The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1548: Small abacus

According to Yuan Xi's plan, this wave, as long as the action is fast enough, can kill one or two small Europa fleets, thus damaging the maritime power of the Europa camp.

In fact, this battle, with the super firepower of the South China Sea Fleet, they have indeed achieved the results.

But with the gradual convergence of the Europa fleet, the number of fishermen under the sea is also growing.

At the same time, the long-term battle is also to let the lizard soldiers have to float out of the sea to breathe, and the fishermen's troops seized this breakthrough. The lizard's underwater combat troops suddenly suffered a lot of casualties. After that, it was directly subjected to continuous suppression and completely fell into a disadvantage.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the changes in the underwater war situation directly affected the situation on the sea.

Leaving a few squads to continue to suppress the lizard's underwater combat forces, the remaining fishermen quickly supported the Europa fleet on this sea.

Let the original South China Sea Fleet and the foreign joint fleet, the rhythm suddenly disappeared.

At present, the South China Sea Fleet, which has a lot of hard power, is still able to withstand it, but those foreign fleets that have long been tinkering up are not able to stand up!

The addition of the fishermen’s forces allowed them to begin to retreat.

In desperation, in the face of such a situation, Yuan Xi is not likely to continue to fight alone with their South China Sea Fleet, which will only cause unnecessary losses, so the retreat order was also issued.

After a while, in the sea area, the South China Sea Fleet and the foreign joint fleet have played against the Europa fleet several times.

In those few hands, they were able to clearly feel that the Europa fleet had been thoroughly cautious after eating several losses. In the face of such a cautious Europa fleet, they cooperated with the fishermen’s forces under Shanghai. The overall threat level has been increased by at least two levels.

After a few times, I can't say that they have lost, but they have basically not found any benefit.

If this battle is to become a protracted war, the South China Sea Fleet will not say for a moment that the foreign joint fleet that is already running out of poverty will certainly not be able to hold it.

In this way, in a subsequent discussion meeting, the commanders of several foreign fleets decisively proposed the idea of ​​destroying the Europa sea transportation line and intercepting the supply of goods on the opposite side.

In a naval battle, such a play is also a routine routine.

However, the routine is normal, can not be done, is still another matter.

Nowadays, in this sea area, large areas are occupied by the Europa United Fleet and the fishermen, and the sea transportation lines used by the other side to transport materials are placed in their own territorial waters.

At the same time, along the way to **** the supply ship, in addition to the Europa fleet, there are also fishermen's soldiers, this wave of materials, can not be said so good, if you are not careful, you will put yourself in.

This is also the main reason why the foreign joint fleet has not moved and waited until the South China Sea Fleet appeared.

This wave of risk, they are a bit eager to resist, it is clear that they want to let the South China Sea Fleet to carry out this high-risk mission of deep enemy.

For these guys' small abacus, Yuan Xi’s heart is basically clear, but at the moment, he wants to establish an advantage clearly, cut off the other’s supply ship, cut off the frontline supply of the Europa fleet, and force the other side to battle. To recycle, I am afraid it is the most effective way.

At this point, Yuan Xi, who is quite confident about the hard power of his South China Sea Fleet, directly took this matter down.

However, during this period, the foreign joint fleet is also not wanting to idle.

Going deep into the enemy's back, they did, then the foreign joint fleet as a friendly army, how should they help them play a dozen assists?

In this way, the task of attracting the Europa fleet and covering the mission of the South China Sea Fleet was handed over to them.

There is nothing to confirm, because the guys of the foreign joint fleet have been passively beaten before, and the fleet is being pressed to the doorstep. I don’t know where the Europa United Fleet’s sea traffic line is.

However, the South China Sea Fleet that occupies the aerial view knows!

In the case of clear target routes, the intelligence support of the first reconnaissance team in the air is enough to greatly reduce the risk of this embarrassing action. This is one of the main reasons why Yuan Xi promised so.

After confirming the plan, the foreign joint fleet responsible for covering the South China Sea Fleet was the first to act.

Decentralized into a small fleet, they launched guerrillas throughout the sea.

During this period, Yuan Xi’s South China Sea Fleet also made a big trip back and forth, and then quietly moved closer to the Europa side’s sea traffic line.

It must be said that for the protection of this maritime traffic line, the Europa side is quite strict, not only the frigates responsible for escorting the supply fleet, but also two small fleets at the distance This sea traffic line is silent in the sea not far away.

In the eyes of unsuspecting people, the two small fleets are performing daily tasks of patrolling the territorial waters.

However, Yuan Xi knew that they would only be dispatched when the supply fleet was dispatched.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the small fleet that was originally responsible for patrolling the periphery of the line actually has only one. However, some time ago, the continuous flight of the Europa United Fleet, together with the appearance of the South China Sea Fleet, let the two The Europa player raised his vigilance. Since then, the small fleet responsible for patrolling the perimeter of the line has become the current two.

This posture is clearly guarding against them.

After many years of naval battles, the players in this battlefield are estimated to be immersed in the development of naval warfare equipment. Nowadays, these fleets, the detection range of maritime radars are too small to be considered, and under the surface of Shanghai, I am afraid there are still fishermen’s troops. In the patrol, the control of this whole sea area is simply amazing. I want to completely avoid the radar detection of the two small fleets and the eye line of the fishermen, and then cut in. The difficulty is not really big.

Sure enough, Yuan Xi’s South China Sea Fleet was just approaching, and one of the Europa’s small fleet radars had detected their presence.

An entire fleet immediately pulled up the first-level alarm and entered the combat state. While contacting the supply fleet and another small fleet, it quickly rushed to the position of the South China Sea Fleet.

A battle that could not be avoided was officially kicked off at this moment!

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