On this side, Yuan Xi made it clear that he was on the opposite side of the plan. On the other hand, he received news from the peripheral patrol fleet and learned that the enemy fleet appeared in the nearby Europa supply fleet. It can be said that the traffic was directly changed with extraordinary caution. line.

What they obviously don't know, however, is that their own practice is basically equivalent to useless work in the face of their aerial vision of the Wannian civilization.

From start to finish, this Europa replenishment fleet's every move was clearly seen by the No. 4 reconnaissance airship flying in the sky!

Subsequently, after receiving the news that the South China Sea Fleet had taken the surrounding Europa fleet out of this area, the correspondent of the No. 4 reconnaissance airship directly conveyed Yuan Xi’s ‘hands-on’ order.

Under one command, the attacking fleet that had long crouched in the outer waters for a long time officially started operations at this moment.

The speed that was quickly brought up made them easily cut the waves in front of them, and in accordance with the route confirmed by the reconnaissance airship, they rushed to the road of replenishing the fleet!

"Unfamiliar fleet! Unexpected fleets are found in the outer waters!"

Just before the discovery of the Tianchao fleet, the supply fleet of the original navigation line was changed. At this moment, it was the time when the nerves were tight.

Now the emergence of the strange fleet, they suddenly pushed their tension to the highest peak.

Subsequently, the slowly emerging attacking fleet, the flying flag, allowed the officers of the supply fleet to confirm the identity of the other party at the first time.

"What happened? Isn't it true that the fleet of the Tian dynasty only accidentally broke into this sea area? And, according to the last news from the peripheral patrol fleet, they should have already taken the fleet away!"

At this moment, watching the gradual emergence of the scale of the Tianchao fleet, the face of the Europa navy captain, it is also difficult to see the extreme.

Although this action, Yuan Xi only transferred about a quarter of the warship forces from his own South China Sea Fleet to carry out this wave of attacks, but as the largest main fleet of their Wanxiang civilization, even if only A quarter of the strength, that size is not to be underestimated.

The feeling of oppression was almost overwhelming, and I didn’t start playing. The captain of the Europa Navy had already foreseen his defeat.

"Fast, contact the surrounding fleet and let them come over to support!"

The order was issued, allowing the communications officers in the main flagship command room to quickly operate the radio communication equipment in front of them.

However, after one operation, the result was that the face of the communications officer changed significantly...

"No, no, the surrounding patrol fleet is no longer within our communications!"

At the moment of hearing this, the captain of the Navy, who was responsible for carrying out the transportation mission, only felt that his whole heart that was violently leaping was a shot on the spot.

At this moment, he has already reacted, and they have recruited!

The outer fleet of the Tianchao was not accidentally intrusive, and the other party deliberately led the fleet around them!


In the roaring voice, the mistress of the Europa, who had a slightly out of control emotion, took a punch and squatted on the table in front of him.

At that moment, the oppressive atmosphere was almost to make everyone in the entire fleet command room breathless.

However, is he so sure to plant it? Obviously impossible!

The thoughts of flying around, the surprise attack fleet has come close, and at the same time quickly spread a formation.

During this period, the deployment of a battleship, two heavy cruisers, and a series of frigates of small and medium-sized warships also entered the highest level of combat.

However, the two heavy-duty cruisers, on the side of the South China Sea Fleet, are completely opposite the money. Now they can only rely on the construction of heavy cruisers to match the firepower of the fleet.

In fact, it is true that it is true.

In this battlefield of the sea, not only the four foreign players are now poorly slammed, even the two Europa players, the current domestic financial economy, has become somewhat stretched, and has long been unable to rebuild the battleship It is.

On the other hand, the attacking fleet that continued to push in was forced to open fire, and the ultra-long-range main-ship gun attack directly swept over the **** fleet.

In the face of this apparently overwhelming their firepower, the hard-fighting style of play, the Europa side, must be unable to fight, therefore, can only take evasive measures.

It must be said that the reduction of tonnage makes the heavy cruiser more flexible than the battleship. In the case of evacuation and guerrilla warfare, this **** fleet is surprisingly annoying.

In the face of this situation, Zhao Yi, the navy captain who is responsible for commanding the attacking fleet and carrying out this mission, has shown an unexpected decisive decision. It directly signals the battleship of the enemy to turn to the enemy's supply ship and sink it!

What is the purpose of their action this time?

It is to cut off the supplies of the Europa fleet!

Taking this as a premise, it is a method to rob all the supplies, and at the same time, it is also a way to directly sink the supply ship and destroy the materials!

When Zhao Yi issued this order, he was full of a kind of savvy as a big official. www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you change to the four foreign fleets, you may be rare, but they are not lacking in this material. After sinking, it will sink, quite!

This unbridled offensive, the Europa Navy’s eyelids jumped straight, and the whole person wanted to marry her!

The speedy moving supply ship, in the case of being locked by the enemy battleship, is completely smashed to live the target.

If they want to hide, the supply ship will have to be embarrassed, but if they want to supply the ship, they can only go up and go.

The attacking fleet of this material, which is not at all rare, the captain of the Europa Navy, was instantly disgusted.

In this situation, he obviously did not have to fight. Under this situation, after taking a deep breath, he took pressure and made measures to protect his own fleet and chose to take the initiative to retreat.

Since the supply ship can't be saved, at least let him keep the battleship.

If neither of them is kept on both sides, then he can basically drink the bombs himself, don't wait for them to kneel and shoot him.

Looking at the **** fleet that turned and fled, Zhao Yi’s mind flashed a thought of chasing.

However, after that thought, he quickly remembered Yuan Xi's embarrassment, let him not fight, if you choose to sink the supply ship, then retreat immediately after sinking.

After all, although he is comfortable on the side, but to help attract the South China Sea main fleet of the Europa sea fleet, the days may not be comfortable...

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