adjusting the instruments in his hand, quickly confirming the location of the shooting point, and then quickly said...

"Blasting coordinate calibration, (388, 114, 210)."

Upon hearing this, a goblin transmitter who was sitting in front of the radio communication equipment quickly began to send orders...

"Blasting coordinate calibration, (388, 114, 210), repeat! Cannon coordinate calibration! (388, 114, 210)"

Undoubtedly, for the artillery units, the airship is definitely an excellent reconnaissance unit. At this moment, Luo Ji is also unscrupulous in carrying out the reconnaissance mission of the Conqueror’s airship. Assist the artillery unit in shelling the enemy's fortress base!

Looking down from the height, the shell that flew out of the muzzle shot a clear ballistic trajectory, and then hit the target with the roaring sound, the whole scene, only the scene Using the word 'spectacular' to describe it, the Luo series has a feeling of a worthwhile trip.

At the same time, Gao Wen’s artillery unit, which strengthened the BUFF blessing, was also a great show, and the horrible artillery firepower at this moment showed a terrible destructive power. Only a few rounds of fire broke out, and the Fusang Fortress was already in them. Under the firepower of the artillery units, it became ruined.

Then, after another round of volley, according to Luo's orders, the army's infantry units underneath directly pushed forward. From this moment on, the siege warfare officially entered the second stage!

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